South Korea considers nuclear arsenal to counter N. Korea


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
RUMORS OF WAR: South Korea Considers Nuclear Arsenal to Counter North Korea
No longer sure they can rely on the United States, an increasing number of South Korean lawmakers say their country should develop its own nuclear arsenal to deter an attack by Kim Jong Un, their belligerent neighbor to the north. North Korea’s rapid missile advances, including successful tests of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in July and again on Friday, are reviving calls for South Korea to assert its “nuclear sovereignty.” South Koreans are wary of President


If we aren't in a nuclear war by the end of this year or next it will be a miracle.
Would appear non-proliferation is dead as nobody is defending or trying to advance it,,,,,,
This is what happens when the nations of the world have leaders bought and sold like contractors and do not confront threats.

The last real assault that I saw that involved the world was Gulf War I, since then, the UN and their patsy allies have not had the stomach to confront threats. Alot of thanks goes to Clinton allowing China into the WTO. Global suicide.
Seoul would be vaporized within the hour if S. Korea were to attempt any assault on the North. That is too high a price. N. Korea must be convinced that the USA will retaliate in kind if an attack is made against the USA, S. Korea, or Japan. (With the election of wild-man Duterte, the Philippines can look after itself.)

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