SOUTH CAROLINA: 6 white men jump, lynch 1 black stranger; Yell racial slurs!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
6 men charged in Seneca beating; hate crime possible |

The black man was leaving Applebees in Seneca, SC, when a group of 15-20 white men yelled racial slurs, then jumped him and beat him down, yelling racial slurs at him while they did it! He was simply leaving his dinner to meet friends to go fishing, and the white men were loitering in the lot and saw a black man, taunted him, then lynched him and beat him senseless!!! The racial slurs indicated a racial target, and hate crimes charge is likely. So sad.

OH WAIT!!!!!!!!!! I"m sorry, I read it wrong. It was 6 black men in a group of 15-20 who saw 1 white man leaving Applebees to go fishing, and they taunted him and then lynched him and threw racial slurs at him like "tree honkey" and "cracker" while they beat him.

Nevermind folks. I thought this was a contraversial, racist incident. It is not any longer. Carry on.
I'm sure Spike Lee will be along any minute now to post the addresses of the six assailants on Twitter.
6 men charged in Seneca beating; hate crime possible |

The black man was leaving Applebees in Seneca, SC, when a group of 15-20 white men yelled racial slurs, then jumped him and beat him down, yelling racial slurs at him while they did it! He was simply leaving his dinner to meet friends to go fishing, and the white men were loitering in the lot and saw a black man, taunted him, then lynched him and beat him senseless!!! The racial slurs indicated a racial target, and hate crimes charge is likely. So sad.

OH WAIT!!!!!!!!!! I"m sorry, I read it wrong. It was 6 black men in a group of 15-20 who saw 1 white man leaving Applebees to go fishing, and they taunted him and then lynched him and threw racial slurs at him like "tree honkey" and "cracker" while they beat him.

Nevermind folks. I thought this was a contraversial, racist incident. It is not any longer. Carry on.

Yep. It was all just a little "good fun".
[ame=]A Call of Truth to the Black Man - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry again guys. I thought this was a very racist, horrible crime, a hate crime even, involving a group of men attacking another man only because of the color of his skin. Then I saw I had mistakenly read the races, the victim was actually white, thus it's not a hate crime, so I apologize for burning your time on it. My bad.
Was he wearing a hoodie? How come this wasn't on the news? Did it happen in 1947 or something?
Wait...I think this is a hate crime but I thought the right doesnt believe in "hate crimes" just "crimes".
From the link:

According to one of Moore's companions, one of those around Moore appeared to try to protect Moore's head from injury.

How come these guys get charged, but Zimmerman gets to walk away after shooting a child in cold blood?
The poster must have been thinking of this CRIME:

Sick White Teens Beat Black Man & Run Him Over for Fun (VIDEO) | The Stir

Jackson, Mississippi (CNN) — On a recent Sunday morning just before dawn, two carloads of white teenagers drove to Jackson, Mississippi, on what the county district attorney says was a mission of hate: to find and hurt a black person.
In a parking lot on the western side of town they found their victim.
James Craig Anderson, a 49-year-old auto plant worker, was standing in a parking lot, near his car. The teens allegedly beat Anderson repeatedly, yelled racial epithets, including “White Power!” according to witnesses.
Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith says a group of the teens then climbed into their large Ford F250 green pickup truck, floored the gas, and drove the truck right over Anderson, killing him instantly.
So Bucs is pro-hate crime or just pro-bullshitter?

I do not know but selective outrage leanings do appear.....

Let me get this right? You are all impartial and fair yet you have to defend 6 black men attacking a white man for racial reasons..... please explain that to me?

Further question.... did the white "teens" get charged with a hate crime? or did the DA discuss " maybe we will charge them?" Cause so far I don't see a hate crime charge on the black assailants.
Guys guys, easy now. As I said, I thought this was a noteworthy story, a tragic incident of how our country still has so many white racists attacking poor innocent black people. I just read it wrong. It was only yet ANOTHER incident of several blacks assaulting a white person. Thus, it's not a story. Probably on page E9 in the local newspaper.
So Bucs is pro-hate crime or just pro-bullshitter?

I do not know but selective outrage leanings do appear.....

Let me get this right? You are all impartial and fair yet you have to defend 6 black men attacking a white man for racial reasons..... please explain that to me?

Wait...I think this is a hate crime but I thought the right doesnt believe in "hate crimes" just "crimes".

Stop yer bitchin

Further question.... did the white "teens" get charged with a hate crime? or did the DA discuss " maybe we will charge them?" Cause so far I don't see a hate crime charge on the black assailants.

What? Are you pro-hate crime legislation or just full of shit?
Damn, you people (and by 'you people' I mean all you bitchers about one 'side' or the other).... can you not just condemn the fucking violence without resorting to race baiting each other? Take a look in a mirror... the person staring back at you.... that's who's responsible for this crap spreading across our nation.

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