SOTU Thread

GDP growth also has disappointed. The president promised that his nearly $2 trillion in tax cuts would be like ā€œrocket fuelā€ for the economy. GDP growth would be as high as 6 percent!

But that hasnā€™t happenedā€”the ā€œrocket fuelā€ didnā€™t power the economy skyward. Annual GDP growth has not reached 3 percent since the tax cuts were enacted, and it slowed to 2.3 percent in 2019.

Since you won't get them in the State of the Union, here are some facts on the Trump economy
Oddsmakers taking bets that Trump canā€™t go 45 seconds without making a ā€˜false statementā€™ during SOTU

Itā€™s not a matter of ā€œifā€ President Trump will make false statements during Tuesdayā€™s State of the Union Address. For one odds-maker with more than 30 years in the business, itā€™s a question of when the president will say something thatā€™s untrue on national television and how many false statements heā€™ll make before heā€™s done.

Gambling site Bookmaker.Eu is betting that the 45th president will not go 45 seconds without making a statement deemed untrue. Bettors are invited to log on and places their wagers.

nydailynews - you into promoting gossip columns that make you giggle like a little school girl?

well lookie here - of course you are.
If the dems hold the house, i don't see how Nancy holds the speakership after tonight....
well to date, retribution hasn't "officially" come calling. you get phyricc victories here and there and something each side can go SEE I TOLD YOU - but that's it. public condemnation isn't that big a deal anymore. done choked that chicken out.

so until someone draws a line and says ENOUGH, the extremes on both sides will keep pushing til bitchslapped back in place. simply how these things work.

the right goes apeshit on queue for latina ladies doing a show that shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone at all and the faux rage that ensued is now calling LOOK AT THAT EXTREME shit what, just a few days later?

oh baby what a wild world.
Will announce that he's awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh.

Man, I wish Trump just once would come out to give this thing like Ric Flair.


How many lies will the corrupt POS bestow on the American public?

Oddsmakers taking bets that Trump canā€™t go 45 seconds without making a ā€˜false statementā€™ during SOTU
Trumps speech was essentially, the perfect populist speech: nationalistic, demonizing the appropriate evil groups (immigrants, muslims, leftists), telling us how he was going to save our great country (didn't think it needed saving) and...uh...telling us how great he is (Cult Leader) yet still, after 3 years obsessing about Obama :lol:

Wasn't it about the health of the NATION? What was it supposed to be about? too fking funny. Can't make up your kind of stupid. (immigrants, muslims, leftists) you mean Illegals, terrorists and anti americans. hmmm, no, I think he nailed it.
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Will announce that he's awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh.

Man, I wish Trump just once would come out to give this thing like Ric Flair.


How many lies will the corrupt POS bestow on the American public?

Oddsmakers taking bets that Trump canā€™t go 45 seconds without making a ā€˜false statementā€™ during SOTU

Blah blah blah....

Take the L like a man you POS.

This goes to g500ā€™s bitch ass too.

Oddsmakers taking bets that Trump canā€™t go 45 seconds without making a ā€˜false statementā€™ during SOTU

Itā€™s not a matter of ā€œifā€ President Trump will make false statements during Tuesdayā€™s State of the Union Address. For one odds-maker with more than 30 years in the business, itā€™s a question of when the president will say something thatā€™s untrue on national television and how many false statements heā€™ll make before heā€™s done.

Gambling site Bookmaker.Eu is betting that the 45th president will not go 45 seconds without making a statement deemed untrue. Bettors are invited to log on and places their wagers.

And here we are 12 hours AFTER and you canā€™t name one false statement.
FACT CHECK: 3 false claims Trump made about the economy at his State of the Union address

3 false claims by a politician in a 2 hour speech. Thatā€™s better
Brian Mast was on Fox and Friends this morning, and he was sitting next to Democrat Congressman Andy Levin during the SOTU, Mast stated that when Sergeant First Class Townsend Williams surprises his wife and children in the House Gallery, Andy Levin told Mast that it was disgusting for the president to do that. Mast then said he and Levin got into an argument on the floor with Mast telling Levin, actually you're disgusting. too fking funny.

Reps. Mast, Crenshaw react to the State of the Union and spend the day with Brian Kilmeade in DC

starts ~ 1:52 of the video above

Here's the sergeant.

Soldier returns from Afghanistan, reunites with family at State of the Union
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Here's the democrat publicity stunt again. I hope Trump let's drunk Pelosi the people have spoken.

He did...


My son and I were watching him walk in and I called it! I said, "Watch him refuse to shake hands with Pelosi!"
I'd love to have seen him poke her in the eyes with two fingers, three stooges style.
I would have poked a finger in her eye, WTH did she expect, here let me & my little but buddys lie about you to the world, now you play nice. Bawhahahahahaha

They've never faced a Republican who hits back....and they don't know what to do.

And now, a Marxist may be their candidate!!
Here's the democrat publicity stunt again. I hope Trump let's drunk Pelosi the people have spoken.

He did...


My son and I were watching him walk in and I called it! I said, "Watch him refuse to shake hands with Pelosi!"
I'd love to have seen him poke her in the eyes with two fingers, three stooges style.
I would have poked a finger in her eye, WTH did she expect, here let me & my little but buddys lie about you to the world, now you play nice. Bawhahahahahaha

They've never faced a Republican who hits back....and they don't know what to do.

And now, a Marxist may be their candidate!!

Isn't that interesting, they scream that Bernie will be crewed (again), like we care. No, we don't.

The current Dems candidates are all like Bernie, with Bernie being most dangerous for our Republic.

What surprise the most is that they're letting Bernie running as Democrat, and he was never a Democrat, but his whole life he was and is a socialist. Agreeing with and adopting "his" ideas is making them all socialists, rather Marxists.
Blah blah blah....

Take the L like a man you POS.

This goes to g500ā€™s bitch ass too.

So how many lies did the Pussy-in-Chief tell last night, Rube?

ā€œSince my election, we have created 7 million new jobs.ā€

"Trump often inflates the number of jobs created under his presidency by counting from Election Day, rather than when he took the oath of office.

"There have been almost 6.7 million jobs created since February 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

"Job creation under President Barack Obamaā€™s last three years, 227,000 a month, still exceeds the monthly average of 191,000 a month under Trump."
Pelosi Does Her Best to Reelect Trump at State of the Union.


The Fake News media assured us that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is the master strategist of our time, a veritable political genius of extraordinary proportions.

She seems closer to a 9-year-old whoā€™s out of control.

Reeking of a near nervous breakdown, it was such a bizarre display on live television, bound to turn off, even sicken, any normal person viewing it. Video replays of her behavior all over Twitter from now until November.

Pelosi is a secret agent working under deep cover to reelect Donald Trump. She demonstrated this during the State of the Union address when, sitting behind Trump during his speech, listening to accomplishment after accomplishment, she fidgeted like a third-grader with an attention deficit disorder and then, on the presidentā€™s conclusion, stood up in full view of everyone and made a show of ripping her hard copy of his speech in half.

The claque of white-clad, scowling Democrat congresswomen sitting on their hands through the entire speechā€”even when it was announced women had garnered 72 percent of all new jobsā€” are also secret Trump agents.

The entire impeachment fiasco was a clandestine plot to reelect the president, raising Trumpā€™s approval number on Gallup to 49 percent, a record and equal to George W. Bushā€™s at the time of his relatively easy 2004 reelection. (The GOP is at 50 percent for the first time since 2005!)

This is a master strategist?
What else should you do with pages and pages of lies?

Show a little class and not rip them up on national TV?

He didn't show any class when he told all those lies on TV.

You don't get to decide they were lies just by listening to a libtard media source!

When facts show him wrong I can.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled in your panties and bit you!
What else should you do with pages and pages of lies?

Show a little class and not rip them up on national TV?

He didn't show any class when he told all those lies on TV.

You don't get to decide they were lies just by listening to a libtard media source!

When facts show him wrong I can.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled in your panties and bit you!

He claimed he was responsible for the US being the world's top oil producer. That happened in 2012. He claimed he has always supported pre existing conditions, and always would. He has constantly worked to kill healthcare, and white house lawyers are arguing to end the law that requires coverage for pr existing conditions right now. Those are just 2 of his lies from that speech.
He claimed he was responsible for the US being the world's top oil producer.

No he didn't. You lied. Retract this immediately you fucking liar.

He said, ""we are doing numbers that no one would have thought possible just three years ago." "

That's an opinion because nobody can say what everyone is thinking. But never did he claim he was responsible for the US leading the world in oil production and never did he claim that the US began to lead the world in oil production under his administration. He CAN and DID claim that we have never produced more oil than we are producing now, under his administration and he is RIGHT.

This is why people don't believe you fucking liberal liars anymore. You twist words around and then claim he's a liar. Go suck Pelosi's cunnt.
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He claimed he was responsible for the US being the world's top oil producer.

No he didn't. You lied. Retract this immediately you fucking liar.

He said, ""we are doing numbers that no one would have thought possible just three years ago." "

That's an opinion because nobody can say what everyone is thinking. But never did he claim he was responsible for the US leading the world in oil production and never did he claim that the US began to lead the world in oil production under his administration. He CAN and DID claim that we have never produced more oil than we are producing now, under his administration and he is RIGHT.

This is why people don't believe you fucking liberal liars anymore. You twist words around and then claim he's a liar. Go suck Pelosi's cunnt.

Read the fuckin speech, dumb ass.
He claimed he was responsible for the US being the world's top oil producer.

No he didn't. You lied. Retract this immediately you fucking liar.

He said, ""we are doing numbers that no one would have thought possible just three years ago." "

That's an opinion because nobody can say what everyone is thinking. But never did he claim he was responsible for the US leading the world in oil production and never did he claim that the US began to lead the world in oil production under his administration. He CAN and DID claim that we have never produced more oil than we are producing now, under his administration and he is RIGHT.

This is why people don't believe you fucking liberal liars anymore. You twist words around and then claim he's a liar. Go suck Pelosi's cunnt.

Really? His speech says different...................

Trump ditches coal when hyping 'revolution in American energy' in SOTU speech

Speaking at his State of the Union address, Trump emphasized the United Statesā€™s leading role in fossil fuel production and exportation, championing the country becoming the leading global producer of oil and natural gas during his tenure.

ā€œWe have unleashed a revolution in American energy ā€” the United States is now the No. 1 producer of oil and natural gas in the world,ā€ Trump told the crowd to applause.

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