Something you arent being told what is happening in another Socialist Shithole...North Korea in the news.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da

Every Socialist country ends up eating their pets because there are always food shortages. Yet, there are some morons on this board, who think it would be nice to eat Fido or Pussinboots..

More than 30 million Americans experience hunger regularly or are at risk of going hungry, according to the Child Welfare League of America. Some 8.5 million Americans, including nearly 3 million children, experience hunger on a daily basis Many of them must rely on food banks and church-sponsored hot meals programs to get by. Of course, those who don't get enough to eat run the risk of becoming malnourished

Well I guess the rest of us are lucking to live in the one of the richest nations in the world
Incredible... the "HERMIT KINGDOM," much like what America will look like if democrats ever get full power again. Only difference will be the American people are armed, and will revolt. That's why democrats want to repeal the 2nd Amendment.
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More than 30 million Americans experience hunger regularly or are at risk of going hungry, according to the Child Welfare League of America. Some 8.5 million Americans, including nearly 3 million children, experience hunger on a daily basis Many of them must rely on food banks and church-sponsored hot meals programs to get by. Of course, those who don't get enough to eat run the risk of becoming malnourished

Well I guess the rest of us are lucking to live in the one of the richest nations in the world
How is it with food being provided at public schools every day for breakfast and lunch, because of the generosity of the US tax payer, can there be 3 million children experiencing hunger, especially after 8 years of the brown turd Obammy and his transgender partner, along with Joe the groper Biden being in office for those 8 years? Now if you really want to talk about hunger and poverty just look at every country that is ruled by a black or brown and how much of a shithole those countries are. To the left, as long as people like Nancy Pelosi can fill up her frig with 10 dollar icecream, then the rest of the kids of the US be damned....Those lucky enough not to be aborted...
More than 30 million Americans experience hunger regularly or are at risk of going hungry, according to the Child Welfare League of America. Some 8.5 million Americans, including nearly 3 million children, experience hunger on a daily basis Many of them must rely on food banks and church-sponsored hot meals programs to get by. Of course, those who don't get enough to eat run the risk of becoming malnourished

Well I guess the rest of us are lucking to live in the one of the richest nations in the world
How is it with food being provided at public schools every day for breakfast and lunch, because of the generosity of the US tax payer, can there be 3 million children experiencing hunger, especially after 8 years of the brown turd Obammy and his transgender partner, along with Joe the groper Biden being in office for those 8 years? Now if you really want to talk about hunger and poverty just look at every country that is ruled by a black or brown and how much of a shithole those countries are. To the left, as long as people like Nancy Pelosi can fill up her frig with 10 dollar icecream, then the rest of the kids of the US be damned....Those lucky enough not to be aborted...
Because you live in the past and Trump has been in power for the last 4 years.
More than 30 million Americans experience hunger regularly or are at risk of going hungry, according to the Child Welfare League of America.

I'm calling BS on that one.

View attachment 376283
Then surely you know every single person in the US and their condition...What an accomplishment.

If there were an army of 30 million starving Americans, I'm pretty sure we would have noticed by now.

View attachment 376292
Not hardly if you are busy looking at, uhm, whatever they be....Those look like "Cruel Shoes".
More than 30 million Americans experience hunger regularly or are at risk of going hungry, according to the Child Welfare League of America. Some 8.5 million Americans, including nearly 3 million children, experience hunger on a daily basis Many of them must rely on food banks and church-sponsored hot meals programs to get by. Of course, those who don't get enough to eat run the risk of becoming malnourished

Well I guess the rest of us are lucking to live in the one of the richest nations in the world
How is it with food being provided at public schools every day for breakfast and lunch, because of the generosity of the US tax payer, can there be 3 million children experiencing hunger, especially after 8 years of the brown turd Obammy and his transgender partner, along with Joe the groper Biden being in office for those 8 years? Now if you really want to talk about hunger and poverty just look at every country that is ruled by a black or brown and how much of a shithole those countries are. To the left, as long as people like Nancy Pelosi can fill up her frig with 10 dollar icecream, then the rest of the kids of the US be damned....Those lucky enough not to be aborted...
Because you live in the past and Trump has been in power for the last 4 years.
I dont remember any executive action that stopped feeding kids in school? Could you show us what President Trump did?
More than 30 million Americans experience hunger regularly or are at risk of going hungry, according to the Child Welfare League of America. Some 8.5 million Americans, including nearly 3 million children, experience hunger on a daily basis Many of them must rely on food banks and church-sponsored hot meals programs to get by. Of course, those who don't get enough to eat run the risk of becoming malnourished

Well I guess the rest of us are lucking to live in the one of the richest nations in the world
How is it with food being provided at public schools every day for breakfast and lunch, because of the generosity of the US tax payer, can there be 3 million children experiencing hunger, especially after 8 years of the brown turd Obammy and his transgender partner, along with Joe the groper Biden being in office for those 8 years? Now if you really want to talk about hunger and poverty just look at every country that is ruled by a black or brown and how much of a shithole those countries are. To the left, as long as people like Nancy Pelosi can fill up her frig with 10 dollar icecream, then the rest of the kids of the US be damned....Those lucky enough not to be aborted...
Because you live in the past and Trump has been in power for the last 4 years.
I dont remember any executive action that stopped feeding kids in school? Could you show us what President Trump did?

Well I never mention executive order. I just pointed out that there are people starving in this country as you pointed out that NK had people who were starving. The point being that Trump is the president and people are hungry. You did mention Obama and blamed him for something but when it come to Trump you seem to be a little defensive.
More than 30 million Americans experience hunger regularly or are at risk of going hungry, according to the Child Welfare League of America.

I'm calling BS on that one.

View attachment 376283

BS hmmm. I guess you never notice those people standing on the corner asking for money. Is it hour assumption that they are well fed.

Food stamps is fake news but since the government likes to call it food insecurity it my throw some off that it really is a hunger issues.
Launching a clampdown on dog ownership with a ban issued in July, the North Korean dictator cited “western decadence” and “a tainted trend of bourgeois ideology,” a source told South Korea newspaper “The Chosunlibo

Owners fear that their dogs may be heading to a slaughterhouse and returning as dog meat, in response to an ongoing food supply shortage.

Owning a dog is also a sign that you're a white supremacist and a racist
But drumph starving the wittle children's !
More than 30 million Americans experience hunger regularly or are at risk of going hungry, according to the Child Welfare League of America. Some 8.5 million Americans, including nearly 3 million children, experience hunger on a daily basis Many of them must rely on food banks and church-sponsored hot meals programs to get by. Of course, those who don't get enough to eat run the risk of becoming malnourished

Well I guess the rest of us are lucking to live in the one of the richest nations in the world
How is it with food being provided at public schools every day for breakfast and lunch, because of the generosity of the US tax payer, can there be 3 million children experiencing hunger, especially after 8 years of the brown turd Obammy and his transgender partner, along with Joe the groper Biden being in office for those 8 years? Now if you really want to talk about hunger and poverty just look at every country that is ruled by a black or brown and how much of a shithole those countries are. To the left, as long as people like Nancy Pelosi can fill up her frig with 10 dollar icecream, then the rest of the kids of the US be damned....Those lucky enough not to be aborted...
Because you live in the past and Trump has been in power for the last 4 years.
I dont remember any executive action that stopped feeding kids in school? Could you show us what President Trump did?

Well I never mention executive order. I just pointed out that there are people starving in this country as you pointed out that NK had people who were starving. The point being that Trump is the president and people are hungry. You did mention Obama and blamed him for something but when it come to Trump you seem to be a little defensive.
There is not people starving in this country, or else we would be hearing it on the Lame Stream Media "All the fucking time". You want to talk about people starving, look at Venezuela or N Korea(both Socialist), where these shithole countries force their people to eat pets or zoo animals. Our poor just go down to Walmart and use their WIC or DBT cards where they can get 3 square from the working tax payers yet never say thank you to US, just bitch and moan we need to pay more.

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