Something That Has Always Fascinated Me About Conspiracy Kooks


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
One thing that has always fascinated me about conspiracy theorists is that conspiracies seem to materialize out of nowhere, pull off the crime of the century, then fade away into nothingness just as quickly.

Take the JFK conspiracy for example. If you believe some of the conspiracies bandied about; you get the full gamut from the picture of LHO holding the rifle was faked, Oswald having a body double, evidence being manufactured, planted, suppressed, destroyed, etc... by the Warren Commission, Dallas Police Department, Secret Service, etc...

Then if you take the 9/11 truthers who swear there was thermite at the site of the twin towers collapse, that the buildings were rigged for demolition, that there was a missile that hit the Pentagon...Flight 93 was shot down, etc... it speaks to the same "here today/gone tomorrow" vein of conspiracies. Especially the falsification of human remains that would have had to have taken place.

What gets me is that the technology to falsify pictures, doctor evidence.... the ability to make evidence disappear, appear...the intimidation of witnesses...the mysterious way they get entire organizations that have zero to gain from fudging a report to fudge reports....just disappears when there is a scandal. One would think that Nixon could have used some of these types during Watergate to make witnesses go away, evidence go away, entire LEOs look the other way etc.. They didn't. During the multiple scandals of GWB who supposedly orchestrated the 9/11 attacks and cover up; you'd figure he would have planted WMDs in Iraq to justify his invasion if he was so inclined to wire 3 sky scrapers to blow up and kill 3,000 Americans.

JFK conspiracy kooks and 9/11 Truthers never seem to want to address why these teams of evidence ninjas go away so quickly and never come back until there is another major incident.
Seems you are still cyber-sore from the ass-kicking you received on the thread about the bullshit Warren report. You got so flustered that you couldn't even type coherently. Three shots, (so is alleged) one shooter that is using a cheap, bolt action shot totally misses and cause a shard of concrete to cut the face of a bystander.....that leaves TWO of which enters JFK's back, through his throat enters the body of Connally that suffered three broken ribs, punctured lung, shattered wrist AND a bullet lodged in his leg and the bullet winds up in almost pristine con dition???

THEN??? We have the kill shot that hits Kennedy on the right hand side of his head....not the back that nearly takes his head off. YOU say??? "Yeah, I believe it....makes total sense to me!". I sincerely hope that you didn't spawn any offspring.......
the mysterious way they get entire organizations that have zero to gain from fudging a report to fudge reports

There is plenty to gain from starting wars by committing false flags.
the mysterious way they get entire organizations that have zero to gain from fudging a report to fudge reports

There is plenty to gain from starting wars by committing false flags.

I'm sure there is....

But if you're so inclined to, as many allege Bush did, kill 3,000 Americans, why didn't he just plant WMDs in Iraq and justify his reasons for invading? It seems like a very minor criminal act compared to hijacking planes, planting explosives, etc...
Seems you are still cyber-sore from the ass-kicking you received on the thread about the bullshit Warren report. You got so flustered that you couldn't even type coherently. Three shots, (so is alleged) one shooter that is using a cheap, bolt action shot totally misses and cause a shard of concrete to cut the face of a bystander.....that leaves TWO of which enters JFK's back, through his throat enters the body of Connally that suffered three broken ribs, punctured lung, shattered wrist AND a bullet lodged in his leg and the bullet winds up in almost pristine con dition???

THEN??? We have the kill shot that hits Kennedy on the right hand side of his head....not the back that nearly takes his head off. YOU say??? "Yeah, I believe it....makes total sense to me!". I sincerely hope that you didn't spawn any offspring.......

What is a "dition" You seem flustered and unable to type. I guess the ass kicking I gave you is still being felt there sonny boy? LOL

Again, feel free to issue competing narratives to the Warren Commission and 9/11 Report. I'm sure they will be humorous.
One thing that has always fascinated me about conspiracy theorists is that conspiracies seem to materialize out of nowhere, pull off the crime of the century, then fade away into nothingness just as quickly.

Take the JFK conspiracy for example. If you believe some of the conspiracies bandied about; you get the full gamut from the picture of LHO holding the rifle was faked, Oswald having a body double, evidence being manufactured, planted, suppressed, destroyed, etc... by the Warren Commission, Dallas Police Department, Secret Service, etc...

Then if you take the 9/11 truthers who swear there was thermite at the site of the twin towers collapse, that the buildings were rigged for demolition, that there was a missile that hit the Pentagon...Flight 93 was shot down, etc... it speaks to the same "here today/gone tomorrow" vein of conspiracies. Especially the falsification of human remains that would have had to have taken place.

What gets me is that the technology to falsify pictures, doctor evidence.... the ability to make evidence disappear, appear...the intimidation of witnesses...the mysterious way they get entire organizations that have zero to gain from fudging a report to fudge reports....just disappears when there is a scandal. One would think that Nixon could have used some of these types during Watergate to make witnesses go away, evidence go away, entire LEOs look the other way etc.. They didn't. During the multiple scandals of GWB who supposedly orchestrated the 9/11 attacks and cover up; you'd figure he would have planted WMDs in Iraq to justify his invasion if he was so inclined to wire 3 sky scrapers to blow up and kill 3,000 Americans.

JFK conspiracy kooks and 9/11 Truthers never seem to want to address why these teams of evidence ninjas go away so quickly and never come back until there is another major incident.


Because conspiracy theorists are the dumbest people on earth.
One thing that has always fascinated me about conspiracy theorists is that conspiracies seem to materialize out of nowhere, pull off the crime of the century, then fade away into nothingness just as quickly.

Take the JFK conspiracy for example. If you believe some of the conspiracies bandied about; you get the full gamut from the picture of LHO holding the rifle was faked, Oswald having a body double, evidence being manufactured, planted, suppressed, destroyed, etc... by the Warren Commission, Dallas Police Department, Secret Service, etc...

Then if you take the 9/11 truthers who swear there was thermite at the site of the twin towers collapse, that the buildings were rigged for demolition, that there was a missile that hit the Pentagon...Flight 93 was shot down, etc... it speaks to the same "here today/gone tomorrow" vein of conspiracies. Especially the falsification of human remains that would have had to have taken place.

What gets me is that the technology to falsify pictures, doctor evidence.... the ability to make evidence disappear, appear...the intimidation of witnesses...the mysterious way they get entire organizations that have zero to gain from fudging a report to fudge reports....just disappears when there is a scandal. One would think that Nixon could have used some of these types during Watergate to make witnesses go away, evidence go away, entire LEOs look the other way etc.. They didn't. During the multiple scandals of GWB who supposedly orchestrated the 9/11 attacks and cover up; you'd figure he would have planted WMDs in Iraq to justify his invasion if he was so inclined to wire 3 sky scrapers to blow up and kill 3,000 Americans.

JFK conspiracy kooks and 9/11 Truthers never seem to want to address why these teams of evidence ninjas go away so quickly and never come back until there is another major incident.

The Deep State's will and decisions are unfathomable.

Proceed from there.
Sometimes people actually do conspire.....and get away with it.
and you are the reason the CIA coined the term conspiracy lmfao they knew their idiots would believe it and be the perfectly weak minded idiot that loathes the government so much you believe everything and anything they tell you without ASKING QUESTION or researching same asses PARROT CNN lmfao.


Specifically, in April 1967, the CIA wrote a dispatch which coined the term “conspiracy theories” … and recommended methods for discrediting such theories. The dispatch was marked “psych” – short for “psychological operations” or disinformation – and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit.

The dispatch was produced in responses to a Freedom of Information Act request by the New York Times in 1976.

The dispatch states:

2. This trend of opinion is a matter of concern to the U.S. government, including our organization.


The aim of this dispatch is to provide material countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries. Background information is supplied in a classified section and in a number of unclassified attachments.

3. Action. We do not recommend that discussion of the [conspiracy] question be initiated where it is not already taking place. Where discussion is active addresses are requested:

a. To discuss the publicity problem with and friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors) , pointing out that the [official investigation of the relevant event] made as thorough an investigation as humanly possible, that the charges of the critics are without serious foundation, and that further speculative discussion only plays into the hands of the opposition. Point out also that parts of the conspiracy talk appear to be deliberately generated by … propagandists. Urge them to use their influence to discourage unfounded and irresponsible speculation.

b. To employ propaganda assets to and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose. The unclassified attachments to this guidance should provide useful background material for passing to assets. Our ploy should point out, as applicable, that the critics are (I) wedded to theories adopted before the evidence was in, (II) politically interested, (III) financially interested, (IV) hasty and inaccurate in their research, or (V) infatuated with their own theories.


In 1967, the CIA Created the Label "Conspiracy Theorists" ... to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the "Official" Narrative | Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge

The CIA and Other Government Agencies Have Long Used Propaganda Against the American People
Posted on January 2, 2015 by WashingtonsBlog
The Government’s Been Deploying Propaganda On U.S. Soil for Many Years
The United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities found in 1975 that the CIA submitted stories to the American press:
One thing that has always fascinated me about conspiracy theorists is that conspiracies seem to materialize out of nowhere, pull off the crime of the century, then fade away into nothingness just as quickly.

Take the JFK conspiracy for example. If you believe some of the conspiracies bandied about; you get the full gamut from the picture of LHO holding the rifle was faked, Oswald having a body double, evidence being manufactured, planted, suppressed, destroyed, etc... by the Warren Commission, Dallas Police Department, Secret Service, etc...

Then if you take the 9/11 truthers who swear there was thermite at the site of the twin towers collapse, that the buildings were rigged for demolition, that there was a missile that hit the Pentagon...Flight 93 was shot down, etc... it speaks to the same "here today/gone tomorrow" vein of conspiracies. Especially the falsification of human remains that would have had to have taken place.

What gets me is that the technology to falsify pictures, doctor evidence.... the ability to make evidence disappear, appear...the intimidation of witnesses...the mysterious way they get entire organizations that have zero to gain from fudging a report to fudge reports....just disappears when there is a scandal. One would think that Nixon could have used some of these types during Watergate to make witnesses go away, evidence go away, entire LEOs look the other way etc.. They didn't. During the multiple scandals of GWB who supposedly orchestrated the 9/11 attacks and cover up; you'd figure he would have planted WMDs in Iraq to justify his invasion if he was so inclined to wire 3 sky scrapers to blow up and kill 3,000 Americans.

JFK conspiracy kooks and 9/11 Truthers never seem to want to address why these teams of evidence ninjas go away so quickly and never come back until there is another major incident.

Seems you are still cyber-sore from the ass-kicking you received on the thread about the bullshit Warren report. You got so flustered that you couldn't even type coherently. Three shots, (so is alleged) one shooter that is using a cheap, bolt action shot totally misses and cause a shard of concrete to cut the face of a bystander.....that leaves TWO of which enters JFK's back, through his throat enters the body of Connally that suffered three broken ribs, punctured lung, shattered wrist AND a bullet lodged in his leg and the bullet winds up in almost pristine con dition???

THEN??? We have the kill shot that hits Kennedy on the right hand side of his head....not the back that nearly takes his head off. YOU say??? "Yeah, I believe it....makes total sense to me!". I sincerely hope that you didn't spawn any offspring.......

What is a "dition" You seem flustered and unable to type. I guess the ass kicking I gave you is still being felt there sonny boy? LOL

Again, feel free to issue competing narratives to the Warren Commission and 9/11 Report. I'm sure they will be humorous.

Eyewitnesses that dismantle the fragile but official narrative of this public murder were never heard or given audience with the Warren Commission. You cling to utter bullshit like a dung beetle, dine on it and you get seriously butt-hurt when your lame flames and lame attempts at convincing others to believe this load of shit seems to piss you off....why is that? You don't seem very secure at all in what you throw out.

Sucks to be you........

Learn, grow, evolve.......

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