Some Thoughts on The Supposed Hacking of Our Election By The Russians


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This whole topic is so rankly stupid and out of proportion that it is amazing evidence of just who the real idiots and corporate crony hacks are in Washington, and that is about all it is.

1) Even Clapper admitted that the election process itself was never compromised by the Russians. Not one single vote was added to or taken away from any candidates vote total by Russians hacking any of our machines we use for elections. No, one would have to look at our own party Establishments for that sort of thing, for example Sanders winning about 70% of New Hampshire's votes and yet ending up with fewer resulting delegates.from that state primary than Hillary, or the GOP shenanigans in Colorado. Yeah, no Russians there guys and gals.

2) Pew came out with a survey that showed that as many as 24 million, that is 24 MlLLION, voter registrations are invalid and plausibly being used as fraudulent voting. There were like three million double registrations, two million dead that are registered, and 12 million bad addresses (which means that no documentation could have been used to validate a voter that was required to show ID since their address would not match their ID). And yet this is not THE story on the elections or evidence of our corrupt and flawed election system, but Russians supposedly leaking Podesta's hate list is?

3) The Russians have been trying to influence our elections ever since Stalin ruled them back in the 1930s with staged events, bought off reporters, hell BOUGHT NEWSPAPERS like the New York Times, and fake stories. And it is suddenly a major problem now why?

4) The USA under Obama hacked Israels election if one is to judge our actions by these loose standards used today in Feverswampy Bottom DC. Was that an act of war, too, Senator McCain, you fucking collaborator? Did we "attack" Israel when we tried to buy a defeat for Netenyahu?

5) The communist Chinese government hacked OPM and got personal information on everyone that has applied to work for the federal government since about 1980. But there was no outrage, we did not expel Chinese diplomats for that or put sanctions on China. Clearly the Obama administration is more concerned about blaming Russia for their rejection by the voters of this country than they are concerned with protecting the millions of people who have worked for them, you know, just us fly over country voters. And we have also been hacked by Iran and North Korea as well and we have generally ignored all of it till now; why are we outraged only now? Because it is politics and not security that is driving this issue?

6) The level of fake outrage and hypocrisy being displayed by ass holes like Senator Lindsey "Pooh" Graham is astonishing, even for Washington DC. I busted out laughing with his childish sequence of questions to Clapper along the lines of "Are you ready to face that mean ole Mr Trump when he gets into office?" Here is some news for that short shit Senator Fellatio Graham; CLAPPER WONT BE WORKING FOR DONALD TRUMP, YOU STUPID CUCK!.

7) This entire thing is the product of pent up rage by the Establishment against Trump in BOTH party establishments. These cock suckers are so afraid that Trump is about to derail their Gawd Damned Tax Payer Financed Gravy Train that they are crushing their own shit into diamond nuggets before our eyes. This is all "Verdict first, we'll get to actual facts later" to the point that I almost long for a return to the "Grab 'em by the Pussy" days of yore when at least Trump was being attacked by his own party for truthful reasons instead of made up bullshit like this nonsense.

This "crisis" is nothing more than yet more proof that the political Establishment has lost its mind and has exactly ZERO in common with the general thinking public any more... a Harbinger of yet more exciting days to come!
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On point 7: What do you expect from the "You'll have to pass it to see what's in it" administration heh
Podesta deserved to be hacked.

Only a dumb ass uses a password named PASSWORD.
The election was hacked is the fact.

The briefing today will instruct Trump to step up or get cut down.
This whole topic is so rankly stupid and out of proportion that it is amazing evidence of just who the real idiots and corporate crony hacks are in Washington, and that is about all it is.

Wow, it's fun to watch you Wingnuts try to rationalize what the Russians did and still claim it was okay that they helped elect a guy most of us didn't want...

Maybe you should go down to a rape shelter and tell all those sluts they shouldn't have dressed like that.
GOP governors are in charge of purging voting lists that have erroneous information in the states they govern; 30+ at the last count. How come no republicans EVER hold fellow republicans accountable?
The intelligence community leaders have warned that the propaganda and fake news coming from Russia is harmful to US national security. USMB is a hotbed of this activity. Posters mimic and echo the Russian propaganda and fake news routinely. They are willing Russian dupes. Some of them make great efforts to muddy the waters about fake news. Any reporting they dislike they label "fake news".
This makes the actual fake news harder for the public to identify.
USMB is a hotbed of this activity. Posters mimic and echo the Russian propaganda and fake news routinely. They are willing Russian dupes. Some of them make great efforts to muddy the waters about fake news. Any reporting they dislike they label "fake news".
This makes the actual fake news harder for the public to identify.
So, you Democrats are finally admitting that you work for the Russians?

Wow, it has been a long time since Stalin, but I guess late is better than never.
Podesta deserved to be hacked.

Only a dumb ass uses a password named PASSWORD. least it wasn't 1234567:dunno:
might as well have been

Do Democrats ever actually, you know, stay awake during their classified security training classes?

Maybe the Departmental Administration Office of Security Services should put some porno in their training material to keep the Democrats paying attention and wide awake?
This whole topic is so rankly stupid and out of proportion that it is amazing evidence of just who the real idiots and corporate crony hacks are in Washington, and that is about all it is.

1) Even Clapper admitted that the election process itself was never compromised by the Russians. Not one single vote was added to or taken away from any candidates vote total by Russians hacking any of our machines we use for elections. No, one would have to look at our own party Establishments for that sort of thing, for example Sanders winning about 70% of New Hampshire's votes and yet ending up with fewer resulting delegates.from that state primary than Hillary, or the GOP shenanigans in Colorado. Yeah, no Russians there guys and gals.

2) Pew came out with a survey that showed that as many as 24 million, that is 24 MlLLION, voter registrations are invalid and plausibly being used as fraudulent voting. There were like three million double registrations, two million dead that are registered, and 12 million bad addresses (which means that no documentation could have been used to validate a voter that was required to show ID since their address would not match their ID). And yet this is not THE story on the elections or evidence of our corrupt and flawed election system, but Russians supposedly leaking Podesta's hate list is?

3) The Russians have been trying to influence our elections ever since Stalin ruled them back in the 1930s with staged events, bought off reporters, hell BOUGHT NEWSPAPERS like the New York Times, and fake stories. And it is suddenly a major problem now why?

4) The USA under Obama hacked Israels election if one is to judge our actions by these loose standards used today in Feverswampy Bottom DC. Was that an act of war, too, Senator McCain, you fucking collaborator? Did we "attack" Israel when we tried to buy a defeat for Netenyahu?

5) The communist Chinese government hacked OPM and got personal information on everyone that has applied to work for the federal government since about 1980. But there was no outrage, we did not expel Chinese diplomats for that or put sanctions on China. Clearly the Obama administration is more concerned about blaming Russia for their rejection by the voters of this country than they are concerned with protecting the millions of people who have worked for them, you know, just us fly over country voters. And we have also been hacked by Iran and North Korea as well and we have generally ignored all of it till now; why are we outraged only now? Because it is politics and not security that is driving this issue?

6) The level of fake outrage and hypocrisy being displayed by ass holes like Senator Lindsey "Pooh" Graham is astonishing, even for Washington DC. I busted out laughing with his childish sequence of questions to Clapper along the lines of "Are you ready to face that mean ole Mr Trump when he gets into office?" Here is some news for that short shit Senator Fellatio Graham; CLAPPER WONT BE WORKING FOR DONALD TRUMP, YOU STUPID CUCK!.

7) This entire thing is the product of pent up rage by the Establishment against Trump in BOTH party establishments. These cock suckers are so afraid that Trump is about to derail their Gawd Damned Tax Payer Financed Gravy Train that they are crushing their own shit into diamond nuggets before our eyes. This is all "Verdict first, we'll get to actual facts later" to the point that I almost long for a return to the "Grab 'em by the Pussy" days of yore when at least Trump was being attacked by his own party for truthful reasons instead of made up bullshit like this nonsense.

This "crisis" is nothing more than yet more proof that the political Establishment has lost its mind and has exactly ZERO in common with the general thinking public any more... a Harbinger of yet more exciting days to come!
USMB is a hotbed of this activity. Posters mimic and echo the Russian propaganda and fake news routinely. They are willing Russian dupes. Some of them make great efforts to muddy the waters about fake news. Any reporting they dislike they label "fake news".
This makes the actual fake news harder for the public to identify.
So, you Democrats are finally admitting that you work for the Russians?

Wow, it has been a long time since Stalin, but I guess late is better than never.
I was referring to those posters who echo some of the posters from the Russian part of the world and the posters themselves who constantly use Russian links.
BTW, I have never been a Democrat.
I was referring to those posters who echo some of the posters from the Russian part of the world and the posters themselves who constantly use Russian links.

Yes, the Russian government does run astroturfing operations as do the Chinese, Iranians and Soros.

BTW, I have never been a Democrat.

Dont worry, you are among friends here. You can be honest with us, darling, no one will judge you.

Podesta deserved to be hacked.

Only a dumb ass uses a password named PASSWORD. least it wasn't 1234567:dunno:
might as well have been

Do Democrats ever actually, you know, stay awake during their classified security training classes?

Maybe the Departmental Administration Office of Security Services should put some porno in their training material to keep the Democrats paying attention and wide awake?
Why are you spending so much effort to deflect away from the topic of Russian interference in our election?
Podesta deserved to be hacked.

Only a dumb ass uses a password named PASSWORD. least it wasn't 1234567:dunno:
might as well have been

Do Democrats ever actually, you know, stay awake during their classified security training classes?

Maybe the Departmental Administration Office of Security Services should put some porno in their training material to keep the Democrats paying attention and wide awake?
Why are you spending so much effort to deflect away from the topic of Russian interference in our election?
Because so many libs and statists (like you) are so easy to make fun of.

Did you know the US Gov has hacked many foriegn elections? Do you find this acceptable, but when done to the US gov it is unacceptable?
Why are you spending so much effort to deflect away from the topic of Russian interference in our election?
Why would I need to deflect from such wild speculation brought to the public by the political appointees of the worst and most corrupt President in our nations history, who has conducted himself like the Chicago Machine hack that he is?

When you establish that, then we can discuss my supposed 'deflections'.
This whole topic is so rankly stupid and out of proportion that it is amazing evidence of just who the real idiots and corporate crony hacks are in Washington, and that is about all it is.

1) Even Clapper admitted that the election process itself was never compromised by the Russians. Not one single vote was added to or taken away from any candidates vote total by Russians hacking any of our machines we use for elections. No, one would have to look at our own party Establishments for that sort of thing, for example Sanders winning about 70% of New Hampshire's votes and yet ending up with fewer resulting delegates.from that state primary than Hillary, or the GOP shenanigans in Colorado. Yeah, no Russians there guys and gals.

2) Pew came out with a survey that showed that as many as 24 million, that is 24 MlLLION, voter registrations are invalid and plausibly being used as fraudulent voting. There were like three million double registrations, two million dead that are registered, and 12 million bad addresses (which means that no documentation could have been used to validate a voter that was required to show ID since their address would not match their ID). And yet this is not THE story on the elections or evidence of our corrupt and flawed election system, but Russians supposedly leaking Podesta's hate list is?

3) The Russians have been trying to influence our elections ever since Stalin ruled them back in the 1930s with staged events, bought off reporters, hell BOUGHT NEWSPAPERS like the New York Times, and fake stories. And it is suddenly a major problem now why?

4) The USA under Obama hacked Israels election if one is to judge our actions by these loose standards used today in Feverswampy Bottom DC. Was that an act of war, too, Senator McCain, you fucking collaborator? Did we "attack" Israel when we tried to buy a defeat for Netenyahu?

5) The communist Chinese government hacked OPM and got personal information on everyone that has applied to work for the federal government since about 1980. But there was no outrage, we did not expel Chinese diplomats for that or put sanctions on China. Clearly the Obama administration is more concerned about blaming Russia for their rejection by the voters of this country than they are concerned with protecting the millions of people who have worked for them, you know, just us fly over country voters. And we have also been hacked by Iran and North Korea as well and we have generally ignored all of it till now; why are we outraged only now? Because it is politics and not security that is driving this issue?

6) The level of fake outrage and hypocrisy being displayed by ass holes like Senator Lindsey "Pooh" Graham is astonishing, even for Washington DC. I busted out laughing with his childish sequence of questions to Clapper along the lines of "Are you ready to face that mean ole Mr Trump when he gets into office?" Here is some news for that short shit Senator Fellatio Graham; CLAPPER WONT BE WORKING FOR DONALD TRUMP, YOU STUPID CUCK!.

7) This entire thing is the product of pent up rage by the Establishment against Trump in BOTH party establishments. These cock suckers are so afraid that Trump is about to derail their Gawd Damned Tax Payer Financed Gravy Train that they are crushing their own shit into diamond nuggets before our eyes. This is all "Verdict first, we'll get to actual facts later" to the point that I almost long for a return to the "Grab 'em by the Pussy" days of yore when at least Trump was being attacked by his own party for truthful reasons instead of made up bullshit like this nonsense.

This "crisis" is nothing more than yet more proof that the political Establishment has lost its mind and has exactly ZERO in common with the general thinking public any more... a Harbinger of yet more exciting days to come!

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