Some seriously twisted views on free speech


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2009
Washington State
All right, I bring up the first example because, even though the original case started awhile ago, this recently came up a few months ago here in my home state. Somehow 'truck nuts' are to vulger to be seen in public and need to be illegalized. How screwed up of a society are we in where plastic balls are to disturbing for people to be exposed to.

Is A Ban on ‘Truck Nuts’ Unconstitutional? « Above the Law: A Legal Web Site

At the time I just thought that is was asinine but then a few weeks ago this came up:

Seattle Library Lets Man Watch Porn in View of Children | PCWorld

We are seriously screwed up if hardcore pornography is protected speech at a PUBLIC library yet displaying truck nuts is somehow over the line. Where do people come up with this crap. To top it off, the ACLU (suprise) is suing again to take any legal filters away:

Library Porn Is Subject of ACLU Lawsuit - International Business Times

I don't think the courts are going to let that fly as it seems there was a ruling before that upheld filters. Quite frankly, libraries should be able to filter whatever content they feel necessary. Public funding does not give you a right to the use of those resources for whatever you want, just use for what they were designed for. That does not include getting your rocks off.
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I cannot see why anybody would object to truck balls.

I consider them a benefit to the rest of us that that kind of truck smart moron so willingly identifies himself as such.
I cannot see why anybody would object to truck balls.

I consider them a benefit to the rest of us that that kind of truck smart moron so willingly identifies himself as such.

LOL. My boss had them for awhile. The really inane part is that people are fighting for pornography in libraries at the same time as outlawing truck nuts. It is insane.

The fact that the ACLU took the case is even worse. I want so much to believe in what the ACLU does and stands for but too often I find them at the far side of insanity.
Here is the argument in favor of truck nuts: Truck nuts only depict a particular portion of the human body. As such, there is nothing wrong or "immoral" about them. They should be allowed to be displayed - on the backs of truck or wherever else anyone wants to display them.

Response: Taking a shit is a normal, bodily funciton of all human beings - in fact, just about all living things. But we don't do it in public. Why not? Because it is not culturally accepted.

So it is with truck nuts.

Personally, I think anyone who displays truck nuts has to have some serious issues. Just sayin'.

P.S. - I read the link on the Seattle library. I don't think the problem is as bad as it is depicted on this thread. Read the link carefully. It would appear the librarian violated library policy/rules.
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The fact that the ACLU took the case is even worse. I want so much to believe in what the ACLU does and stands for but too often I find them at the far side of insanity.

Before you rush to judgment on the ACLU, you might want to examine what that suit is really all about. The ACLU is merely arguing in that suit, that the restrictions being put on computer usage in libraries are too restrictive. They are not arguing that children should be allowed to view porn in public libraries, as many of our right wing friends will be so quick to claim. All they are attempting to do is seek a proper (and Constitutional) balance between the right of adults to view adult content on public computers in libraries, and the need to protect children from the same.
I cannot see why anybody would object to truck balls.

I consider them a benefit to the rest of us that that kind of truck smart moron so willingly identifies himself as such.

LOL. My boss had them for awhile. The really inane part is that people are fighting for pornography in libraries at the same time as outlawing truck nuts. It is insane.

The fact that the ACLU took the case is even worse. I want so much to believe in what the ACLU does and stands for but too often I find them at the far side of insanity.

It's not the same people.

The people who are "outraged" at truck nuts aren't the same people who are fighting to "allow porn in libraries".

I don't see the connection between the two.
Truck nuts provide a public service. You see them you change lanes and drop back. There may be a DWI in front of you
I cannot see why anybody would object to truck balls.

I consider them a benefit to the rest of us that that kind of truck smart moron so willingly identifies himself as such.

LOL. My boss had them for awhile. The really inane part is that people are fighting for pornography in libraries at the same time as outlawing truck nuts. It is insane.

The fact that the ACLU took the case is even worse. I want so much to believe in what the ACLU does and stands for but too often I find them at the far side of insanity.

It's not the same people.

The people who are "outraged" at truck nuts aren't the same people who are fighting to "allow porn in libraries".

I don't see the connection between the two.

Neither do I. One would think that those who are fighting to allow porn in libraries would also be in favor of truck nuts and vice versa. (Didja hear the one about the dumb blonde who thought that vice versa was dirty poems?)
LOL. My boss had them for awhile. The really inane part is that people are fighting for pornography in libraries at the same time as outlawing truck nuts. It is insane.

The fact that the ACLU took the case is even worse. I want so much to believe in what the ACLU does and stands for but too often I find them at the far side of insanity.

It's not the same people.

The people who are "outraged" at truck nuts aren't the same people who are fighting to "allow porn in libraries".

I don't see the connection between the two.

Neither do I. One would think that those who are fighting to allow porn in libraries would also be in favor of truck nuts and vice versa. (Didja hear the one about the dumb blonde who thought that vice versa was dirty poems?)

It wouldn't surprise me if the people who have truck nuts on their vehicles are the same ones looking at porn in public libraries, too...

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