Some Constitutional Scholars Believe Mueller's Job Was Unconstitutional


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
There are some Constitutional Scholars who bring a very convincing case that the Mueller probe was against Article II in the Constitution because calling this Special Counsel had no supervision, and as a consequence had unprecedented power, which goes against constitutional guidelines in fact. Please follow this video to its end and see if Mark Levin's case is solid. What he said just made good sense to me, but I am not a lawyer and failed to memorize the Constitution. How this got around so many qualified Constitutional lawyers in D.C. beats me. This seems to have started in the last 30 years and was never done before. What say you?
Oh, the informational video is too long, and everyone is squeezed for time... Well, thanks, anyway. Mr. Levin's words just rang true, especially after I reread articles I II and III in the Constitution. I'd love it if someone in the legal community could critically review this seemingly true article because if it is true, we need to avoid special counsels to decide matters that truly should be within the Judicial Branch of the government, and not independent of it, which leaves it in the hands of politicians controlling a separate branch that doesn't account to anyone else except Party leaders, who may themselves be in severe denial of the Constitution for reasons of their own, which may include sinister dealings outside the parameters of loyalty to ALL of the American people, not just one Party that has shamed itself by not working within the parameters of the Constitutional Law with self-serving greed or avarice toward people who work hard and foot the bill, which has gone way over its spending limit lately. This is not to fault or blame, this is to seek what is right for American citizens descended from the founders as well as recent guests. A guest is not someone who mobs border crossings and demands more than the paying members of society can bear, taking away their own childrens' futures so the nation falls prey to the destruction of its citizens' freedoms to live and be by uncaring interlopers who'd kill our way of life. Our Christian forbears came here to escape those who hate the Pilgrims' religion of self-rule and self-help, and who target soft-hearted societies to replace all with a religion based on jihad murders of people who don't see things their way, and it worries me that too many jihadists are living here now with the sole goal of destroying freedom of religion for daring to believe in Jesus Christ.

We need to drop this infighting. We have bigger dragons after us than petty political one-on-ones.
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