Soldier Dogs: The Four-Legged Heroes


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I don't know if there is a thread about this so here goes...
Caninophobic Muslim Suicide Bomber Blows Up Hero Police Dog
Dogs are on the front lines in the war against Muslim terrorism
November 18, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, hated Jews, Christians and all non-Muslims. He also hated a long list of animals. Including dogs. In a rabid fit of Dogophobia, he even ordered his crazed murderous followers to kill all dogs. Or all black dogs.

So it's only fitting that dogs are on the front lines in the war against Muslim terrorism. Now a French anti-terror police dog was killed by a Muslim suicide bomber during the raids.

An anti-terror police dog has died after being blown up by a female suicide bomber during a firefight with suspected ISIS militants behind the Paris massacre.

The seven-year-old Belgian Shepherd named Diesel was killed during a raid by up to 100 police and soldiers on a flat in the French capital this morning.

Diesel was sent in to the building to sniff out booby traps but was blown to pieces when a jihadi bride came out firing her AK-47 at police before detonating her suicide vest.

Tributes quickly poured in to the decorated canine, with one police handler saying: 'It's a little like losing one of our colleagues.'

One Twitter user said Diesel had 'died to defend our colours'.

The official profile for Police Nationale tweeted that Diesel 'was killed by terrorists in the current operation in Saint-Denis'.

The gunfight started at 4.30am when SWAT teams and special forces surrounded the building believing the architect of the massacres that killed 129 people, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 27, was inside. It is not known if he is dead or alive.

A woman 'with long blonde hair' who may be Abaaoud's jihadi bride is said to have fired her AK-47 at police before blowing herself up as an assault squad first stormed the apartment block.

Survivors of the Bataclan massacre where 89 people died insisted there was a female shooter.

While Diesel was only a dog, she died a hero helping save lives. The human garbage that blew herself died trying to take lives because she was following the hateful words of a murderous 7th century warlord. (Considering that Muslim men get 72 virgins, I'm not sure what she was expecting to get.)

Islamists like to taunt non-Muslims as being dogs, but they have made themselves less than dogs. A dog like Diesel has more value than all of them combined together will ever have. Her life is worth far more than theirs ever will. In her own way she contributed to mankind, while Muslim terrorists only seek to destroy human civilization for the sake of their barbaric beliefs.


Caninophobic Muslim Suicide Bomber Blows Up Hero Police Dog
I don't know if there is a thread about this so here goes...
Caninophobic Muslim Suicide Bomber Blows Up Hero Police Dog
Dogs are on the front lines in the war against Muslim terrorism
November 18, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, hated Jews, Christians and all non-Muslims. He also hated a long list of animals. Including dogs. In a rabid fit of Dogophobia, he even ordered his crazed murderous followers to kill all dogs. Or all black dogs.

So it's only fitting that dogs are on the front lines in the war against Muslim terrorism. Now a French anti-terror police dog was killed by a Muslim suicide bomber during the raids.

An anti-terror police dog has died after being blown up by a female suicide bomber during a firefight with suspected ISIS militants behind the Paris massacre.

The seven-year-old Belgian Shepherd named Diesel was killed during a raid by up to 100 police and soldiers on a flat in the French capital this morning.

Diesel was sent in to the building to sniff out booby traps but was blown to pieces when a jihadi bride came out firing her AK-47 at police before detonating her suicide vest.

Tributes quickly poured in to the decorated canine, with one police handler saying: 'It's a little like losing one of our colleagues.'

One Twitter user said Diesel had 'died to defend our colours'.

The official profile for Police Nationale tweeted that Diesel 'was killed by terrorists in the current operation in Saint-Denis'.

The gunfight started at 4.30am when SWAT teams and special forces surrounded the building believing the architect of the massacres that killed 129 people, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 27, was inside. It is not known if he is dead or alive.

A woman 'with long blonde hair' who may be Abaaoud's jihadi bride is said to have fired her AK-47 at police before blowing herself up as an assault squad first stormed the apartment block.

Survivors of the Bataclan massacre where 89 people died insisted there was a female shooter.

While Diesel was only a dog, she died a hero helping save lives. The human garbage that blew herself died trying to take lives because she was following the hateful words of a murderous 7th century warlord. (Considering that Muslim men get 72 virgins, I'm not sure what she was expecting to get.)

Islamists like to taunt non-Muslims as being dogs, but they have made themselves less than dogs. A dog like Diesel has more value than all of them combined together will ever have. Her life is worth far more than theirs ever will. In her own way she contributed to mankind, while Muslim terrorists only seek to destroy human civilization for the sake of their barbaric beliefs.


Caninophobic Muslim Suicide Bomber Blows Up Hero Police Dog

These beasts are part of the units on the front lines. We've had a couple of campaigns up here raising funds for bullet proof dog vests that serve.

This one little doll from Alberta such a good girl has taken our hearts and souls and put them in to action.

Girl buys bulletproof vests for RCMP dogs
I've know lots of Army dog handlers and it is extremely difficult to explain the closeness there is between the dogs and their handlers.

Tens of thousands of GIs owe their lives to these animals.

They lay their lives on the line out of loyalty to their handlers.
That hero dog was worth 50 muz terrorists, or even muz non terrorists.

You give to much credit to the terrorists.

Those noble animals (the dogs....not the terrorists) have a place in heaven.

The terrorists scum have a place not in heaven.
I don't know if there is a thread about this so here goes...
Caninophobic Muslim Suicide Bomber Blows Up Hero Police Dog
Dogs are on the front lines in the war against Muslim terrorism
November 18, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, hated Jews, Christians and all non-Muslims. He also hated a long list of animals. Including dogs. In a rabid fit of Dogophobia, he even ordered his crazed murderous followers to kill all dogs. Or all black dogs.

So it's only fitting that dogs are on the front lines in the war against Muslim terrorism. Now a French anti-terror police dog was killed by a Muslim suicide bomber during the raids.

An anti-terror police dog has died after being blown up by a female suicide bomber during a firefight with suspected ISIS militants behind the Paris massacre.

The seven-year-old Belgian Shepherd named Diesel was killed during a raid by up to 100 police and soldiers on a flat in the French capital this morning.

Diesel was sent in to the building to sniff out booby traps but was blown to pieces when a jihadi bride came out firing her AK-47 at police before detonating her suicide vest.

Tributes quickly poured in to the decorated canine, with one police handler saying: 'It's a little like losing one of our colleagues.'

One Twitter user said Diesel had 'died to defend our colours'.

The official profile for Police Nationale tweeted that Diesel 'was killed by terrorists in the current operation in Saint-Denis'.

The gunfight started at 4.30am when SWAT teams and special forces surrounded the building believing the architect of the massacres that killed 129 people, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 27, was inside. It is not known if he is dead or alive.

A woman 'with long blonde hair' who may be Abaaoud's jihadi bride is said to have fired her AK-47 at police before blowing herself up as an assault squad first stormed the apartment block.

Survivors of the Bataclan massacre where 89 people died insisted there was a female shooter.

While Diesel was only a dog, she died a hero helping save lives. The human garbage that blew herself died trying to take lives because she was following the hateful words of a murderous 7th century warlord. (Considering that Muslim men get 72 virgins, I'm not sure what she was expecting to get.)

Islamists like to taunt non-Muslims as being dogs, but they have made themselves less than dogs. A dog like Diesel has more value than all of them combined together will ever have. Her life is worth far more than theirs ever will. In her own way she contributed to mankind, while Muslim terrorists only seek to destroy human civilization for the sake of their barbaric beliefs.


Caninophobic Muslim Suicide Bomber Blows Up Hero Police Dog

Was in tears for this one.

"That's not a dog. That's a Marine."

As fate would have it, inspired by actual events.

Navy SEAL's loyal dog prompts 'NCIS' episode
I don't know if there is a thread about this so here goes...
Caninophobic Muslim Suicide Bomber Blows Up Hero Police Dog
Dogs are on the front lines in the war against Muslim terrorism
November 18, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, hated Jews, Christians and all non-Muslims. He also hated a long list of animals. Including dogs. In a rabid fit of Dogophobia, he even ordered his crazed murderous followers to kill all dogs. Or all black dogs.

So it's only fitting that dogs are on the front lines in the war against Muslim terrorism. Now a French anti-terror police dog was killed by a Muslim suicide bomber during the raids.

An anti-terror police dog has died after being blown up by a female suicide bomber during a firefight with suspected ISIS militants behind the Paris massacre.

The seven-year-old Belgian Shepherd named Diesel was killed during a raid by up to 100 police and soldiers on a flat in the French capital this morning.

Diesel was sent in to the building to sniff out booby traps but was blown to pieces when a jihadi bride came out firing her AK-47 at police before detonating her suicide vest.

Tributes quickly poured in to the decorated canine, with one police handler saying: 'It's a little like losing one of our colleagues.'

One Twitter user said Diesel had 'died to defend our colours'.

The official profile for Police Nationale tweeted that Diesel 'was killed by terrorists in the current operation in Saint-Denis'.

The gunfight started at 4.30am when SWAT teams and special forces surrounded the building believing the architect of the massacres that killed 129 people, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 27, was inside. It is not known if he is dead or alive.

A woman 'with long blonde hair' who may be Abaaoud's jihadi bride is said to have fired her AK-47 at police before blowing herself up as an assault squad first stormed the apartment block.

Survivors of the Bataclan massacre where 89 people died insisted there was a female shooter.

While Diesel was only a dog, she died a hero helping save lives. The human garbage that blew herself died trying to take lives because she was following the hateful words of a murderous 7th century warlord. (Considering that Muslim men get 72 virgins, I'm not sure what she was expecting to get.)

Islamists like to taunt non-Muslims as being dogs, but they have made themselves less than dogs. A dog like Diesel has more value than all of them combined together will ever have. Her life is worth far more than theirs ever will. In her own way she contributed to mankind, while Muslim terrorists only seek to destroy human civilization for the sake of their barbaric beliefs.


Caninophobic Muslim Suicide Bomber Blows Up Hero Police Dog

Was in tears for this one.

"That's not a dog. That's a Marine."

As fate would have it, inspired by actual events.

Navy SEAL's loyal dog prompts 'NCIS' episode

That all our lives would be remembered as being so honorable.

Great clip.
A bump for a noble animal who deserves our attention...much more than the scum whose took Diesel's life.

She'll be waiting at the rainbow bridge to cross for those who cared for and about her. In the meantime, I am certain God provides a good life for them while they wait.

The Rainbow Bridge Poem
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Dozens of bomb sniffing dogs 'killed by American security company in Kuwait after its contract with oil firm ended'
* At least 24 dogs were killed by Eastern Securities, animal campaigners said
* US firm accused of killing them after contract with Kuwaiti oil firm ended
* Workers had not been paid for two months so allegedly took action
* Employee claims the dogs were sick and some were meant to be put down
* But colleague 'jumped the gun' and slaughtered them all in one go, he said
* Grim photos show piles of dead dogs and worker stood on top of a body

Dozens of bomb sniffing dogs have been killed by an American security company after its contract with an oil firm ended, animal rights activists have claimed. Eastern Securities of Kuwait has been accused of murdering the dogs because they were no longer needed after its deal with Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) ran out. At least 24 dogs were slaughtered. Pictures of their dead bodies were posted on Facebook, including an image showing a worker standing on top of one of the canines. One horrifying picture shows the dead dogs piled up, while another shows two gloating workers standing over one of the animals.

Animal rights campaigner Esmail Al Misri, who has called for the security firm to be prosecuted, told the Arab Times that 90 more dogs could be killed. He said workers killed the hounds because they had not been paid for two months after the firm's contract with KNPC ended. 'We know how dogs that are well-fed and well taken care of look. The photos were taken immediately after the incident so we can rule out dehydration as a cause of their sickly state,' Mr Al Misri said, implying they were killed.

An Eastern Securities worker said the company was meant to humanely euthanize the dogs in small groups, but another employee 'jumped the gun' and killed them all in one go. He confirmed to the Arab Times that workers had not been paid and that the contract with KNPC had ended, but said this was not the reason the bomb sniffing dogs were killed. He claimed they were killed because they were ill or old, saying some had tumors, cataracts and problems with their hip joints.

The security firm employee also claimed a handful of the canines were put down because they were too aggressive. 'These dogs were suffering in the condition they were in. In my opinion, this should have been done a year ago,' the anonymous worker said. He also claimed the company asked animal welfare groups in Kuwait to adopt the dogs, but they said no. It is not clear how the dogs were killed. Daily Mail Online has contacted Eastern Securities of Kuwait for comment. KNPC told Kuwait's state news agency that it was not involved with the killings. It said the dogs had recently failed on a test of their ability to sniff out explosives.

Dozens of bomb sniffing dogs 'killed by US security company' in Kuwait

See also:

Outrage as 24 dogs ‘culled’ – ‘Canines victim of revenge’
June 19,`16: 24 dogs of the K9 Division of a private security company were killed on Thursday, June 17 in Shuaiba, sparking outrage when photos of were made public on social media over the weekend.
A concerned Kuwaiti citizen, Esmail Al Misri, has lodged a criminal case that is now awaiting investigation by the authorities. Speaking to the Arab Times, he shared that the killing was seemingly motivated by revenge because workers had not been paid their salaries since April 2016 on account of a contract being revoked. Photographs circulating on the internet show the sickly frames of some dogs, casting speculation on the conditions they were kept in. “We know how dogs that are well-fed and well taken care of look. The photos were taken immediately after the incident so we can rule out dehydration as a cause of their sickly state”, Al Misri stated. He expressed concerns that a further 90 dogs were awaiting a similar fate and hoped that intervention would come in time.

The Arab Times contacted the security company and an employee, with firsthand knowledge of the situation and speaking on condition of anonymity, stressed that a lot of falsehoods were being spread online. He revealed that while handlers had not been paid for two months and a contract had been lost, there were other contracts in play and the dogs had been humanely euthanized solely for medical reasons. He informed that all of the dogs that were selected to be put down were old and retired from service on account of medical conditions that included tumours, cataracts, chronic diarrhoea, hip dysplasia, while others were too aggressive. He claimed that the dogs had been seen by vets and diagnosed with these issues two years ago.

He also stated that the company had explored other alternatives and contacted animal welfare societies in Kuwait to facilitate the adoption of the dogs but all these attempts were unsuccessful. “These dogs were suffering in the condition they were in. In my opinion, this should have been done a year ago”, he said. He shared that in the past eight years, two dogs had been put down when their aggressive behaviour had become a liability while others had died of natural causes.

He did concede that mistakes had been made and the company was caught off guard in this situation, “The company had taken steps to euthanize small groups of dogs over a period of time but a member of our kennel staff jumped the gun and euthanized them all at once. He has been terminated for going against the procedure.” The executive strongly denied allegations that more dogs will be put down.

Outrage as 24 dogs ‘culled’ - ‘Canines victim of revenge’ - ARAB TIMES

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