Solar Takes a Huge Hit


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
When you have to really upon government for something, at one point or another you're going to be greatly disappointed.

(Reuters) - China’s unexpected move to slash incentives for solar power has sent stocks into a free fall and prompted analysts to lower forecasts for global installations this year amid expectations that a glut of excess panels would send prices tumbling.

Global solar forecasts lowered as China cuts support policies
Solar turns out to be dirtier than oil when you consider the battery disposal problems. Maybe the big brains will finally figure out that ocean waves and river currents can spin more wheels than any other energy source on the planet and start using them.
Solar turns out to be dirtier than oil when you consider the battery disposal problems. Maybe the big brains will finally figure out that ocean waves and river currents can spin more wheels than any other energy source on the planet and start using them.
Hydro also has problems as in reducing the catch but it is still the best thing short of fusion that we can build.
Solar turns out to be dirtier than oil when you consider the battery disposal problems. Maybe the big brains will finally figure out that ocean waves and river currents can spin more wheels than any other energy source on the planet and start using them.
Hydro also has problems as in reducing the catch but it is still the best thing short of fusion that we can build.

Agree except for the nuclear waste disposal (keeping it buried far away from ground water) and safe from terror attack. The hydro I'm speaking to is off every ocean coast and every inland river in America. It's so clean it's's constant, reliable, and doesn't impact nature in any way.
True but it needs to be paired with Aqua culture to keep the cost of food down. Also puree of fish from going through the turbine literally causes a big stink It's the right way to go but the Devil is in the details.
True but it needs to be paired with Aqua culture to keep the cost of food down. Also puree of fish from going through the turbine literally causes a big stink It's the right way to go but the Devil is in the details.

Nah, they can build adequate screens to keep fish away from the paddle-wheel...the turbines themselves will be onshore. It's already happening and with a massive infusion of private investment cash, could be replacing wind and solar (the great bird killers) within a decade.
True but it needs to be paired with Aqua culture to keep the cost of food down. Also puree of fish from going through the turbine literally causes a big stink It's the right way to go but the Devil is in the details.

Nah, they can build adequate screens to keep fish away from the paddle-wheel...the turbines themselves will be onshore. It's already happening and with a massive infusion of private investment cash, could be replacing wind and solar (the great bird killers) within a decade.
That should work well in the desert.
Solar turns out to be dirtier than oil when you consider the battery disposal problems. Maybe the big brains will finally figure out that ocean waves and river currents can spin more wheels than any other energy source on the planet and start using them.
Real stupid. We just take all of all our lead acid batteries and throw them into the land fill when they are done? The lithium batteries are also capable of being recycled. The percentage of nickel and cobalt in them is higher than that of the ores of either metal.
Solar turns out to be dirtier than oil when you consider the battery disposal problems. Maybe the big brains will finally figure out that ocean waves and river currents can spin more wheels than any other energy source on the planet and start using them.
Hydro also has problems as in reducing the catch but it is still the best thing short of fusion that we can build.

Agree except for the nuclear waste disposal (keeping it buried far away from ground water) and safe from terror attack. The hydro I'm speaking to is off every ocean coast and every inland river in America. It's so clean it's's constant, reliable, and doesn't impact nature in any way.

The rivers and oceans do not flow fast enough to generate power. You generate electricity by restricting the flow of the river or ocean through dams. Low level dams simply cannot generate electricity. Have you ever looked at a hydroelectric dam? It is very tall! Why? It has to be!

Want the physics behind it?

Check out this website:

How Much Dam Energy Can We Get? | Do the Math
Solar turns out to be dirtier than oil when you consider the battery disposal problems. Maybe the big brains will finally figure out that ocean waves and river currents can spin more wheels than any other energy source on the planet and start using them.
Hydro also has problems as in reducing the catch but it is still the best thing short of fusion that we can build.

Agree except for the nuclear waste disposal (keeping it buried far away from ground water) and safe from terror attack. The hydro I'm speaking to is off every ocean coast and every inland river in America. It's so clean it's's constant, reliable, and doesn't impact nature in any way.

The rivers and oceans do not flow fast enough to generate power. You generate electricity by restricting the flow of the river or ocean through dams. Low level dams simply cannot generate electricity. Have you ever looked at a hydroelectric dam? It is very tall! Why? It has to be!

Want the physics behind it?

Check out this website:

How Much Dam Energy Can We Get? | Do the Math
Also there is the little matter of geological hazards. Certain types of rock will not stand up to water under pressure. Like rhyolite, gypsum. Then there is the matter of valleys that are over faults. If the fault has a rubble zone, then the water under pressure will excavate that zone and collapse the dam. And, in a valley with an unstable mountain side bordering it, the dam can hold, but the water slop right over the top and take out towns below. Ask the Italians about that hazard.
All energy sources should be explored and invested in if they show real promise. Diversification is smart.

Portraying emerging technology as a dead end and waste of money just because it isn't perfect or the most cost effective immediately is short sighted and idiotic.
The rivers and oceans do not flow fast enough to generate power. You generate electricity by restricting the flow of the river or ocean through dams. Low level dams simply cannot generate electricity. Have you ever looked at a hydroelectric dam? It is very tall! Why? It has to be!

Want the physics behind it?

Check out this website:

How Much Dam Energy Can We Get? | Do the Math

Your link is 7 years old. You don't have to build a 200' tall dam to restrict river can simply build narrow channels every 3 miles or so that can easily spin a turbine with proper gearing. The space between the channels give the river fish, crabs, turtles, etc enough calm water to stay healthy and a hell of a ride if they want to shoot the pipeline. With hundreds of these turbines spinning, the accumulated electricity would be significant. I never heard of anybody damming an ocean. Ocean tides are totally predictable and flow in both directions. If you've ever stood waste deep in the Atlantic you'd know how strong the undertow can be.....more than strong enough to spin a series of hundreds of paddle wheels in key locations up and down the east and west coasts and the Great Lakes. No batteries, no pollution, no environmental impact of any significance. Even the argument that only the coastal states could benefit is silly.....look at where the major population centers are.
The rivers and oceans do not flow fast enough to generate power. You generate electricity by restricting the flow of the river or ocean through dams. Low level dams simply cannot generate electricity. Have you ever looked at a hydroelectric dam? It is very tall! Why? It has to be!

Want the physics behind it?

Check out this website:

How Much Dam Energy Can We Get? | Do the Math

Your link is 7 years old. You don't have to build a 200' tall dam to restrict river can simply build narrow channels every 3 miles or so that can easily spin a turbine with proper gearing. The space between the channels give the river fish, crabs, turtles, etc enough calm water to stay healthy and a hell of a ride if they want to shoot the pipeline. With hundreds of these turbines spinning, the accumulated electricity would be significant. I never heard of anybody damming an ocean. Ocean tides are totally predictable and flow in both directions. If you've ever stood waste deep in the Atlantic you'd know how strong the undertow can be.....more than strong enough to spin a series of hundreds of paddle wheels in key locations up and down the east and west coasts and the Great Lakes. No batteries, no pollution, no environmental impact of any significance. Even the argument that only the coastal states could benefit is silly.....look at where the major population centers are.

Do you know why these projects have not been built? They don't work as well as you think they do. The age of the website does not change the laws of physics. You didn't read the link!
Do you know why these projects have not been built? They don't work as well as you think they do. The age of the website does not change the laws of physics. You didn't read the link!

I read your link...didn't agree with it....7 year old conventional thinking from a pro-solar nobody. These projects haven't been built because solar and wind were promoted by the Kenyan idiot who wasted our money on the junk science of Gorebal warming, while doing nothing about China and it's slave labor selling solar panels below-cost to crush any American attempt to compete. There have been several hydro pilot-projects proving it's viability and it's blood simple....get water moving and it will spin a wheel.
Do you know why these projects have not been built? They don't work as well as you think they do. The age of the website does not change the laws of physics. You didn't read the link!

I read your link...didn't agree with it....7 year old conventional thinking from a pro-solar nobody. These projects haven't been built because solar and wind were promoted by the Kenyan idiot who wasted our money on the junk science of Gorebal warming, while doing nothing about China and it's slave labor selling solar panels below-cost to crush any American attempt to compete. There have been several hydro pilot-projects proving it's viability and it's blood simple....get water moving and it will spin a wheel.

I am sorry that you have not had the education needed to understand the laws of physics. A river flowing at a leisurely 2mph does not have enough energy to produce electricity. All the numbers were in that link.

To produce electricity on my ship, we raised the pressure of the steam to 1200 psi to turn turbine blades to produce electricity. You think you can produce that energy from a river flowing slowly down hill over hundreds and thousands of miles. It just doesn't work like that! The water in your typical hydroelectric dam moves like your car at highway speeds.

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