Solar scientists say the "Grand Minimum" will cause a mini ice age next few years..

Anyone making a living off of this climate bullshit needs to be classified as mentally deficient along with the likes of the retards thinking their sex is changeable.
[Was watching Science Channel regarding the solar eclipse and a very interesting point was made.
Over the years sunspots have a cycle when there are years when there are many sunspots and years where there are very few if any.
It is called the "Grand Minimum".
Abrupt onset of the Little Ice Age triggered by volcanism and sustained by sea-ice/ocean feedbacks,” published on 31 January 2012
From a comment on the Ice Age Now Post:
From what I see on this page it sounds like the researchers are not aware of what causes the increased volcanic activity and earthquakes in the first place. Namely a very weak solar cycle is directly linked to a substantial increase in volcanic activity. The “experts” are still having a hard time connecting the dots.
The Next Grand Minimum
View attachment 145286
Notice the period from 1400 to 1800 known as the "little Ice Age"...
Here are some pictures from that time that the Thames river froze over.
When has the Thames froze over?
In the 200 years that have elapsed since, the Thames has never frozen solid enough for such hedonism to be repeated. But between 1309 and 1814, the Thames froze at least 23 times and on five of these occasions -1683-4, 1716, 1739-40, 1789 and 1814 - the ice was thick enough to hold a fair.Jan 28, 2014
View attachment 145288
Nice graph, for a 3rd grader. So, you claim that the solar sunspot cycle controls volcanic activity. Do you have a mechanism for that? Do you have a link to the correlation data?
Nice graph, for a 3rd grader. So, you claim that the solar sunspot cycle controls volcanic activity. Do you have a mechanism for that? Do you have a link to the correlation data?
YOU are such an IDIOT!!!! I am not making any claims!
"We know these sunspots belong to the next solar cycle because of their magnetic polarity. Simply put, they are backwards. According to Hale’s Law, sunspot polarities flip-flop from one solar cycle to the next. During old Solar Cycle 24, we grew accustomed to sunspots in the sun’s southern hemisphere having a -/+ pattern. However, look at today’s southern sunspot:
Now the problem is YOU don't understand a word of the above so I'll put it into a 3rd grade comprehension!
The Sun has sunspots which reduce the amount of sunlight.
This has been recognized since Maunder Minimum of the 17th century.
The largest recent event -- the “Maunder Minimum,” which lasted from 1645 and 1715 — overlapped with the “Little Ice Age” (13th to mid-19th century). While scientists continue to research whether an extended solar minimum could have contributed to cooling the climate, there is little evidence that the Maunder Minimum sparked the Little Ice Age, or at least not entirely by itself (notably, the Little Ice Age began before the Maunder Minimum). Current theories on what caused the Little Ice Age consider that a variety of events could have contributed, with natural fluctuations in ocean circulation, changes in land use by humans and cooling from a less active sun also playing roles; overall, cooling caused by volcanic aerosols likely played the title role.
So little 3rd grader, based on "climate change" protocol, a "Little Ice Age" maybe possible, i.e.
meaning the earth's temperature of 1.5° centigrade due to CO2 emissions maybe reduced.
So this is not accepted "science" by NASA or other science organizations, but here are some photos of what this would mean:
The Little Ice Age was a period of regional cooling, particularly pronounced in the North Atlantic region. It was not a true ice age of global extent. The term was introduced into scientific literature by François E. Matthes in 1939
Screen Shot 2024-06-29 at 8.46.53 AM.png
And you are a perfect example!
You make a comment as if you are the expert which is the classic description of:
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities.
The Crick is a troll. Place it on ignore and it will die.

It adds no content to any discussion. Just stop feeding it.
And you are a perfect example!
You make a comment as if you are the expert which is the classic description of:
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities.
I believe it is that they overestimate their own abilities in relation to others. That is, the ignorant believe they are smarter than the actual experts.

YOU are such an IDIOT!!!! I am not making any claims!
Mmm... you are posting the claims of others. In this next of the woods, I believe that is the same thing.
"We know these sunspots belong to the next solar cycle because of their magnetic polarity. Simply put, they are backwards. According to Hale’s Law, sunspot polarities flip-flop from one solar cycle to the next. During old Solar Cycle 24, we grew accustomed to sunspots in the sun’s southern hemisphere having a -/+ pattern. However, look at today’s southern sunspot:
Now the problem is YOU don't understand a word of the above so I'll put it into a 3rd grade comprehension!
I have no problem with that text.
The Sun has sunspots which reduce the amount of sunlight.
This has been recognized since Maunder Minimum of the 17th century.
The largest recent event -- the “Maunder Minimum,” which lasted from 1645 and 1715 — overlapped with the “Little Ice Age” (13th to mid-19th century). While scientists continue to research whether an extended solar minimum could have contributed to cooling the climate, there is little evidence that the Maunder Minimum sparked the Little Ice Age, or at least not entirely by itself (notably, the Little Ice Age began before the Maunder Minimum). Current theories on what caused the Little Ice Age consider that a variety of events could have contributed, with natural fluctuations in ocean circulation,
All events have causes. Ocean circulation does not fluctuate without some influence.
changes in land use by humans
The population of the Earth in 1700 was 610 million.
and cooling from a less active sun also playing roles; overall, cooling caused by volcanic aerosols likely played the title role.
So little 3rd grader, based on "climate change" protocol, a "Little Ice Age" maybe possible, i.e.
meaning the earth's temperature of 1.5° centigrade due to CO2 emissions maybe reduced.
So, you're saying that a large amount of volcanism could cause sufficient aerosol cooling to offset the warming from anthropogenic GHGs.
Do you have some reason to believe that a large amount of volcanism is likely to occur some time soon?

Why, in your post above, did you state:

"From what I see on this page it sounds like the researchers are not aware of what causes the increased volcanic activity and earthquakes in the first place. Namely a very weak solar cycle is directly linked to a substantial increase in volcanic activity. The “experts” are still having a hard time connecting the dots."​

And, what do you mean by "climate change protocol"
So this is not accepted "science" by NASA or other science organizations
What is not accepted science? That aerosol cooling was the primary driver of the Little Ice Age? I don't think it's as widely accepted as, say AGW, but it is a popular theory. It is not the least bit controversial.
but here are some photos of what this would mean:
That isn't a photograph, it's an illustration. But I know what the Little Ice Age was like in Europe.
The Little Ice Age was a period of regional cooling, particularly pronounced in the North Atlantic region. It was not a true ice age of global extent. The term was introduced into scientific literature by François E. Matthes in 1939
View attachment 968982
You still have not explained why you said "a very weak solar cycle is directly linked to a substantial increase in volcanic activity."
We don't measure temperatures here on Earth accurate enough to detect sunspots ... for our NOAA approved thermometers, the Sun is constant ... thus the Solar Constant of 1,360 (±5) W/m^2 ... the 2 or 3 W/m^2 difference in the solar cycle is below our current ability to measure with the thermometers we have is wide distribution ...

Do the math yourself, the Sun is constant for our purposes in Atmospheric Science ...
We don't measure temperatures here on Earth accurate enough to detect sunspots ... for our NOAA approved thermometers, the Sun is constant ... thus the Solar Constant of 1,360 (±5) W/m^2 ... the 2 or 3 W/m^2 difference in the solar cycle is below our current ability to measure with the thermometers we have is wide distribution ...

Do the math yourself, the Sun is constant for our purposes in Atmospheric Science ...
I totally agree with you about "measure temperatures accurate enough"!
Plus the below attached information doesn't describe the issue of:
Urban heat islands" occur when cities replace natural land cover with dense concentrations of pavement, buildings, and other surfaces that absorb and retain heat. This effect increases energy costs (e.g., for air conditioning), air pollution levels, and heat-related illness and mortality.
Here is a source describing how earth's temperature is taken.
I totally agree with you about "measure temperatures accurate enough"!
Plus the below attached information doesn't describe the issue of:
Urban heat islands" occur when cities replace natural land cover with dense concentrations of pavement, buildings, and other surfaces that absorb and retain heat. This effect increases energy costs (e.g., for air conditioning), air pollution levels, and heat-related illness and mortality.
Here is a source describing how earth's temperature is taken.
View attachment 969399

Small corrections ... replace "human" with "trained expert with a college degree in Atmospheric Science from a top ranked university" ... remember, you and I appear to be the only people who know how to read a scientific instrument on these boards ...

The flaw in your logic is statistical sleight-of-hand ... Siberia isn't 12.5% of the Earth surface ... closer to 3.6% ... Oceanic climates occur over 71% of the Earth's surface ... with few if any weather stations ... so be clear, average global surface temperature means the surface of the ocean ... not land ... NOAA uses gradients and it is what it is ... the claim is temperatures are a pubic hair above instrumentation error, what's so hard to believe about that? ...

My opinion as an uneducated construction laborer is the UHI effect is a bit overrated ... in some places it's important, like Phoenix where there's no trees ... others not at all, like Portland where trees grow in our rain gutters ... I'm zoomed in on the thermometer there at Sky Harbor, I can see why it reads 5ºC more than out on the desert ... but it's only pilots who need hourly temperature reports, and airport readings are fine for agricultural use ... if you want to use the data to create some fantasical art using statistics ... have at it ... just post how you did it and nobody gets hurt ... NOAA fully explains their methodology, it's up to us how to use it ...

What did you think ditch diggers talked about when there's no skirts around ...
Small corrections ... replace "human" with "trained expert with a college degree in Atmospheric Science from a top ranked university" ... remember, you and I appear to be the only people who know how to read a scientific instrument on these boards ...

The flaw in your logic is statistical sleight-of-hand ... Siberia isn't 12.5% of the Earth surface ... closer to 3.6% ... Oceanic climates occur over 71% of the Earth's surface ... with few if any weather stations ... so be clear, average global surface temperature means the surface of the ocean ... not land ... NOAA uses gradients and it is what it is ... the claim is temperatures are a pubic hair above instrumentation error, what's so hard to believe about that? ...

My opinion as an uneducated construction laborer is the UHI effect is a bit overrated ... in some places it's important, like Phoenix where there's no trees ... others not at all, like Portland where trees grow in our rain gutters ... I'm zoomed in on the thermometer there at Sky Harbor, I can see why it reads 5ºC more than out on the desert ... but it's only pilots who need hourly temperature reports, and airport readings are fine for agricultural use ... if you want to use the data to create some fantasical art using statistics ... have at it ... just post how you did it and nobody gets hurt ... NOAA fully explains their methodology, it's up to us how to use it ...

What did you think ditch diggers talked about when there's no skirts around ...
Your opinion is based on what data?

None of the below are MY amateur weather commentator opinions.
I'm just repeating what experts like the authors of this article are supposedly.

Urban heat islands, which grow along with the size of cities, create artificial warming at many long-term temperature stations. On average, urban heat islands increase the global surface temperature trend by almost 50 percent. Surveys have found that almost 90 percent of U.S. temperature stations have been compromised by urbanization effects. In fact, almost half of the reported U.S. warming disappears when reporting only uncorrupted stations.

There is strong evidence of this same sort of siting problem around the world at many other official weather stations, suggesting that the same upward bias manifests itself in the global temperature record.

Because the U.S. temperature record is thought to be “the best in the world,” it follows that the global database is likely similarly compromised and unreliable.

So my question still is: What happens when 1.5° C is reached?
The global emissions would need to peak by 2025 — next year — and then fall 42 percent by 2030 in order to keep warming below 1.5 C.
Even if we did return to temperatures under 1.5C after overshoot, many crucial systems would take centuries to return to a healthy state, including permafrost, sea levels, ice sheets and ocean acidity.

But again... why is 1.5°C the magic number especially if affected by UHI?
Why, in your post above, did you state:
"From what I see on this page it sounds like the researchers are not aware of what causes the increased volcanic activity and earthquakes in the first place. Namely a very weak solar cycle is directly linked to a substantial increase in volcanic activity. The “experts” are still having a hard time connecting the dots."
Small corrections ... replace "human" with "trained expert with a college degree in Atmospheric Science from a top ranked university" ... remember, you and I appear to be the only people who know how to read a scientific instrument on these boards ...

The flaw in your logic is statistical sleight-of-hand ... Siberia isn't 12.5% of the Earth surface ... closer to 3.6% ... Oceanic climates occur over 71% of the Earth's surface ... with few if any weather stations ... so be clear, average global surface temperature means the surface of the ocean ... not land ... NOAA uses gradients and it is what it is ... the claim is temperatures are a pubic hair above instrumentation error, what's so hard to believe about that? ...

My opinion as an uneducated construction laborer is the UHI effect is a bit overrated ... in some places it's important, like Phoenix where there's no trees ... others not at all, like Portland where trees grow in our rain gutters ... I'm zoomed in on the thermometer there at Sky Harbor, I can see why it reads 5ºC more than out on the desert ... but it's only pilots who need hourly temperature reports, and airport readings are fine for agricultural use ... if you want to use the data to create some fantasical art using statistics ... have at it ... just post how you did it and nobody gets hurt ... NOAA fully explains their methodology, it's up to us how to use it ...

What did you think ditch diggers talked about when there's no skirts around ...
Oh, Appeals to Authority are your go to in a discussion now? You amuse me.
Your opinion is based on what data?

None of the below are MY amateur weather commentator opinions.
I'm just repeating what experts like the authors of this article are supposedly.

Urban heat islands, which grow along with the size of cities, create artificial warming at many long-term temperature stations. On average, urban heat islands increase the global surface temperature trend by almost 50 percent. Surveys have found that almost 90 percent of U.S. temperature stations have been compromised by urbanization effects. In fact, almost half of the reported U.S. warming disappears when reporting only uncorrupted stations.

There is strong evidence of this same sort of siting problem around the world at many other official weather stations, suggesting that the same upward bias manifests itself in the global temperature record.

Because the U.S. temperature record is thought to be “the best in the world,” it follows that the global database is likely similarly compromised and unreliable.

So my question still is: What happens when 1.5° C is reached?
The global emissions would need to peak by 2025 — next year — and then fall 42 percent by 2030 in order to keep warming below 1.5 C.
Even if we did return to temperatures under 1.5C after overshoot, many crucial systems would take centuries to return to a healthy state, including permafrost, sea levels, ice sheets and ocean acidity.

But again... why is 1.5°C the magic number especially if affected by UHI?

You can't use a thermometer? ... try walking barefoot on a hot summer day:

In the Shade:

1] on grass,
2] on cement and
3] on black asphalt ...

In direct sunlight:

1] on grass,
2] on cement and
3] on black asphalt ...

Why are you asking an aeronautical engineer? ... can't be bothered to crawl out of your parents' basement? ...

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