Socialism = Diversity = Immigration


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
whoa! almost compete in this country..
links in article at site

Thinks Diversity is cool Also thinks Socialism is cool. - Thinks Diversity is cool Also thinks Socialism is cool. College Liberal

Peter Goodchild

Before multiculturalism and diversity became the dogma of our times, before the 1970s, socialist parties and labor federations across the Western world opposed unrestricted immigration because it lowered wages and threatened labor union solidarity. Today, by contrast, socialists and leftists in general, are vocal supporters of immigration.

For a socialist today all criticism of immigration is "victimizing the poor." Any genuine evidence of the harm caused by the importation of cheap labor to native workers is simply overlooked. One cannot convince a socialist of the lack of logic in their beliefs. Socialism is not a rational stance; it is merely a projection of an "underdog" self-image.

Leftists in the past had a strong sense of “wrong” and injustice; the difference today is that socialists hate their own culture and their own national heritage. They live with a sense of guilt and shame about the “wrongs” imperialist Europeans inflicted on the world, and a whole host of other wrongs such as the slave trade and the head tax imposed on Chinese immigrants in British Columbia a hundred years ago. Their sense of moral outrage comes with self-abasement. They have low cultural self-assurance, no pride in their historical past and very low self-esteem as an ethnic group.

Once that sense of low cultural self-esteem has become fixed, all else follows. One must believe that “sharing the wealth” is more important than protecting one’s native workers and environment from unchecked mass immigration and urban sprawl, although such “sharing” would only create universal poverty. If the entire world's income were put into a large pot and redistributed so that each person received exactly the same as everyone else, the result would be universal poverty. If all farmland were redistributed evenly, there would still not be enough farmland for everybody. If I gave a billion dollars to the world, each person would receive fourteen cents. And after all such redistributions, the world's population would still be heading rapidly toward another doubling of numbers, so any gains would be negated.

Current European generations must also believe that their own culture is intrinsically guilty of alleged crimes committed by prior generations requiring preferential treatment of current immigrants even though they were not the recipients of those alleged crimes. Of course, that is a belief those “other cultures” are always happy to agree with. And once that “guilt” has become established as “fact,” every piece of paper that appears in public must emphasize “redress” and “compensation” at all costs. Even entire years are not dedicated to “reconciliation” for all the wrongs Europeans did to the naturally good non-Europeans.

ALL of it
Council of European Canadians
Leftists believe all cultures are, in some inexplicable way, equal.

all cultures are NOT equal.....which is why we need to be selective in who we let into our country....

because Europe let in so many poor Muslim immigrants from Africa they are now facing terrible problems...and the threat of losing their former way of life as Islam takes hold...

Islam is more than just a is a systemic way of life that does not mix well with other cultures...
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Leftists believe all cultures are, in some inexplicable way, equal.

all cultures are NOT equal.....which is why we need to be selective in who we let into our country....

because Europe let in so many poor Muslim immigrants from Africa they are now facing terrible problems...and the threat of losing their former way of life as Islam takes hold...

Islam is more than just a is a systemic way of life that does not mix well with other cultures...

All individuals are born into this world the same, and equal to each is Governments that define the terms after the fact...
But as you see, anyone who talks about protecting our borders are BEAT DOWN with how we hate people

I think our country is doomed as much as I hate to say that
But as you see, anyone who talks about protecting our borders are BEAT DOWN with how we hate people

I think our country is doomed as much as I hate to say that

countries like Britain, France, Sweden, Italy, Spain......are now belatedly trying to close their borders.....but they have let in so many that they are now doomed to endless cultural conflict within their borders...and since muslim birth rates are so much higher than european birth rates their countries will in a few decades become Islamic countries...

the cultural conflict America faces is not so drastic with the Mexicans as they are mostly Christians and tend to assimilate if expected to (unlike muslims)....however we need to close the border to more incoming and clamp down on La Raza and other anti-American traitors....and require English, learn American history and civics, and assimilate into American culture....if we plan to preserve our country....
Before multiculturalism and diversity became the dogma of our times, before the 1970s, socialist parties and labor federations across the Western world opposed unrestricted immigration because it lowered wages and threatened labor union solidarity. Today, by contrast, socialists and leftists in general, are vocal supporters of immigration.

this is kinda interesting to watch...

the waning unions today see immigrants as new recruits......however there is disagreement as many of the rank and file still see the incoming cheap labor as a threat...not to mention their becoming political tools of the Left....

Lenin used the unions as a propaganda tool....and they were no longer allowed to strike...

leftist politicians will only expand government via the unions to serve their needs....and the working man will just become another cog in their crushing agenda....Poland's Solidarity was all about the unions getting their voice 1980 it was the first non-Commie trade union in that part of the world...
Before multiculturalism and diversity became the dogma of our times, before the 1970s, socialist parties and labor federations across the Western world opposed unrestricted immigration because it lowered wages and threatened labor union solidarity. Today, by contrast, socialists and leftists in general, are vocal supporters of immigration.

this is kinda interesting to watch...

the waning unions today see immigrants as new recruits......however there is disagreement as many of the rank and file still see the incoming cheap labor as a threat...not to mention their becoming political tools of the Left....

Lenin used the unions as a propaganda tool....and they were no longer allowed to strike...

leftist politicians will only expand government via the unions to serve their needs....and the working man will just become another cog in their crushing agenda....Poland's Solidarity was all about the unions getting their voice 1980 it was the first non-Commie trade union in that part of the world...

oh yeah, my guys a UAW with Ford and he's not a happy camper with his union
I believe in a lot of socialist aspects but diversity and immigration will destroy any nation unless the people immigrating are the same kind of people already living there.

yup....they need to follow our rules and customs or stay the hell out...

instead western countries are using the socialist's cries for 'multiculturalism' and 'helping the poor' and 'equality' to blind people to the dangers...

the socialist's goal is to destroy advanced western civilization and create a new world order...
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I believe in a lot of socialist aspects but diversity and immigration will destroy any nation unless the people immigrating are the same kind of people already living there.

You Mean Groupthink...different HERDS. Individualism means squat to you, as does your own fucking liberty. Diversity is another word for Affirmative Action (Liberal GUILT), and quotas (Controlling the HERDS).

STFU son. You exhibit non thinking, and being led by political criminals has your mind (whatever there is of it left), in a fog. :eusa_hand:
Socialism = Diversity = Immigration

Oh my! Steph you get better all the time.

Can you, yourself, personally, define socialism in your own words?
But as you see, anyone who talks about protecting our borders are BEAT DOWN with how we hate people

I think our country is doomed as much as I hate to say that

countries like Britain, France, Sweden, Italy, Spain......are now belatedly trying to close their borders.....but they have let in so many that they are now doomed to endless cultural conflict within their borders...and since muslim birth rates are so much higher than european birth rates their countries will in a few decades become Islamic countries...

the cultural conflict America faces is not so drastic with the Mexicans as they are mostly Christians and tend to assimilate if expected to (unlike muslims)....however we need to close the border to more incoming and clamp down on La Raza and other anti-American traitors....and require English, learn American history and civics, and assimilate into American culture....if we plan to preserve our country....

If you think that the hispanics coming in are like us, you are in for a terrible, terrible shock.
[ame=]How Whites Took Over America Part 2 - YouTube[/ame]
I believe in a lot of socialist aspects but diversity and immigration will destroy any nation unless the people immigrating are the same kind of people already living there.

yup....they need to follow our rules and customs or stay the hell out...

instead western countries are using the socialist's cries for 'multiculturalism' and 'helping the poor' and 'equality' to blind people to the dangers...

the socialist's goal is to destroy advanced western civilization and create a new world order...
I don't think its "socialists"I think its an entire race entirely.

the socialist goal is to create two classes......the ruling elite and the rest of us.....doesn't matter which race you belong to....

by bringing in people that will disrupt our country it helps to enable their policies...

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