Social Justice Race Baiters 'Splained!


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
A new study has determined that the way to cure a person's racism is for said racist person to accuse others of being racists. IOW, if said person projects his own racism on others, he feels "special" and much better about himself.

And so, we now have further confirmation of the true agenda of the various Race Baiting factions (i.e. blacklivessmatter) and the Democrat party in general, as well as the pathological projection/narcissism of those who fall in line with this program.

A study out of Denver’s Diversity Symposium has found the only way for people to extinguish racism in their own souls is to become experts at identifying racism in others.

Dr. Wilder, a researcher of racial and cultural statistics gave an interview recently where he informed reporters of his findings.

“Everyone has some form of prejudice. That is simply human nature. But I’m confident in saying that my dedicated group of researchers have found a way in which we can all vanquish those racist impulses that each of us are infected with.

Dr. Wilder went onto say, “The primary way to purge yourself of your own racist inclinations is by diagnosing racist features in others. We’ve found that with each accusation, the brain releases dopamine which diminishes any racist thoughts the accuser may have.”...

Study Claims Only Way To Be Less Racist Is To Accuse Others Of Racism
A new study has determined that the way to cure a person's racism is for said racist person to accuse others of being racists. IOW, if said person projects his own racism on others, he feels "special" and much better about himself.

And so, we now have further confirmation of the true agenda of the various Race Baiting factions (i.e. blacklivessmatter) and the Democrat party in general, as well as the pathological projection/narcissism of those who fall in line with this program.

A study out of Denver’s Diversity Symposium has found the only way for people to extinguish racism in their own souls is to become experts at identifying racism in others.

Dr. Wilder, a researcher of racial and cultural statistics gave an interview recently where he informed reporters of his findings.

“Everyone has some form of prejudice. That is simply human nature. But I’m confident in saying that my dedicated group of researchers have found a way in which we can all vanquish those racist impulses that each of us are infected with.

Dr. Wilder went onto say, “The primary way to purge yourself of your own racist inclinations is by diagnosing racist features in others. We’ve found that with each accusation, the brain releases dopamine which diminishes any racist thoughts the accuser may have.”...

Study Claims Only Way To Be Less Racist Is To Accuse Others Of Racism

Dr. Wilder is wildly insane in his philosophy about racism.
"Another reporter asked if accusing someone who isn’t racist will have the same effect on the brain, Dr. Wilder responded.

“As previously stated, everyone is racist to varying degrees. So yes, this exercize will still be effective, even if the accused has displayed no outward racist inclinations."

Is this for real?

It is often hard to tell with lefties.
A new study has determined that the way to cure a person's racism is for said racist person to accuse others of being racists. IOW, if said person projects his own racism on others, he feels "special" and much better about himself.

And so, we now have further confirmation of the true agenda of the various Race Baiting factions (i.e. blacklivessmatter) and the Democrat party in general, as well as the pathological projection/narcissism of those who fall in line with this program.

A study out of Denver’s Diversity Symposium has found the only way for people to extinguish racism in their own souls is to become experts at identifying racism in others.

Dr. Wilder, a researcher of racial and cultural statistics gave an interview recently where he informed reporters of his findings.

“Everyone has some form of prejudice. That is simply human nature. But I’m confident in saying that my dedicated group of researchers have found a way in which we can all vanquish those racist impulses that each of us are infected with.

Dr. Wilder went onto say, “The primary way to purge yourself of your own racist inclinations is by diagnosing racist features in others. We’ve found that with each accusation, the brain releases dopamine which diminishes any racist thoughts the accuser may have.”...

Study Claims Only Way To Be Less Racist Is To Accuse Others Of Racism

Dr. Wilder is wildly insane in his philosophy about racism.

^^^ The corollary is that to cure one's insanity, one should accuse others of being insane. ^^^

Dr. Wilder went onto say, “The primary way to purge yourself of your own racist inclinations is by diagnosing racist features in others. We’ve found that with each accusation, the brain releases dopamine which diminishes any racist thoughts the accuser may have.”...

Study Claims Only Way To Be Less Racist Is To Accuse Others Of Racism
How much did they pay that stupid fuckstick?

This is from the Denver Diversity Symposium at Colorado State University...

Diversity Symposium Images ‐ Diversity - Colorado State University

Not exactly a hotbed of conservative or libertarian ideology...which means Progs/Libs are responsible for this agenda.
A new study has determined that the way to cure a person's racism is for said racist person to accuse others of being racists. IOW, if said person projects his own racism on others, he feels "special" and much better about himself.

And so, we now have further confirmation of the true agenda of the various Race Baiting factions (i.e. blacklivessmatter) and the Democrat party in general, as well as the pathological projection/narcissism of those who fall in line with this program.

A study out of Denver’s Diversity Symposium has found the only way for people to extinguish racism in their own souls is to become experts at identifying racism in others.

Dr. Wilder, a researcher of racial and cultural statistics gave an interview recently where he informed reporters of his findings.

“Everyone has some form of prejudice. That is simply human nature. But I’m confident in saying that my dedicated group of researchers have found a way in which we can all vanquish those racist impulses that each of us are infected with.

Dr. Wilder went onto say, “The primary way to purge yourself of your own racist inclinations is by diagnosing racist features in others. We’ve found that with each accusation, the brain releases dopamine which diminishes any racist thoughts the accuser may have.”...

Study Claims Only Way To Be Less Racist Is To Accuse Others Of Racism

Dr. Wilder is wildly insane in his philosophy about racism.
And he's a racist bastard@!#/#$#\
Is that part of your therapy to reduce you own racism?

No that is actually a balsa wood dildo I just broke off in you...sucker

It was moronic, much like yourself.

Go sodomize yourself ugly nasty fuck whole

and you and the GOP = Racism

Care to comment on the OP/topic, or did you just drop by to be an ass?

Rhetorical question. I know the answer just an ass.
Is that part of your therapy to reduce you own racism?

No that is actually a balsa wood dildo I just broke off in you...sucker

It was moronic, much like yourself.

Go sodomize yourself ugly nasty fuck whole

and you and the GOP = Racism

Thank you for providing further evidence to support the study's findings!
That is humor and wit I reserve for idiots like you and that nasty GOP
Is that part of your therapy to reduce you own racism?

No that is actually a balsa wood dildo I just broke off in you...sucker

It's pathetic what you think passes for humor and wit.
Its pathetic what you think is snark..its "stupid"

NO, actually what she did there was both true and nicely snarky.

Your posts are just stupid and vulgar.

Thank you. You clearly have discerning perception and impeccable good taste.

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