Social justice mag says white people age like bananas


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
“Social Justice” Mag Says “White People Age Like Bananas”

Affinity Magazine, a “social justice” mouthpiece aimed at teenagers, was forced to apologize after it tweeted, “white people age like bananas,” above a picture of Nicki Minaj and the Olsen twins.

Publication has a history of anti-white casual racism

These colleges are indoctrinated your kid to an idiot hows that 45, ooo tuition working out for you when they will help shut down your rights to free speech dumb asses.

They are more worried about how can I dress like a whore walking down the street. Check out the chic on the left I mean reallyeeeee, WTF is wrong with you.
First off, a slanted mag with slanted stories doesn't make it a liberal or conservative mag..It makes it a radical slanted publication..

Moon is correct and the slanted rag is not Liberal nor should be consider Liberal.
SJW's are mainly commies and left-anarchists(same thing basically, sorry for the repetition), not modern liberals.

I'm actually seeing some libs standing up and calling out SJW nonsense as being lunacy lately.

Quite surprising.
It is predictable and silly. We see it over and over. Groups/publications that do their thing openly - in this case, dis white people- then suddenly apologize. It's usually for something that's not all that big a deal, as here, a joke about something that is observably true. Let's face it, white people don't age as well as darker skinned people.

There is no reason to apologize other than to pretend they are sensitive to the "offended".
This is a war. That it has a race war component isn't surprising.
Been a part of the commies plan since the 1910's and 20's:

Chapter Three


Stirring up race and class conflict is the basis of all discussion of the Communist Party’s work in the South. The evil genius, Stalin, and the other megalomaniacal leaders in Moscow ordered the use of all racial, economic and social differences, no matter how small or insignificant, to start local fires of discontent, conflict and revolt. “Who could tell which of these issues could start a general conflagration” that would sweep across the former Confederate States from Maryland to Texas?


The only fear of the white Communist leaders was that as a result of their efforts this black rebellion would break out before they were ready in the decisive industrial cities of the North.

What if one or five million Negroes die in an abortive attempt to establish a Negro republic? Is not the advance of the cause worth it? A Communist is not a sentimentalist. He does not grieve over the loss of life in the advancement of Communism."

Color, Communism and Common Sense -- Chapter 3
It is predictable and silly. We see it over and over. Groups/publications that do their thing openly - in this case, dis white people- then suddenly apologize. It's usually for something that's not all that big a deal, as here, a joke about something that is observably true. Let's face it, white people don't age as well as darker skinned people.

There is no reason to apologize other than to pretend they are sensitive to the "offended".
Blacks barely live that long anyway.
SJW's are mainly commies and left-anarchists(same thing basically, sorry for the repetition), not modern liberals.

I'm actually seeing some libs standing up and calling out SJW nonsense as being lunacy lately.

Quite surprising.
I can remember being young, dumb and having an eschewed ideology on politics and people..But, I never had too much tolerance for the wackos..
First off, a slanted mag with slanted stories doesn't make it a liberal or conservative mag..It makes it a radical slanted publication..

Moon is correct and the slanted rag is not Liberal nor should be consider Liberal.

It matters not what we adults call it. What do the children that they are targeting think of it? We have raised a generation who can't think, and yet think they know it all. They have no idea how to discern right from wrong, up verses down, good from bad, liberal vs conservative. They believe whatever they are told.
Snowflakes mindlessly wait for their next instruction. We had better take heed. Their instructors are UN tyrants. We need to take our children's education back and get rid of the agenda being pushed on them.
Start with, Penis=boy Vagina=girl. There's your gender class. Then take all the time you saved, and teach them some math...

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It is predictable and silly. We see it over and over. Groups/publications that do their thing openly - in this case, dis white people- then suddenly apologize. It's usually for something that's not all that big a deal, as here, a joke about something that is observably true. Let's face it, white people don't age as well as darker skinned people.

There is no reason to apologize other than to pretend they are sensitive to the "offended".

I agree, it's like the blacks like watermelon, chicken n waffles, orange drinks,

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It is predictable and silly. We see it over and over. Groups/publications that do their thing openly - in this case, dis white people- then suddenly apologize. It's usually for something that's not all that big a deal, as here, a joke about something that is observably true. Let's face it, white people don't age as well as darker skinned people.

There is no reason to apologize other than to pretend they are sensitive to the "offended".

I agree, it's like the blacks like watermelon, chicken n waffles, orange drinks,

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My point is these social justicers are phony. Their joke isn't offensive.

Unlike your "joke", at least it is original.

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