Social conformity psychology experiments. How people need to follow bandwagons.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

The most famous one. The Asch conformity experiments.

The Asch recreation of the conformity experiment.

Just in case you want to know one of the key psychological conditions that the left wing community organizers rely on. Along with the entire world AGW global warming movement.

You ever notice how the term "hole in the ozone" has not been uttered in a long time?

I notice that. Do you?
You ever notice how the term "hole in the ozone" has not been uttered in a long time? I notice that. Do you?
The banning of CFCs in most applications has made the problem moot. How come you didn't notice that? I guess pointing it out would make the argument against reduction of CO2 emissions less viable and an anathema to the denialists. Who's really not talking about it?
You ever notice how the term "hole in the ozone" has not been uttered in a long time?

I notice that. Do you?

yes!! just now.., libertards have dropped one of their favorite balls, they need to get it ratcheted up and connect that with their phony glowbull warming/climate change rhetoric. :up:

The most famous one. The Asch conformity experiments.

The Asch recreation of the conformity experiment.

Just in case you want to know one of the key psychological conditions that the left wing community organizers rely on. Along with the entire world AGW global warming movement.

You ever notice how the term "hole in the ozone" has not been uttered in a long time?

I notice that. Do you?

its always amusing to watch right wingers claim that the left wing are band wagoners when the right wingers have been sheep since the colonial days of this country. Read your history and dont be embarrassed. Its obvious you had no idea of the conundrum the wealthy have put you in. :laugh:
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The most famous one. The Asch conformity experiments.

The Asch recreation of the conformity experiment.

Just in case you want to know one of the key psychological conditions that the left wing community organizers rely on. Along with the entire world AGW global warming movement.

You ever notice how the term "hole in the ozone" has not been uttered in a long time?

I notice that. Do you?

Also known as the "Abilene Paradox" or "Abilene Principle" which loosely states that individuals in a group tend to go along with the decision of the group, in spite the fact that as individuals they know that that decision is asinine.

In other words, don't rock the boat.

The most famous one. The Asch conformity experiments.

The Asch recreation of the conformity experiment.

Just in case you want to know one of the key psychological conditions that the left wing community organizers rely on. Along with the entire world AGW global warming movement.

You ever notice how the term "hole in the ozone" has not been uttered in a long time?

I notice that. Do you?

its always amusing to watch right wingers claim that the left wing are band wagoners when the right wingers have been sheep since the colonial day of this country. Read your history and dont be embarrassed. Its obvious you had no idea of the conundrum the wealthy have put you in. :laugh:

I told you. The left wing losers despise this country from its founding. They truly believe that since it was founded by "slave owners" and the land was "taken from natives" that the country itself is a fraud.

It is all proven in that statement by this bandwagon loser. Who, is a committed global warmist regardless of the facts. He probably loved it when Leonardo DiCrapio made a speech to the UN.

Probably screaming at anyone who has an ability to think for themselves. "Do you believe it now!!!!!"

That was probably what they scream. Wait, that is what they cry now on a daily basis.

Look at how they all think the Tea Party is the same as the KKK and they just so happen to use the same slang "tea bagger" when they say anything about it.


All they are are cliches and democrat talking points.

The conformity experiment fully describes them. You ever notice how none of them are actually doing anything for the environment? No, going to earth day concerts pissing in a field while smoking peyote is not "doing something" for the environment.

It is a lot like how they do not one single word about the muslim countries executing gays for being gay. Instead, they join the BANDWAGON and condemn Israel. They spout about the mythical Palestine and the plight of the people.

That is all a left winger is. Yes, I am calling them liberal less and less cause that is NOT what they are. They are pawns for the socialists/communists who are saul alinsky disciples. Nothing illustrates it more than the so called global warming world movement.

Ask one of them why countries like China or India signed a NONBINDING agreement to the global warming scam.

LOL at the conformists.

The most famous one. The Asch conformity experiments.

The Asch recreation of the conformity experiment.

Just in case you want to know one of the key psychological conditions that the left wing community organizers rely on. Along with the entire world AGW global warming movement.

You ever notice how the term "hole in the ozone" has not been uttered in a long time?

I notice that. Do you?

LOL You lack critical thinking skills and you attempt to apply reasoned experiments to fallacious arguments. You are either ignorant or intentionally lying.

These experiments show one of the reasons why Trump is the leading candidate for the Republicans. Educated people recognized quickly the herd-mind mentality being exhibited by Trump's followers and know this is what in fact catapulted some of the worst people in history into power, thus the raising of the red flags regarding Trump and Mussolini, or Hitler. The comparisons are not direct, they are cautionary. "We've seen things like this before, keep your eyes open".

The OP in fact exhibits the symptoms of conformity. Global Warming science is fact supported by the worlds PH.D's and recognized by the world's nations as a direct threat to humanity. People denying this reality cling to each other just as they do in these videos.

Laughable and sad at the same time when uninformed people try to twist fact to support their ignorance and lies.

The most famous one. The Asch conformity experiments.

The Asch recreation of the conformity experiment.

Just in case you want to know one of the key psychological conditions that the left wing community organizers rely on. Along with the entire world AGW global warming movement.

You ever notice how the term "hole in the ozone" has not been uttered in a long time?

I notice that. Do you?

LOL You lack critical thinking skills and you attempt to apply reasoned experiments to fallacious arguments. You are either ignorant or intentionally lying.

These experiments show one of the reasons why Trump is the leading candidate for the Republicans. Educated people recognized quickly the herd-mind mentality being exhibited by Trump's followers and know this is what in fact catapulted some of the worst people in history into power, thus the raising of the red flags regarding Trump and Mussolini, or Hitler. The comparisons are not direct, they are cautionary. "We've seen things like this before, keep your eyes open".

The OP in fact exhibits the symptoms of conformity. Global Warming science is fact supported by the worlds PH.D's and recognized by the world's nations as a direct threat to humanity. People denying this reality cling to each other just as they do in these videos.

Laughable and sad at the same time when uninformed people try to twist fact to support their ignorance and lies.

Hi Newton. Tell us all how Leonardo Dicrapio believes in man made global warming and so therefore we all should.

The fact that Trump is leading actually shows the EXACT OPPOSITE. Your avatar is such a fraud.

I will say this. You have moved ahead of Starkey as the dumbest of all left wing posters on here, and you are by far the most influenced by bandwagon reasoning.
Poverty stricken white conservatives such as the thread author are the biggest conformists on the planet. They have bought the conservative mantra of trickle down for centuries.
Also known as the "Abilene Paradox" or "Abilene Principle" which loosely states that individuals in a group tend to go along with the decision of the group, in spite the fact that as individuals they know that that decision is asinine.

In other words, don't rock the boat.

I actually did this experiment right here at USMB. I posted a poll where 90% of people responding said they felt it was important for a child to have both a mother and father: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Then I posted another poll where 60% of people responding said of that first poll that it was somehow possible for them to believe it's important for a child to have both a mother and father...AND AT THE SAME TIME...they said they support gay marriage...where a child will NEVER have either a mother or father for life!! A Poll Businesses Boycotting Laws Protecting Christians Might Want To Look At First..

This thread explains that perfectly. So, according to the herd mentality, all one would have to do is ring a bell for the "I feel it's important for a child to have both a mother and father" more often than they do for their "I support gay marriage' paradoxical stance and the herd could be shifted quite easily.

This is how cults manipulate perception to incorporate bizarre dichotomies overriding one's actual feelings and perceptions. This is how a dude cutting his dick off and putting a dress "actually becomes a woman" in the herd's hypnotized collective mind..

Add in some legal-intimidation (the Kleins in Oregon, Kim Davis etc.) to insure the herd doesn't get any crazy ideas and wake up from their haze (North Carolina) and you've got yourself a coup on reality itself. Very dangerous. And very much how Jim Jones proceeded, Hitler, the Nazis and all the rest through history. We wonder how insanity became normal in those cases. Folks, we are living that process right now as we speak..

The most famous one. The Asch conformity experiments.

The Asch recreation of the conformity experiment.

Just in case you want to know one of the key psychological conditions that the left wing community organizers rely on. Along with the entire world AGW global warming movement.

You ever notice how the term "hole in the ozone" has not been uttered in a long time?

I notice that. Do you?

LOL You lack critical thinking skills and you attempt to apply reasoned experiments to fallacious arguments. You are either ignorant or intentionally lying.

These experiments show one of the reasons why Trump is the leading candidate for the Republicans. Educated people recognized quickly the herd-mind mentality being exhibited by Trump's followers and know this is what in fact catapulted some of the worst people in history into power, thus the raising of the red flags regarding Trump and Mussolini, or Hitler. The comparisons are not direct, they are cautionary. "We've seen things like this before, keep your eyes open".

The OP in fact exhibits the symptoms of conformity. Global Warming science is fact supported by the worlds PH.D's and recognized by the world's nations as a direct threat to humanity. People denying this reality cling to each other just as they do in these videos.

Laughable and sad at the same time when uninformed people try to twist fact to support their ignorance and lies.

Hi Newton. Tell us all how Leonardo Dicrapio believes in man made global warming and so therefore we all should.

The fact that Trump is leading actually shows the EXACT OPPOSITE. Your avatar is such a fraud.

I will say this. You have moved ahead of Starkey as the dumbest of all left wing posters on here, and you are by far the most influenced by bandwagon reasoning.

Your's is a tiny world of message boards.

Leave the real thinking and searching for facts to the adults that function in the real larger world. I pity you for your ignorance but, again, you are stuck in the herd. Your brain does not accept facts, it clings to memes and constructed lies.

The fact that you attempt to spread these lies only belies your need to 'feel better' about them.
Partisans on both ends of the spectrum definitely allow themselves to fall into this trap. Otherwise perfectly intelligent people close their minds and allow their perceptions to become distorted as they become obedient political pawns. Mouthpieces, puppets. They'll then defend this behavior aggressively, as if they're defending their religion or a family member.

People have a need to belong to packs, I reckon, and one way this manifests is politics. So they'll point out the flaws and lies and hypocrisies of those on their "team", while ignoring/avoiding/deflecting for/defending the same behaviors of those on their "team".

Unfortunately, this means you essentially can't believe anything they say.

Always a fascinating amateur psychological / sociological / anthropological study, though.
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Also known as the "Abilene Paradox" or "Abilene Principle" which loosely states that individuals in a group tend to go along with the decision of the group, in spite the fact that as individuals they know that that decision is asinine.

In other words, don't rock the boat.

I actually did this experiment right here at USMB. I posted a poll where 90% of people responding said they felt it was important for a child to have both a mother and father: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Then I posted another poll where 60% of people responding said of that first poll that it was somehow possible for them to believe it's important for a child to have both a mother and father...AND AT THE SAME TIME...they said they support gay marriage...where a child will NEVER have either a mother or father for life!! A Poll Businesses Boycotting Laws Protecting Christians Might Want To Look At First..

This thread explains that perfectly. So, according to the herd mentality, all one would have to do is ring a bell for the "I feel it's important for a child to have both a mother and father" more often than they do for their "I support gay marriage' paradoxical stance and the herd could be shifted quite easily.

This is how cults manipulate perception to incorporate bizarre dichotomies overriding one's actual feelings and perceptions. This is how a dude cutting his dick off and putting a dress "actually becomes a woman" in the herd's hypnotized collective mind..

Add in some legal-intimidation (the Kleins in Oregon, Kim Davis etc.) to insure the herd doesn't get any crazy ideas and wake up from their haze (North Carolina) and you've got yourself a coup on reality itself. Very dangerous. And very much how Jim Jones proceeded, Hitler, the Nazis and all the rest through history. We wonder how insanity became normal in those cases. Folks, we are living that process right now as we speak..

I love when you shoehorn you anti-gay obsession into every thread. Please! Won't someone pay attention to my anti-queer threads!? *sniffle*
Also known as the "Abilene Paradox" or "Abilene Principle" which loosely states that individuals in a group tend to go along with the decision of the group, in spite the fact that as individuals they know that that decision is asinine.

In other words, don't rock the boat.

I actually did this experiment right here at USMB. I posted a poll where 90% of people responding said they felt it was important for a child to have both a mother and father: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Then I posted another poll where 60% of people responding said of that first poll that it was somehow possible for them to believe it's important for a child to have both a mother and father...AND AT THE SAME TIME...they said they support gay marriage...where a child will NEVER have either a mother or father for life!! A Poll Businesses Boycotting Laws Protecting Christians Might Want To Look At First..

This thread explains that perfectly. So, according to the herd mentality, all one would have to do is ring a bell for the "I feel it's important for a child to have both a mother and father" more often than they do for their "I support gay marriage' paradoxical stance and the herd could be shifted quite easily.

This is how cults manipulate perception to incorporate bizarre dichotomies overriding one's actual feelings and perceptions. This is how a dude cutting his dick off and putting a dress "actually becomes a woman" in the herd's hypnotized collective mind..

Add in some legal-intimidation (the Kleins in Oregon, Kim Davis etc.) to insure the herd doesn't get any crazy ideas and wake up from their haze (North Carolina) and you've got yourself a coup on reality itself. Very dangerous. And very much how Jim Jones proceeded, Hitler, the Nazis and all the rest through history. We wonder how insanity became normal in those cases. Folks, we are living that process right now as we speak..
Only a dull witted person would assume gay couples dont have traditional male and female roles. Its amazing you thought your polls proved something.
Only a dull witted person would assume gay couples dont have traditional male and female roles. Its amazing you thought your polls proved something.

Agreed. But a child can tell the difference. Also, what are lesbians doing being attracted to a woman who looks, acts, talks and walks like a man? Or what are gay men doing being attracted to a man who talks in high falsetto, dresses like a woman and wiggles his hips like one?

Closet heterosexuality anyone? (And children see though that weirdness too BTW). If a hetero guy asked his wife to dress like a lumberjack when he boned her, the LGBT cult would instantly claim he was closeted homosexual. Surely the reverse is true?
Only a dull witted person would assume gay couples dont have traditional male and female roles. Its amazing you thought your polls proved something.

Agreed. But a child can tell the difference. Also, what are lesbians doing being attracted to a woman who looks, acts, talks and walks like a man? Or what are gay men doing being attracted to a man who talks in high falsetto, dresses like a woman and wiggles his hips like one?

Closet heterosexuality anyone? (And children see though that weirdness too BTW). If a hetero guy asked his wife to dress like a lumberjack when he boned her, the LGBT cult would instantly claim he was closeted homosexual. Surely the reverse is true?

The only thing that is true is your continued hate campaign against homosexuals.

You are obsessed with everyone else's sexual activity and force your fantasies upon us.
Only a dull witted person would assume gay couples dont have traditional male and female roles. Its amazing you thought your polls proved something.

Agreed. But a child can tell the difference. Also, what are lesbians doing being attracted to a woman who looks, acts, talks and walks like a man? Or what are gay men doing being attracted to a man who talks in high falsetto, dresses like a woman and wiggles his hips like one?

Closet heterosexuality anyone? (And children see though that weirdness too BTW). If a hetero guy asked his wife to dress like a lumberjack when he boned her, the LGBT cult would instantly claim he was closeted homosexual. Surely the reverse is true?
What did any of that have to do with my post?
Usually when people have to act in groups they conform. It is just human nature that is hard wired into us. It is the reason why we should all fear collective economic systems because if each one of us had to act as a group to make individual decisions every single one of us would feel an urge to suspend our individual decesion making power to conform to society as a whole.

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