So you want better paying jobs?

Seeking employment because of the pay is the problem right there. Do whatever you enjoy or at actually good at and the pay becomes an afterthought.

I actually LIKE the point you are making. Unfortunately, many people are pre-programmed to think about money first and happiness second. I agree with you in principle... Find what you LOVE to do and you'll never "work" a day in your life! I've lived by that philosophy and became financially secure in the process. I clearly see how I could have made more money but I wouldn't have been as happy.

Whenever one of these debates ensues with a liberal, they are constantly referring to "the worker" or "the working class" and there is a very good reason for this. It's because the antiquated socialist propaganda is all designed around 19th century non-free-market systems run by kings and dictators across Europe and Asia. In those systems, you are born into your class. You are "a worker" for life, nothing you can ever do to change that. Socialism feeds on the hopeless condition this brings. You NEED the State because your class is never going to amount to anything without it.

Now we contrast this idea with American free markets and free enterprise capitalism in a system which doesn't confine anyone to their class. We can be anything we want to be and we can be in any class we desire to be in if we are willing to put forth the effort. We don't need to rely on the State to better our class, we can better our own class through our hard work and initiatives. But this is SO important for the Socialists to instill this idea of class we are tied to for life... all their charts and graphs rely on us assuming that people never leave the class they are born into, and this is simply not true in our system. It was true in the 19th century systems where Socialism was born... not true here.
so that American companies can compete again.

You want them to compete but just not in the free market right? Sorry but that's not really competition. Don't you understand why the entire world is moving to free trade? It might be the one thing that economists on both sides agree on most!!
so that American companies can compete again.

You want them to compete but just not in the free market right? Sorry but that's not really competition. Don't you understand why the entire world is moving to free trade? It might be the one thing that economists on both sides agree on most!!

A free market is a market economy system in which the prices for goods and services are set freely by consent between vendors and consumers. Free trade deals with countries who are not free market systems is not free market capitalism. They have an advantage, they don't have to pay their labor. When one side has advantages the other doesn't have, that's not competition or free market trade.

I love free market systems and I wish the whole world were a free market system but they're not. In order for us to mitigate the imbalance due to them using slave labor, we need to apply a tariff to their imports. Some argue that tariffs will cause them to impose tariffs on our goods but we no longer export much. Most of what we do export is agricultural products which we produce as surplus anyway, so it doesn't matter. We need to bring jobs back to America.
, they don't have to pay their labor. .
1) Chinese flock to the cities in the 100's of millions to get the high paying jobs
2) Chinese jobs pay higher than in dozens of countries
3) even if they didn't pay that is huge plus for American consumers who are getting rich thanks to low prices. Workers are not more important to consumers.
4) Americans have huge advantages in technology and education,( not an even playing field at all) but this does mean that those nations who can't compete should not trade with us.

I suggest you do a little reading and try to figure out why most economists on both sides support free trade among the states of the United States and among the countries of the world.
We need to bring jobs back to America.

very simple:
end the liberal programs the forced them to leave:

liberal unions deficits and taxes
and then end the liberal war on the family and schools.

Do you understand??
We need to bring jobs back to America.

very simple:
end the liberal programs the forced them to leave:

liberal unions deficits and taxes
and then end the liberal war on the family and schools.

Do you understand??

The cheap labor market existed before unions were even a concept.
That's how stuff like the French Revolution came about.

Most nations do not practice Free Trade like the US does, especially with India and China; our businesses and Portfolio Conservatives are whores for selling out their fellow citizens.
We have legislation, written by corporations, that rewards corporations for leaving the US.
Corruption, plain and simple.
Any business that can't profit within the framework of Fair Trade doesn't deserve to exist.
We have legislation, written by corporations, that rewards corporations for leaving the US.

of course you are very stupid and liberal. Conservatives want to eliminate the corporate tax that drove 20 million jobs off shore while the Democrats want to raise it.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
Any business that can't profit within the framework of Fair Trade doesn't deserve to exist.

dear, you lack the IQ to be here. Fair trade is what a libNazi like you or your govt representatives say it is while free trade is what free people engage in on a voluntary peaceful basis without govt violence.

Do you understand??
Any business that can't profit within the framework of Fair Trade doesn't deserve to exist.

dear, you lack the IQ to be here. Fair trade is what a libNazi like you or your govt representatives say it is while free trade is what free people engage in on a voluntary peaceful basis without govt violence.

Do you understand??
I understand that you are a knee-jerk moron who thinks nothing of kicking his fellow human beings under the bus.
All the more pity that you probably would have been one of the Nazis with a PhD who would do anything to benefit himself at another's expense.
You should look up the Comparative Advantage component of Free Trade; but you already have, haven't you, Nazi?
I understand that you are a knee-jerk moron who thinks nothing of kicking his fellow human beings under the bus.

dear I'm a conservative capitalist. When China just switched to conservative capitalism from liberalism they instantly eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty. Is that kicking fellow human beings under the bus????

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance??
I understand that you are a knee-jerk moron who thinks nothing of kicking his fellow human beings under the bus.

dear I'm a conservative capitalist. When China just switched to conservative capitalism from liberalism they instantly eliminated 40% of the entire world's poverty. Is that kicking fellow human beings under the bus????

See why we say liberalism is based in pure ignorance??

Is that why FoxConn, which imprisons at least 500,000 slave laborers, has to contrive methods of qwelling mass suicides?
I now realize "conservative capitalist"s are selectively illiterate.
We need to bring jobs back to America.

very simple:
end the liberal programs the forced them to leave:

liberal unions deficits and taxes
and then end the liberal war on the family and schools.

Do you understand??

So do you plan to use tactical nukes or do you have a more comprehensive strategy? :dunno:

I don't think you'll get rid of liberalism or labor unions. I'm all in favor of it if you can figure out how... don't get me wrong. I just don't think we have the numbers to do it unless we eliminate a whole bunch of liberals. Unions are not the problem in a free market system, union protectionism is.
You should look up the Comparative Advantage component of Free Trade;

dear, care to tell us what I'd learn if I looked it up????? Do you have any idea????
Yes, schmuck, I read the book 3 times and the definition on-line many times.
Comparative Advantage is NOT a situation of forced cheap labor by gun point.
And the point of Comparative Advantage is definitely NOT to lower wages in one's own nation (I'm sure you're a fan boy of the idiot Alan Greenspan), but for a nation to concentrate on those industries that are best managed by one's nation.

And it sure as hell doesn't include Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg paying off schmucks like Marco Rubio to insist that ALL Americans are incompetent at EVERYTHING and need to be replaced by foreign workers both here in the US and abroard.

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