So why do you support Trump?


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
Seriously, why?
Do you support him because he is the leading GOP candidate? Or maybe because you like his policies?
As for me I support him mostly because he says the truth about illegal immigration and he isn't afraid of talking about real problems. He is also a good showman. A bad politician, though but he started his career not so long ago so it doesn't matter much.
why is it anyone's business? why do any of you support who you support?
good grief.
I wonder how much reading people do and research?
I will admit that I don't..... I will read stuff on the internet, the newspaper occasionally and I only watch news at 11pm unless I am in the gym, then I get my fill of FOX and MSNBC...
I support his immigration policy,for the most part his jobs/economy plan. He is the ONLY GOP candidate I would vote for just like Bernie Sanders is ONLY Democrat candidate I would vote for.
Seriously, why?
Do you support him because he is the leading GOP candidate? Or maybe because you like his policies?
As for me I support him mostly because he says the truth about illegal immigration and he isn't afraid of talking about real problems. He is also a good showman. A bad politician, though but he started his career not so long ago so it doesn't matter much.
Very simple. He's NOT a professional politician. And, he says what others are afraid to say.
I like Trump , like his big mouth or straight talk rather than PC and pandering like 'jebito' and other 'rinos' . I don't care if he is 'conservative' if the 'bush' family is the yardstick by which Conservativeness is measured . To me , Trump sounds American . I think that he is an America First kind of guy which is much better than a one world it takes a village , big tent type like 'jebito' and other rinos . I've heard Trump called a nativist and a nationalist and if I understand those words definition I have no problem with those descriptions .
Seriously, why?
Do you support him because he is the leading GOP candidate? Or maybe because you like his policies?
As for me I support him mostly because he says the truth about illegal immigration and he isn't afraid of talking about real problems. He is also a good showman. A bad politician, though but he started his career not so long ago so it doesn't matter much.
Very simple. He's NOT a professional politician. And, he says what others are afraid to say.

......and, if I might add, hasn't been packaged and bought!
What's NOT to like?.....

Trump agenda:

1. Build the Wall
2. Enforce laws pertaining to illegals
3. Balance budgets
4. Middle class tax cut
5. Simplify tax code
6. Make military strength a priority
7. Tear up all foreign trade pacts which are taking our jobs, especially China & Mexico & Japan
8. Install hugely successful people from private sector for making foreign trade deals
9. Take better care of wounded vets
10. Eliminate/reduce useless federal bureaucracy

Trump is conservative on these issues:

Pro life since at least 2011, wanted to ban partial birth abortion as far back as 2000.
Pro Traditional marriage. “Gay rights is not my thing.”
Pro capital punishment “Capital punishment isn’t uncivilized; murderers living is”
Hold Judges accountable
Opposes “Common core is a disaster” Teach citizenship, quit “dumbing down”.
Anti education unions (2000)
For school choice
“Climate Change is a hoax”
“No Cap-and-Tax”
For drilling our own.
On Environment “Good development enhances the environment”
Stressed the importance of a strong family & culture of life (2015)
Supports Israel
Opposes Iran deal and letting Iran obtain the bomb.
Wants to crush ISIS quickly.
Wants a military so strong no one will challenge us.
Against unbalanced trade deals that kill American jobs.
Against warrantless government surveillance of citizens.
Is against having a high national debt. Warns that $24T is a point of no return.
Against gun control
For assault weapon ban but says the AR-15 shouldn’t be considered an assault weapon.
Wants to repeal Obamacare and replace it with market driven polices and increased competition among insurance companies.
Wants to increase military spending.
Will close the border to illegals
Will send the criminals and sponges back.
Will deport all illegals but will let the hard working ones go through the legal process to come back.
Against Anchor babies
Knows unemployment is much higher than official stats.
Will bring jobs back through better trade negotiation.
Attended military academy and Wharton Business School.
Stood up for Birthers and challenged Obama on his fraud.
Believes USA is “the greatest force for freedom the world has ever known”
Wants to honor commitments on Social Security and Medicare, which we can afford to do if he gets the economy going full steam.
Wants to reduce the fraud in disability and other programs.
Against marriage penalties in tax code.
Wants to reduce income taxes and eliminate corporate tax.
Wants to rebuild our infrastructure.
Wants to apply welfare-to-work to 76 other welfare programs (2011)
Doesn’t have time for political correctness.
Not afraid to call out either party or both when they are wrong.
Not a puppet to rich campaign donors.
Seriously, why?
Do you support him because he is the leading GOP candidate? Or maybe because you like his policies?
As for me I support him mostly because he says the truth about illegal immigration and he isn't afraid of talking about real problems. He is also a good showman. A bad politician, though but he started his career not so long ago so it doesn't matter much.

Seriously, why?
Do you support him because he is the leading GOP candidate? Or maybe because you like his policies?
As for me I support him mostly because he says the truth about illegal immigration and he isn't afraid of talking about real problems. He is also a good showman. A bad politician, though but he started his career not so long ago so it doesn't matter much.
Very simple. He's NOT a professional politician. And, he says what others are afraid to say.
But if you think about it, all business tycoons ARE professional politicians in their own realm and fields....they would not be at the top if they were not imo. Even better at it, than DC politicians....and this is what seems to frighten the established republican party and maybe even the democratic party, about the Donald.
Seriously, why?
Do you support him because he is the leading GOP candidate? Or maybe because you like his policies?
As for me I support him mostly because he says the truth about illegal immigration and he isn't afraid of talking about real problems. He is also a good showman. A bad politician, though but he started his career not so long ago so it doesn't matter much.
I don't,but I love that he has the good old boys from both sides and the media all butt hurt,its refreshing.
Trump is just beating the GOP at the political game....
The first debate, he made certain he was remembered with the Meghan Kelly controversy so it put FOX on warning so to say, and he cut the Gop's power short, by implying he would run as an independent if the Republican Party didn't support him as the presidential candidate....he politically out maneuvered them right up front by saying, you the Republican Party will have a guaranteed loss if I have to go and run as an Independent, he's making the right ''political'' moves to keep his candidacy alive and well...
Seriously, why?
Do you support him because he is the leading GOP candidate? Or maybe because you like his policies?
As for me I support him mostly because he says the truth about illegal immigration and he isn't afraid of talking about real problems. He is also a good showman. A bad politician, though but he started his career not so long ago so it doesn't matter much.
Very simple. He's NOT a professional politician. And, he says what others are afraid to say.

......and, if I might add, hasn't been packaged and bought!
In his case, he IS the 'package' and IS the 'buyer'....

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