So who's more guilty of "lying" and "treason"?!


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?
Because anyone who tries to arrest them sleeps with the fishes.
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?
You are lying right now, or at least repeating them.
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?

First of all, just allow me to state: I never voted for Clinton, any Clinton, ever, period.

So, your premise is that Cinton, the Clintons, the DNC, Democrats, they all out witted the Republicans, AND they got away with it?


Well, in that case that would mean the Republicans are REALLY FVCKING STUPID, right?

So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?
The dossier has never been shown to be fake, assfuck. Whine somewhere else.
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?
The lessor of your two evils is still evil.
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?

First of all, just allow me to state: I never voted for Clinton, any Clinton, ever, period.

So, your premise is that Cinton, the Clintons, the DNC, Democrats, they all out witted the Republicans, AND they got away with it?


Well, in that case that would mean the Republicans are REALLY FVCKING STUPID, right?

You're the stupid one that doesn't get the premise of this thread.

Once again, why isn't Bill, Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, etc. and that whole criminal gang of corrupt greedy liars, thieves, and jackbooted thugs put behind bars, considering that it is a fact that what they are guilty of is far more than what Trump and his associates have been falsely accused of?

I mean seriously, conspiracy to commit collusion?! How about the Russians paying Bill Clinton $500,000 for each of his bullshit speeches, or Hillary paying Russians for a fake dossier on an opposition candidate to defraud the American people and affect the election?
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?
The lessor of your two evils is still evil.
Why hasn't the greater evil been indicted, convicted, and behind bars by now?
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?
The dossier has never been shown to be fake, assfuck. Whine somewhere else.
And then...we have this RETARD that is still claiming the dossier to be true.

But then again, according to you guys, it isn't even important that the dossier was true or not, now is it? It's the fact that Hillary colluded with the Russians to help create it! After all, aren't ALL of the released WIKI emails that exposed the height of Hillary and the Democratic party's depravity ALL TRUE.? The American people surely deserved to know who this piece of garbage running as the Democratic nominee truly was!
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?
I just roughly edited out the stuff that was less informational from this segment of The Rush Limbaugh Show.

Toensing and DiGenova on the Coup Against Trump

Toensing and DiGenova on the Coup Against Trump - The Rush Limbaugh Show

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 15,2019

RUSH: Okay. “The brazen plot against Trump by the Obama-era FBI and DOJ continues, enabled by a complicit media.” This is an op-ed written by Victoria Toensing and her husband, Joe diGenova. And it basically rehashes things that we have talked about for months and months here about the deep state, about this conspiracy, about the objective to overturn the presidential election results of 2016. The corruption of the Department of Justice and the FBI by Obama-era employees.

So Victoria Toensing and Joe diGenova. Let me give you a couple of pull quotes here. “The New York Times story was created to obfuscate…”

This is the story that we had last week that Trump is a Russian agent and that the FBI and the DOJ knew that Trump was a Russian agent and started to counter intel — you know, the thing we discussed it yesterday. “The New York Times story was created to obfuscate the real criminal conspiracy: violation of Title 18 of U.S. Code Section 242, which prohibits any person under color of law … to deprive another of ‘rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution.'”

In other words, they are saying what I’ve said here, that this Mueller investigation is a cover-up and a distraction from the real criminal behavior that took place on the Hillary side, on the DNC side, and the Christopher Steele dossier side of things. They write, “The brazen plot against President Trump by the Obama-era FBI and DOJ continues, enabled by a complicit media. The odor of corruption has long been noxious. But the Democrats and media hold their collective noses.

“But the bottom line is that Obama, Biden, Brennan, Comey and many others who we trusted conspired in a brazen plot to destroy Trump — and they are still doing it. I know you’ve said it. I’ve heard you. But it isn’t sticking. It’s not going into the brains of even people who support Trump. It is so frustrating to me. I don’t know how to get this across to people. It just points out to me that the media really do hold all the power in the country. Damn them to hell.”

This is somebody frustrated that no matter what is learned, no matter how many people learn it — this letter writer/emailer, still thinks — you don’t get the full impact of what’s happening here and that most people don’t because the media is reporting literally none of the truth on this.


RUSH: What’s the question?

CALLER: Okay. The question is, the Mueller probe aside, who will ever charge Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and the rest of them for the crimes that they committed? Will it be the new attorney general?

RUSH: I have to tell you, I’m glad that I got this question. I’m glad you called and asked this question. I have to tell you, folks — and I don’t want to be, you know, Donnie Downer here. But I just don’t see it, and I can’t tell you how frustrating it is. This whole cabal, it’s not enough that most of them have been fired. They’re still out there wreaking havoc. They’re on television. They’re poisoning the public mind. Comey, Strzok Strzok, Page, they’ve all had their shots.

What they did was corrupt, but if you go after them you’ve gotta keep going, and the reason this is not gonna happen is because you would reach Barack Obama. Nothing of this happens without his okay. This kind of stuff that went on, and everybody thinks these are a bunch of rogue people. But I guarantee you the tone is set by the person at the top, and much of this Mueller investigation is done is to shield Obama.

Folks, do you know how much of anti-Trump agenda in the media and the Democrat Party is aimed at saving Barack Obama?

The perception of his legacy, the perception of his success at president, the insulation of the criminal activity of his subordinates, all of this is saving Obama — and Hillary. It’s all about that. The swamp is the swamp, and people that are in that swamp are in a fraternity. Some of them are Republicans and Democrats, but that’s a dividing line for public consumption only. One of the reasons why the Republicans are so acquiescent and really don’t traditionally fight back and push back is that that would be pushing back against that which they are a member of.

They’re just not gonna do it. It’s why Republicans don’t shut down the government. It’s why we had to send somebody there who’s not part of this. Nothing like any of the good things that are happening now would have ever happened with a traditional Republican or Democrat presidential candidate who won. If Mitt Romney had won, it would have made no different to what Obama did. Maybe if Ted Cruz had won the nomination, we’d have similar circumstances here, but there’s nobody who would have gotten even close to what Trump has done agenda-wise.

And there’s nobody that would have taken the crap that he gets every day. They would have not been able to handle this for a week, and done whatever they could to stop it. So I… (sigh) And this guy Barr is… I’ve heard all the accolades, and they all come from swamp people. I don’t know him. I know him by reputation. That’s all I have to go on. But if nobody’s taking any action yet against Comey and the rest of these people — and it’s not just Comey. It’s Clapper. It’s Brennan. I mean, every top-level official in the Obama administration politicized their department.

That means they corrupted it, including the Department of Justice! Everything that happened to Trump here is because of the politicization, the Obama politicization of the Department of Justice. They turned it into a political weaponized agency, and they turned it into an enemy of Trump and therefore Republicans, and it became a weapon for the Democrat Party. And it incorporated ammo provided by the Democrats: The stupid dossier! This stupid dossier is the foundational building block for everything that happened, whether they believed it or not.

And I don’t think they ever did believe it. They’re not that stupid. They used it. They defrauded the FISA court, but we don’t know to what extend the FISA court was defrauded or winking and nodding and in on it. So you politicize the Department of Justice and then the weaponry is the DOJ, and the ammo was provided by Hillary and Fusion GPS and that Perkins Coie law firm. (However you pronounce that name.)

I mean, they’re implanting spies in the Trump campaign not to ferret out Russian meddling and whatnot, but to create it! They’re putting spies in the Trump campaign so that later, they can be said to have been spies for Russia or what have you. After all of this time, there isn’t anything even close to approaching the original allegation and contention for empowering the special prosecutor. There was no Russian collusion, the was no Russian tampering, and there was no Russian effect on any vote or election.

This whole thing is a waste of time. It’s a smoke screen. It is a hoax.

I don’t care what adjective you want to attach to it, but it’s incredibly damaging to the fabric of the Department of Justice and the overall perception of fairness in the Department of Justice.

Continued at link.

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So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?
The lessor of your two evils is still evil.
Except when he's not evil.

Just human.


Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of is dawn by armed police state militia?
The Deep State is left-wing. Real justice in America is becoming a thing of th3 past
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?
In 2009, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton directedthen-FBI Director Mueller to deliver a sample of Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) to Russia Director Mueller personally makes the transfer himself even though the State Department has no authority or supervisory role over the Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Dealand proven. -The New York Times Hillary Clinton sided with Russia on sanctions as Bill made $500G on Moscow speech| Fox News WSJ:Terry McAuliffe Sent Big Bucks to Wife of FBI Official Involved in Clinton Email Case…Breitbart Lynch Promised Clinton Camp: I Won't Let FBI 'Go Too Far' With Investigation (James Comey was the FBI Director)… DOJ 'side agreements' let agents destroy laptops in Clinton email case… Already established and proven. Comey exonerates Clinton on email investigation before interviewing her and 13 other key witnesses, FBI Congressional investigators find irregularities in FBI's handling of Clinton email Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?
The lessor of your two evils is still evil.
Why hasn't the greater evil been indicted, convicted, and behind bars by now?
Because the Deep State is made up of Democrats AND Republicans.

They ALL want him destroyed.

They are the Swamp Creatures and when we complain about the government and Washington and politics and bureaucracy, THOSE ARE THE SAME ONES PREVENTING OBAMA AND HILLARY FROM FACING JUSTICE.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?

First of all, just allow me to state: I never voted for Clinton, any Clinton, ever, period.

So, your premise is that Cinton, the Clintons, the DNC, Democrats, they all out witted the Republicans, AND they got away with it?


Well, in that case that would mean the Republicans are REALLY FVCKING STUPID, right?

Comey covered whitewash it so well and then gave out immunity like candy to all her friend and those involved and all this was done without Hilly being put under oath. Ever heard of anything like that in 66 years.
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?

Typical far right looney tune rant. The Trump campaign was not adverse to conspiring with Russians as we saw in their meeting with a Russian national. The reason they are being charged with crimes like lying to Congress is because they have committed more serious crimes and are pleading guilty to lesser crimes. Figures you fascist dogs want to drag out people who have
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?

First of all, just allow me to state: I never voted for Clinton, any Clinton, ever, period.

So, your premise is that Cinton, the Clintons, the DNC, Democrats, they all out witted the Republicans, AND they got away with it?


Well, in that case that would mean the Republicans are REALLY FVCKING STUPID, right?

You're the stupid one that doesn't get the premise of this thread.

Once again, why isn't Bill, Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, etc. and that whole criminal gang of corrupt greedy liars, thieves, and jackbooted thugs put behind bars, considering that it is a fact that what they are guilty of is far more than what Trump and his associates have been falsely accused of?

I mean seriously, conspiracy to commit collusion?! How about the Russians paying Bill Clinton $500,000 for each of his bullshit speeches, or Hillary paying Russians for a fake dossier on an opposition candidate to defraud the American people and affect the election?

How about they have not committed a crime. Trump on the other hand is soft on Putin or should we call it complicity. The fact is that Russians have funded Trump to a much larger degree in the 2000s. It was the Russians who attempted to affect the election in favor of Trump. The latest is a Russian plot to use fake information to interfere with Mueller's investigation.
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?
I just roughly edited out the stuff that was less informational from this segment of The Rush Limbaugh Show.

Toensing and DiGenova on the Coup Against Trump

Toensing and DiGenova on the Coup Against Trump - The Rush Limbaugh Show

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 15,2019

RUSH: Okay. “The brazen plot against Trump by the Obama-era FBI and DOJ continues, enabled by a complicit media.” This is an op-ed written by Victoria Toensing and her husband, Joe diGenova. And it basically rehashes things that we have talked about for months and months here about the deep state, about this conspiracy, about the objective to overturn the presidential election results of 2016. The corruption of the Department of Justice and the FBI by Obama-era employees.

So Victoria Toensing and Joe diGenova. Let me give you a couple of pull quotes here. “The New York Times story was created to obfuscate…”

This is the story that we had last week that Trump is a Russian agent and that the FBI and the DOJ knew that Trump was a Russian agent and started to counter intel — you know, the thing we discussed it yesterday. “The New York Times story was created to obfuscate the real criminal conspiracy: violation of Title 18 of U.S. Code Section 242, which prohibits any person under color of law … to deprive another of ‘rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution.'”

In other words, they are saying what I’ve said here, that this Mueller investigation is a cover-up and a distraction from the real criminal behavior that took place on the Hillary side, on the DNC side, and the Christopher Steele dossier side of things. They write, “The brazen plot against President Trump by the Obama-era FBI and DOJ continues, enabled by a complicit media. The odor of corruption has long been noxious. But the Democrats and media hold their collective noses.

“But the bottom line is that Obama, Biden, Brennan, Comey and many others who we trusted conspired in a brazen plot to destroy Trump — and they are still doing it. I know you’ve said it. I’ve heard you. But it isn’t sticking. It’s not going into the brains of even people who support Trump. It is so frustrating to me. I don’t know how to get this across to people. It just points out to me that the media really do hold all the power in the country. Damn them to hell.”

This is somebody frustrated that no matter what is learned, no matter how many people learn it — this letter writer/emailer, still thinks — you don’t get the full impact of what’s happening here and that most people don’t because the media is reporting literally none of the truth on this.


RUSH: What’s the question?

CALLER: Okay. The question is, the Mueller probe aside, who will ever charge Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and the rest of them for the crimes that they committed? Will it be the new attorney general?

RUSH: I have to tell you, I’m glad that I got this question. I’m glad you called and asked this question. I have to tell you, folks — and I don’t want to be, you know, Donnie Downer here. But I just don’t see it, and I can’t tell you how frustrating it is. This whole cabal, it’s not enough that most of them have been fired. They’re still out there wreaking havoc. They’re on television. They’re poisoning the public mind. Comey, Strzok Strzok, Page, they’ve all had their shots.

What they did was corrupt, but if you go after them you’ve gotta keep going, and the reason this is not gonna happen is because you would reach Barack Obama. Nothing of this happens without his okay. This kind of stuff that went on, and everybody thinks these are a bunch of rogue people. But I guarantee you the tone is set by the person at the top, and much of this Mueller investigation is done is to shield Obama.

Folks, do you know how much of anti-Trump agenda in the media and the Democrat Party is aimed at saving Barack Obama?

The perception of his legacy, the perception of his success at president, the insulation of the criminal activity of his subordinates, all of this is saving Obama — and Hillary. It’s all about that. The swamp is the swamp, and people that are in that swamp are in a fraternity. Some of them are Republicans and Democrats, but that’s a dividing line for public consumption only. One of the reasons why the Republicans are so acquiescent and really don’t traditionally fight back and push back is that that would be pushing back against that which they are a member of.

They’re just not gonna do it. It’s why Republicans don’t shut down the government. It’s why we had to send somebody there who’s not part of this. Nothing like any of the good things that are happening now would have ever happened with a traditional Republican or Democrat presidential candidate who won. If Mitt Romney had won, it would have made no different to what Obama did. Maybe if Ted Cruz had won the nomination, we’d have similar circumstances here, but there’s nobody who would have gotten even close to what Trump has done agenda-wise.

And there’s nobody that would have taken the crap that he gets every day. They would have not been able to handle this for a week, and done whatever they could to stop it. So I… (sigh) And this guy Barr is… I’ve heard all the accolades, and they all come from swamp people. I don’t know him. I know him by reputation. That’s all I have to go on. But if nobody’s taking any action yet against Comey and the rest of these people — and it’s not just Comey. It’s Clapper. It’s Brennan. I mean, every top-level official in the Obama administration politicized their department.

That means they corrupted it, including the Department of Justice! Everything that happened to Trump here is because of the politicization, the Obama politicization of the Department of Justice. They turned it into a political weaponized agency, and they turned it into an enemy of Trump and therefore Republicans, and it became a weapon for the Democrat Party. And it incorporated ammo provided by the Democrats: The stupid dossier! This stupid dossier is the foundational building block for everything that happened, whether they believed it or not.

And I don’t think they ever did believe it. They’re not that stupid. They used it. They defrauded the FISA court, but we don’t know to what extend the FISA court was defrauded or winking and nodding and in on it. So you politicize the Department of Justice and then the weaponry is the DOJ, and the ammo was provided by Hillary and Fusion GPS and that Perkins Coie law firm. (However you pronounce that name.)

I mean, they’re implanting spies in the Trump campaign not to ferret out Russian meddling and whatnot, but to create it! They’re putting spies in the Trump campaign so that later, they can be said to have been spies for Russia or what have you. After all of this time, there isn’t anything even close to approaching the original allegation and contention for empowering the special prosecutor. There was no Russian collusion, the was no Russian tampering, and there was no Russian effect on any vote or election.

This whole thing is a waste of time. It’s a smoke screen. It is a hoax.

I don’t care what adjective you want to attach to it, but it’s incredibly damaging to the fabric of the Department of Justice and the overall perception of fairness in the Department of Justice.

Continued at link.

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Rush Limbaugh is batshit crazy. He is just as crazy as Trump is.
So who's more guilty of treason, Hillary and her criminal cronies in the Dem party, who sent and received top secret emails from a private server and lied about it, destroyed 30,000 classified emails that were under subpoena, govt. classified emails ended up on pervert Wiener's laptop, paid money and colluded with the Russians to create a fake dossier that was used to obtain an illegal FISA warrant to then totally violate the constitution in a conspiracy spy and frame an opposition candidate, or Trump, who hasn't done jack shit, or his associates, who "lied" to congress in bullshit gotcha gestapo style that arose either after the investigation started or as a result of the illegal spying and wiretapping? And that doesn't include McCabe, Comey, Clapper, etc. who were also caught "LYING".

And why aren't Hillary, Bill Clinton, and various Deep State and Democrat party fascist thugs being raided and dragged out at the crack of dawn by armed police state militia?

First of all, just allow me to state: I never voted for Clinton, any Clinton, ever, period.

So, your premise is that Cinton, the Clintons, the DNC, Democrats, they all out witted the Republicans, AND they got away with it?


Well, in that case that would mean the Republicans are REALLY FVCKING STUPID, right?

You're the stupid one that doesn't get the premise of this thread.

Once again, why isn't Bill, Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan, Strzok, etc. and that whole criminal gang of corrupt greedy liars, thieves, and jackbooted thugs put behind bars, considering that it is a fact that what they are guilty of is far more than what Trump and his associates have been falsely accused of?

I mean seriously, conspiracy to commit collusion?! How about the Russians paying Bill Clinton $500,000 for each of his bullshit speeches, or Hillary paying Russians for a fake dossier on an opposition candidate to defraud the American people and affect the election?
Look assfuck. Hiring an opposition research firm is LEGAL. It is not lying. Researching Trump's financial ties to Russian ois NOT colluding.

You trash Brennan & Clapper who kept us safe for years because you believe that orange piece of trash you elected.

I have an idea. Be an American instead of a Trumpette.

Bill Clinton as an ex-president gets a high price for his speeches. So what. He has valuable insight for Russia business.

Your butt buddy was trying to bribe Putin to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. He lied about itr. What the fuck? Why don't you care about that? If there was nothing funny about it, why did he lie?

Really. Be an American for a change.

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