So Which is Crazier?

What's more important: Asking or Answering this question or implementing good policies to bring Americans jobs and make us all more prosperous?

Cause while you are busy with this, the president has been working on the latter.
Who gives a fuck? Honestly? He rocked yesterday.
The standards have been lowered the last few years. Deal with it, snowflake.
What's more important: Asking or Answering this question or implementing good policies to bring Americans jobs and make us all more prosperous?

Cause while you are busy with this, the president has been working on the latter.

Hey idiot, the 'president' brought it up AGAIN yesterday. Pay attention.

Oh, and btw, I have already expressed my support for Trump implementing Bernie Sanders' policy on trade.
What's more important: Asking or Answering this question or implementing good policies to bring Americans jobs and make us all more prosperous?

Cause while you are busy with this, the president has been working on the latter.

Hey idiot, the 'president' brought it up AGAIN yesterday. Pay attention.

Oh, and btw, I have already expressed my support for Trump implementing Bernie Sanders' policy on trade.
Why are you calling it that? If Trump has remained consistent on anything, its trade.
At this point I think it's pretty obvious Trump would trade places with Hillary Clinton in a second. That way he could be the winner of the popular vote, AND not have to be President.
The HAPPIEST folks for Trump signing out of the TPP are the Chinese...A "thank you" card to rump from Beijing is in the mail.
What's more important: Asking or Answering this question or implementing good policies to bring Americans jobs and make us all more prosperous?

Cause while you are busy with this, the president has been working on the latter.

Hey idiot, the 'president' brought it up AGAIN yesterday. Pay attention.

Oh, and btw, I have already expressed my support for Trump implementing Bernie Sanders' policy on trade.
Why are you calling it that? If Trump has remained consistent on anything, its trade.

I'm calling it that because it's true.

You're right. Trump's only consistency has been his support for the liberal position on trade. lol, and that's what got him elected.
Which is crazier - the fact that Hillary was proven to have started circulating the 'Birther' movement in 2008 yet 8 years later snowflakes still won't admit it OR the fact that sore-loser, angry, bitter, butt-hurt snowflakes still think the Popular Vote is relevant?

What's more important: Asking or Answering this question or implementing good policies to bring Americans jobs and make us all more prosperous?

Cause while you are busy with this, the president has been working on the latter.

Hey idiot, the 'president' brought it up AGAIN yesterday. Pay attention.

Oh, and btw, I have already expressed my support for Trump implementing Bernie Sanders' policy on trade.
Why are you calling it that? If Trump has remained consistent on anything, its trade.

I'm calling it that because it's true.

You're right. Trump's only consistency has been his support for the liberal position on trade. lol, and that's what got him elected.
"liberal position?" You stupid hacks have been saying he is going to destroy our economy since he started talking about it. You are a pathetic fucking joke.
Birtherism or the Three Million Illegals Cost Me the Popular Vote theory?

Thank you for that intriguing puzzle, Mr. President.

What's craziest is liberals keeps sighting polls, inauguration crowd size and using nut job celebrities to help their agenda. Have you not learned anything since the November ass kicking?
Which is crazier - the fact that Hillary was proven to have started circulating the 'Birther' movement in 2008 yet 8 years later snowflakes still won't admit it OR the fact that sore-loser, angry, bitter, butt-hurt snowflakes still think the Popular Vote is relevant?


This actually isn't true of course.

Trump's False claim Clinton started Obama birther talk

What is true is that 8 years later, a majority of Republicans are Birthers. Who's responsible for that?
What's more important: Asking or Answering this question or implementing good policies to bring Americans jobs and make us all more prosperous?

Cause while you are busy with this, the president has been working on the latter.

Hey idiot, the 'president' brought it up AGAIN yesterday. Pay attention.

Oh, and btw, I have already expressed my support for Trump implementing Bernie Sanders' policy on trade.
Why are you calling it that? If Trump has remained consistent on anything, its trade.

I'm calling it that because it's true.

You're right. Trump's only consistency has been his support for the liberal position on trade. lol, and that's what got him elected.
"liberal position?" You stupid hacks have been saying he is going to destroy our economy since he started talking about it. You are a pathetic fucking joke.

Don't lie about what I've said.
What's more important: Asking or Answering this question or implementing good policies to bring Americans jobs and make us all more prosperous?

Cause while you are busy with this, the president has been working on the latter.

Hey idiot, the 'president' brought it up AGAIN yesterday. Pay attention.

Oh, and btw, I have already expressed my support for Trump implementing Bernie Sanders' policy on trade.
Why are you calling it that? If Trump has remained consistent on anything, its trade.

I'm calling it that because it's true.

You're right. Trump's only consistency has been his support for the liberal position on trade. lol, and that's what got him elected.
"liberal position?" You stupid hacks have been saying he is going to destroy our economy since he started talking about it. You are a pathetic fucking joke.

Don't lie about what I've said.
I don't have to...
Well the majority of Californians want to succeed from the union…
At this point I think it's pretty obvious Trump would trade places with Hillary Clinton in a second. That way he could be the winner of the popular vote, AND not have to be President.
You've got nothing but juvenile idiotic comments to make. Did they run you off the other board?

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