So, where do Republicans stand today?

Walker is out, Perry is out
Jindal, Santorum, Huckabee, Graham. Paul are on life support

Trump looks unbeatable as he mocks the other candidates and soaks up all the attention
Fiorina is the flavor of the week as she looks feisty and articulate
Carson looks like he has a hard time staying awake for the debates and showed he is a bigot against Muslims
Bush has the name and political machine but is awkward in debates
Rubio looks well read and articulate, one of the only Republicans with passion
Christie is feisty and argumentative but has no real platform
Kasich is the mature, calm middle of the road solution
Cruz has staked out the far right....creepy as ever

I think Trump will have the backing to last through the primaries but when Republicans have to actually pick, I doubt they will say...I want this guy as President
Fiorina will lose her luster but can run as VP
Carson will drop after the early primaries
Christie and Kasich are too moderate
Cruz will lose votes to Trump and drop out early

That leaves Bush and Rubio. The smart, safe choice is Bush. He has the name, is not objectionable and has the backing and political machine

Rubio may make the best candidate against Hillary. He is young, dynamic and sincere. Everything Hillary is not. If he can stake out a Republican agenda for the future, he could win

VP could be Fiorina (women) or Kasich (Ohio, maturity)
I was reading this:

Republican potentates can’t fight back against him because the party’s base has his back. He’s ensnared the GOP Establishment in a classic Catch-22: It wants Trump voters — it can’t win elections without them — but doesn’t want Trump calling attention to what those voters actually believe.

Donald Trump Is Saving Our Democracy

It's sort of a meandering piece, but a central point is all the gop establishment handwringing over Trump should be absurd, because Trump himself is absurd. He's more like The Magic Christian or Bullworth or even Network's Howard Beale. He's mad as hell and he's not gonna take it anymore.

The gop calls Trump a fake republican .... well, he's certainly telling the gop faithful what they want to hear: birthright citizenship ... gonna get rid of that! (how?) Obama's a muslim and not an American (Well, most republicans AGREE!) He takes on Megyn and her menstrual cycle ... (well Rubio and Walker want to ban abortion for rape victims and women who might die ... and we haven't even gotten to the gop on the morning after pill).

In fact, the ONLY issue Trump is out of lockstep with the gop is on taxes and hedge fund managers. And therein lies the question that continually comes up, why do lower middle class whites vote for plutocrats? The answer is obvious: as bad as the plutocrats are, they aren't giving the blacks, latinos, Asians all our stuff. OMG, Trump's a plutocrat telling the faithful what they WANT TO HEAR!

Meanwhile, we have Hillary dragging the server like the proverbial dead cat tied to her neck.

I find it amusing that Trump wants to raise taxes on hedge fund managers but not real estate tycoons
Republicans are basing their campaigning on planned parenthood. Doesn't look good.
Indications are that Hillary might be both literally and figuratively on life support with failing health and possibly pending indictments. Where do democrats turn when all they have is a brain damaged V.P. and a socialist who isn't even a registered democrat?
She won't make it out of the next debate.

I think she will hang around for a while

She is one of the few Republicans with a personality

She slid in on the last debate but really she doesn't have much to offer. Now that she has been granted this platform that will come through. It will die. I firmly believe that is going to show in the next debate.

I agree...she was a fresh face and showed energy

But she really didn't show substance. Much of her platform is not supported by mainstream Republicans. I think they will tire of her just like they will tire of Trump and Carson

Surprisingly much of her platform is exactly the same which is why I don't get the whole she is different schpeil. Little bits here and there are different but it's not too far off. She has two words down: political class. She then goes on the attack and that's it. The moment that she affirmed that she met Putin and was not going to talk to him, she was done. She recites what she thinks that people want to hear.

Carson appeals to a very small base--when you get down to it. I really believe that this man really believes in what he is saying. But, it won't cut it over the long haul. He has to be able to demonstrate that he can be in a position and keep church and state separate. If he can't do it then he will be destroyed.
Indications are that Hillary might be both literally and figuratively on life support with failing health and possibly pending indictments. Where do democrats turn when all they have is a brain damaged V.P. and a socialist who isn't even a registered democrat?
The gop might pull this off if the dems can't field a candidate.
Indications are that Hillary might be both literally and figuratively on life support with failing health and possibly pending indictments. Where do democrats turn when all they have is a brain damaged V.P. and a socialist who isn't even a registered democrat?

Hillary could beat this bunch of GOP clowns in a coma
She won't make it out of the next debate.

I think she will hang around for a while

She is one of the few Republicans with a personality

She slid in on the last debate but really she doesn't have much to offer. Now that she has been granted this platform that will come through. It will die. I firmly believe that is going to show in the next debate.

I agree...she was a fresh face and showed energy

But she really didn't show substance. Much of her platform is not supported by mainstream Republicans. I think they will tire of her just like they will tire of Trump and Carson

Surprisingly much of her platform is exactly the same which is why I don't get the whole she is different schpeil. Little bits here and there are different but it's not too far off. She has two words down: political class. She then goes on the attack and that's it. The moment that she affirmed that she met Putin and was not going to talk to him, she was done. She recites what she thinks that people want to hear.

Carson appeals to a very small base--when you get down to it. I really believe that this man really believes in what he is saying. But, it won't cut it over the long haul. He has to be able to demonstrate that he can be in a position and keep church and state separate. If he can't do it then he will be destroyed.

I just don't get Carson

He gets so much reverence from the right because he is a brain surgeon

But his mumblings on religion, healthcare, foreign policy, the economy seem worthy of a fifth grader
She won't make it out of the next debate.

I think she will hang around for a while

She is one of the few Republicans with a personality

She slid in on the last debate but really she doesn't have much to offer. Now that she has been granted this platform that will come through. It will die. I firmly believe that is going to show in the next debate.

I agree...she was a fresh face and showed energy

But she really didn't show substance. Much of her platform is not supported by mainstream Republicans. I think they will tire of her just like they will tire of Trump and Carson

Surprisingly much of her platform is exactly the same which is why I don't get the whole she is different schpeil. Little bits here and there are different but it's not too far off. She has two words down: political class. She then goes on the attack and that's it. The moment that she affirmed that she met Putin and was not going to talk to him, she was done. She recites what she thinks that people want to hear.

Carson appeals to a very small base--when you get down to it. I really believe that this man really believes in what he is saying. But, it won't cut it over the long haul. He has to be able to demonstrate that he can be in a position and keep church and state separate. If he can't do it then he will be destroyed.

I just don't get Carson

He gets so much reverence from the right because he is a brain surgeon

But his mumblings on religion, healthcare, foreign policy, the economy seem worthy of a fifth grader
Don't insult fifth graders. Carson is on the level of a 3 week fetus.
She won't make it out of the next debate.

I think she will hang around for a while

She is one of the few Republicans with a personality

She slid in on the last debate but really she doesn't have much to offer. Now that she has been granted this platform that will come through. It will die. I firmly believe that is going to show in the next debate.

I agree...she was a fresh face and showed energy

But she really didn't show substance. Much of her platform is not supported by mainstream Republicans. I think they will tire of her just like they will tire of Trump and Carson

Surprisingly much of her platform is exactly the same which is why I don't get the whole she is different schpeil. Little bits here and there are different but it's not too far off. She has two words down: political class. She then goes on the attack and that's it. The moment that she affirmed that she met Putin and was not going to talk to him, she was done. She recites what she thinks that people want to hear.

Carson appeals to a very small base--when you get down to it. I really believe that this man really believes in what he is saying. But, it won't cut it over the long haul. He has to be able to demonstrate that he can be in a position and keep church and state separate. If he can't do it then he will be destroyed.

I just don't get Carson

He gets so much reverence from the right because he is a brain surgeon

But his mumblings on religion, healthcare, foreign policy, the economy seem worthy of a fifth grader

Says the man that voted for OBama, twice.
Republicans are basing their campaigning on planned parenthood. Doesn't look good.

It is worse then that! These idiots want to cut everything to the bone from infrastructure and abolish our ability to tax the super rich. They get in get ready to become like parts of central America or Africa were the rich rule.

No, it's dems who will do that.

You can't spend money you spend on entitlements on infrastructure.

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