So where are the fossils that made all this "fossil fuel"


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Said it before and not for the last time, the space program has killed the notion of "fossil fuels"


Cassini Flies By Titan to See Methane Lake |

A lake of "Fossil fuel" where there are no fossils.

You think in all the Solar System, poor little Earth is the only body that needs velicoraptors pressure cooked in geological time to make hydrocarbons?
Thread rating needs to expand. A final rating of zero stars defined as Ridiculous. Of course this is such a thread.

[Maybe Frank is simply seeking attention and this is his idea (HIS idea, is that even possible?) of a funny]
I'll go slow for you, Freddo

On Earth, methane is classified as a "Fossil fuel" meaning is the byproduct of pressure cooked dinosaurs in geological time.

Saturn's Moon Titan has a surface temperature of about -290F yet it has lakes, big lakes too, of what is considered "Fossil fuels" on Earth, yet there are no animals on Titan to pressure cook in geological time to make these "Fossil fuels" they're just a natural physical byproduct of chemical and geological activity, no dinos need apply

So, methane on Titan is not a fossil fuel, but methane on Earth IS a fossil fuel. Earth is EXTREMELY geological active, way more so than Titan and very chemically active, yet we labor under the delusion that methane is a "Fossil fuel"

Said it before and not for the last time, the space program has killed the notion of "fossil fuels"


Cassini Flies By Titan to See Methane Lake |

A lake of "Fossil fuel" where there are no fossils.

You think in all the Solar System, poor little Earth is the only body that needs velicoraptors pressure cooked in geological time to make hydrocarbons?

I thought you might have meant this:

"In "Black Gold Stranglehold," Jerome Corsi and Craig Smith expose the fraudulent science that has made America so vulnerable: the belief that oil is a fossil fuel and that it is a finite resource. This book reveals the conclusions reached by Dr. Thomas Gold, a professor at Cornell University, in his seminal book "The Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels" (Copernicus Books, 1998) and accepted by many in the scientific community that oil is not a product of fossils and prehistoric forests but rather the bio-product of a continuing biochemical reaction below the earth's surface that is brought to attainable depths by the centrifugal forces of the earth's rotation."
Said it before and not for the last time, the space program has killed the notion of "fossil fuels"


Cassini Flies By Titan to See Methane Lake |

A lake of "Fossil fuel" where there are no fossils.

You think in all the Solar System, poor little Earth is the only body that needs velicoraptors pressure cooked in geological time to make hydrocarbons?

I thought you might have meant this:

"In "Black Gold Stranglehold," Jerome Corsi and Craig Smith expose the fraudulent science that has made America so vulnerable: the belief that oil is a fossil fuel and that it is a finite resource. This book reveals the conclusions reached by Dr. Thomas Gold, a professor at Cornell University, in his seminal book "The Deep Hot Biosphere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels" (Copernicus Books, 1998) and accepted by many in the scientific community that oil is not a product of fossils and prehistoric forests but rather the bio-product of a continuing biochemical reaction below the earth's surface that is brought to attainable depths by the centrifugal forces of the earth's rotation."

A little background on the author:

Jerome Corsi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Especially enlightening (in your link) was the Garbage Theory wherein Gold suggested the origin of life was an accidental panspermia, the theory says that life on Earth might have spread from a pile of waste products accidentally dumped on Earth long ago by extraterrestrials.[19].

It makes sense Frank, you're a product of waste and have shit for brains. Methinks Gold was on (to) something, something psychedelic:

One pill makes you larger And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you Don't do anything at all
Go ask Alice, when she's ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you're going to fall
Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call
To call Alice, when she was just small

When the men on the chessboard get up
And tell you where to go
And you've just had some kind of mushroom
And your mind is moving low

Go ask Alice, I think she'll know
When logic and proportion have fallen sloppy dead
And the white knight is talking backwards
And the red queen's off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said
“Feed your head, feed your head”

It makes more sense than gamma rays hitting into complex molecules...and improving them (lol). Like saying an asteroid hit by house but instead of damaging it, it added to the deck and put French door from the kitchen leading out to the extended deck
Said it before and not for the last time, the space program has killed the notion of "fossil fuels"


Cassini Flies By Titan to See Methane Lake |

A lake of "Fossil fuel" where there are no fossils.

You think in all the Solar System, poor little Earth is the only body that needs velicoraptors pressure cooked in geological time to make hydrocarbons?

Methane lakes aren't the same as what we call fossil fuels on earth. Where are the other constituents of fossil fuels as we know them on earth? This seems to ne another case of the lack of "critical thinking. All fossil fuels contain some methane, not all methane is the result of making of fossil fuels.
Why is it so hard to catch the theme here??

Methane on earth is assumed to generate from breakdown of ORGANIC material (previously living) deposited thousands of years ago..

But that's obviously NOT NECCESARY if giant oceans of Methane exist on Titan without any biogenesis.

In fact, wouldn't be surprising to see OTHER dense hydrocarbons on planets that NEVER fostered life.
In some galaxy far far away, finding pools of Ethanol or actual tar sands wouldn't be unexpected either.

Thus as C-Frank has been trying to tell you --- our focus on claiming that all these hydrocarbons must have come from FOSSILS -- dinosaurs and ancient marine algae -- is not the only reasonable answer..

And it gives credibility to the Dr. Gold theory about what we call "fossil" fuel regenerating continuously in the earths crust..

The FOSSIL theory always bugged me anyway considering all the earth shattering Arctic Calthrates that Ole Rocks loses sleep over. SURE -- could have accumulated when the North Shore of AK was part of Pangea -- but that's awfully damn limited in scope and time for BIOLOGICAL production of that much fuel.
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Hydrocarbons on other planets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Basic hydrocarbons are ubiquitous in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. The parent molecule, methane (CH4), undergoes photochemical reactions which convert it to chain molecules such as acetylene (C2H2), ethylene (C2H4), and ethane (C2H6). The atmosphere of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, contains higher mass hydrocarbon ions such as C3H3+, C3H5+, and C5H5+. Hydrocarbons containing as many as seven carbon atoms were observed in Titan's atmosphere by the planetary probe Cassini, which also observed nitriles, nitrogen-containing hydrocarbons. Because of Titan's extremely cold temperatures, these hydrocarbons condense and rain down upon the surface. What appear to be hydrocarbon lakes exist on Titan's surface.

Or Ask the folks At DOE -- you should read the entire page if you're interested..

Fossil Fuels and Primordial Methane

The "American" school of thought tenaciously holds that fossil fuels come from the decay of plants -- to the point of making the question closed. The "European" and "Russian" schools of thought are much less dogmatic on the question.

In my opinion, there are some questions that the biotic sources of fossil fuel do not address adequately. A couple of examples: Why is helium found almost exclusively in natural gas deposits? Why are metals such as vanadium and manganese found abundantly in natural gas deposits? If decayed vegetable matter (containing chlorophyll) is the source of fossil fuels, there should be large amounts of magnesium. But there does not appear to be such an excess.

The late Thomas Gold wrote a book "The Deep Hot Biosphere" which delves into these and other issues challenging the "American" school of thought. Thomas Gold is not some "goof ball" out there. He was/is a respected mainline geologist / astrophysicist.

I think that the formation of "fossil fuels" is a lot more complicated than the "American" model insists is the only possible answer.
Obviously Xenu, the galactic overlord from Scientology, flew the dinosaurs over to Titan (in dc-8 type ships) tens of thousands of years ago. Fortunately they didn't leave the SUV's for the T-Rex's, or Titan would be really warm by now...
Hydrocarbons on other planets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Basic hydrocarbons are ubiquitous in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. The parent molecule, methane (CH4), undergoes photochemical reactions which convert it to chain molecules such as acetylene (C2H2), ethylene (C2H4), and ethane (C2H6). The atmosphere of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, contains higher mass hydrocarbon ions such as C3H3+, C3H5+, and C5H5+. Hydrocarbons containing as many as seven carbon atoms were observed in Titan's atmosphere by the planetary probe Cassini, which also observed nitriles, nitrogen-containing hydrocarbons. Because of Titan's extremely cold temperatures, these hydrocarbons condense and rain down upon the surface. What appear to be hydrocarbon lakes exist on Titan's surface.
Or Ask the folks At DOE -- you should read the entire page if you're interested..

Fossil Fuels and Primordial Methane

The "American" school of thought tenaciously holds that fossil fuels come from the decay of plants -- to the point of making the question closed. The "European" and "Russian" schools of thought are much less dogmatic on the question.

In my opinion, there are some questions that the biotic sources of fossil fuel do not address adequately. A couple of examples: Why is helium found almost exclusively in natural gas deposits? Why are metals such as vanadium and manganese found abundantly in natural gas deposits? If decayed vegetable matter (containing chlorophyll) is the source of fossil fuels, there should be large amounts of magnesium. But there does not appear to be such an excess.

The late Thomas Gold wrote a book "The Deep Hot Biosphere" which delves into these and other issues challenging the "American" school of thought. Thomas Gold is not some "goof ball" out there. He was/is a respected mainline geologist / astrophysicist.

I think that the formation of "fossil fuels" is a lot more complicated than the "American" model insists is the only possible answer.

so do you believe Gold is right and garbage was dumped on to the earth by Aliens which started life on Earth? Or does he mean alien as in a meteorite or asteroid?

Outside of that, I'm certain there are processes that Earth goes through near the core that they don't know about yet or have not proven yet or have not been speculated on yet...every year we are learning more and more.
Hydrocarbons on other planets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Basic hydrocarbons are ubiquitous in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. The parent molecule, methane (CH4), undergoes photochemical reactions which convert it to chain molecules such as acetylene (C2H2), ethylene (C2H4), and ethane (C2H6). The atmosphere of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, contains higher mass hydrocarbon ions such as C3H3+, C3H5+, and C5H5+. Hydrocarbons containing as many as seven carbon atoms were observed in Titan's atmosphere by the planetary probe Cassini, which also observed nitriles, nitrogen-containing hydrocarbons. Because of Titan's extremely cold temperatures, these hydrocarbons condense and rain down upon the surface. What appear to be hydrocarbon lakes exist on Titan's surface.
Or Ask the folks At DOE -- you should read the entire page if you're interested..

Fossil Fuels and Primordial Methane

The "American" school of thought tenaciously holds that fossil fuels come from the decay of plants -- to the point of making the question closed. The "European" and "Russian" schools of thought are much less dogmatic on the question.

In my opinion, there are some questions that the biotic sources of fossil fuel do not address adequately. A couple of examples: Why is helium found almost exclusively in natural gas deposits? Why are metals such as vanadium and manganese found abundantly in natural gas deposits? If decayed vegetable matter (containing chlorophyll) is the source of fossil fuels, there should be large amounts of magnesium. But there does not appear to be such an excess.

The late Thomas Gold wrote a book "The Deep Hot Biosphere" which delves into these and other issues challenging the "American" school of thought. Thomas Gold is not some "goof ball" out there. He was/is a respected mainline geologist / astrophysicist.

I think that the formation of "fossil fuels" is a lot more complicated than the "American" model insists is the only possible answer.

so do you believe Gold is right and garbage was dumped on to the earth by Aliens which started life on Earth? Or does he mean alien as in a meteorite or asteroid?

Outside of that, I'm certain there are processes that Earth goes through near the core that they don't know about yet or have not proven yet or have not been speculated on yet...every year we are learning more and more.

Two diff issues. I keep an open mind on both of them. Don't believe aliens were required, but amino acids in comet fragments COULD have been the spark of DNA creation.

In fact -- we give WAY too much credit to Darwin's view of evolution that stressed NATURAL selection.. I believe there were also periods of UNNATURAL selection. Where mutations and stress from cosmic rays, chemicals, and other environmental processes greatly ACCELERATED evolution. Like new species in a few generations types of "divine intervention" due to what's normally called "acts of God" in insurance language.

If you can believe that life spontaneously erupted thru organic chemisty, a cosmic collision and a lightning bolt -- it's NOT a huge leap to believing that rearranging longer carbon strings to make tar in a completely lifeless environment is also possible.
Hydrocarbons on other planets - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Basic hydrocarbons are ubiquitous in the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn. The parent molecule, methane (CH4), undergoes photochemical reactions which convert it to chain molecules such as acetylene (C2H2), ethylene (C2H4), and ethane (C2H6). The atmosphere of Saturn's largest moon, Titan, contains higher mass hydrocarbon ions such as C3H3+, C3H5+, and C5H5+. Hydrocarbons containing as many as seven carbon atoms were observed in Titan's atmosphere by the planetary probe Cassini, which also observed nitriles, nitrogen-containing hydrocarbons. Because of Titan's extremely cold temperatures, these hydrocarbons condense and rain down upon the surface. What appear to be hydrocarbon lakes exist on Titan's surface.
Or Ask the folks At DOE -- you should read the entire page if you're interested..

Fossil Fuels and Primordial Methane

The "American" school of thought tenaciously holds that fossil fuels come from the decay of plants -- to the point of making the question closed. The "European" and "Russian" schools of thought are much less dogmatic on the question.

In my opinion, there are some questions that the biotic sources of fossil fuel do not address adequately. A couple of examples: Why is helium found almost exclusively in natural gas deposits? Why are metals such as vanadium and manganese found abundantly in natural gas deposits? If decayed vegetable matter (containing chlorophyll) is the source of fossil fuels, there should be large amounts of magnesium. But there does not appear to be such an excess.

The late Thomas Gold wrote a book "The Deep Hot Biosphere" which delves into these and other issues challenging the "American" school of thought. Thomas Gold is not some "goof ball" out there. He was/is a respected mainline geologist / astrophysicist.

I think that the formation of "fossil fuels" is a lot more complicated than the "American" model insists is the only possible answer.

so do you believe Gold is right and garbage was dumped on to the earth by Aliens which started life on Earth? Or does he mean alien as in a meteorite or asteroid?

Outside of that, I'm certain there are processes that Earth goes through near the core that they don't know about yet or have not proven yet or have not been speculated on yet...every year we are learning more and more.

It makes as much sense as Globull warming, Christianity, Islam, or any other religion.

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