So when you die, you don't die?

Sorry, it's hard to not assume that everyone believes the same dogma when one first arrives. However, that aside, there is still a lot of study done to show that there is always a logical explanation. I am busy multi-tasking with Java code right now, searching in three other tabs for information on other non-related topics, so I can't wast more resources looking into specific links (like so many people prefer) and I can't stand wiki (any nutjob with a keyboard being able to add or edit it makes it fiction, not fact). But I do have a few links saved:

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Sorry I don't remember which one has the info, but one actually talks to a few scientists on the matter.

I wasn't necessarily disagreeing with your conclusion, just pointing out unsound reasoning used to defend it.
Well, pointed out in a respectful manner, perhaps I should have said it that way. I don't mind people pointed out valid errors I make.
Interesting views guys.

What if you are the same person on the otherside that you are now? What if you never lose yourself between lives and death? What if death is not as bad as it seems to be?

I ask all these questions from you.

I know it is a different world out there then what it appears to be. If you do not figure what this place is before you pass away, then you will not know what it is when you come back and you will still have to learn the lesson and find out.

It is up to each one of us to find ourself and take our journey to the Truth. If you do not seek it then you will not find it. The Truth can be told to you, but you will not comprehend the meaning if you do not know yourself.

You all have lived for a very long time (time is an Illusion) I will tell you over billions. You were before the universe. Your first few physical lives were very very long compared to human lives.

Almost all of YOU ended up here because eviil came through your galaxy and ambushed your planet and killed you. You were dumped here on a prision. You were dumped here because once you die in physical, you are still spiritually alive. You are contained on this planet and your mind is trapped in a box. They can not completely kill you, only lie to you.

Take that into consideration when you see and hear 'scientific' discoveries....
Those same people that dumped you here are still here....
It just hit me that I've never heard of a near death experience where they stood at the gates of Heaven as Napoleon or Caesar. So, where does reincarnation fit into this? :D
You interprit the script wrong.

Main Entry: in·ter·pret
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French interpreter, from Latin interpretari, from interpret-, interpres agent, negotiator, interpreter
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1 : to explain or tell the meaning of : present in understandable terms <interpret dreams> <needed help interpreting the results>
2 : to conceive in the light of individual belief, judgment, or circumstance : construe <interpret a contract>
3 : to represent by means of art : bring to realization by performance or direction <interprets a role>
Uknow_me, how many souls are still around from the old time?
If they all get recycled then how can we have six billion here now when we only had a billion in the 1800s?

We must be getting Minbari souls.
I am not sure what Minbari is but Souls yes.

There are more souls on this planet that are disembodies then their are grains of sand on the Beach. That was in the Bible....
It just hit me that I've never heard of a near death experience where they stood at the gates of Heaven as Napoleon or Caesar. So, where does reincarnation fit into this? :D

Reincarnation makes me laugh. Everyone is always associated closely to if not the actual famous people, no one is ever a lowly serf or farmer that just died of old age and never did anything famous. I mean really, history only has one Cleopatra and Caeser.
Reincarnation makes me laugh. Everyone is always associated closely to if not the actual famous people, no one is ever a lowly serf or farmer that just died of old age and never did anything famous. I mean really, history only has one Cleopatra and Caeser.

With out reincarnation you wouldn't be here.
Interesting views guys.

What if you are the same person on the otherside that you are now?

Jesus, I hope not. I was rather hoping to be a black basketball playing rap star in heaven.

Being an intellectual isn't all its cracked up to me.

What if you never lose yourself between lives and death? What if death is not as bad as it seems to be?

The dying part (if you're drowding at least) isn't so swell, but the post taking your first breath of water part is pretty damned cool to be honest.

When your body starts to shut down, and all you are is your thoughts? You realize how much work it was to keep all that biomechanical crap going.

Near death is better than heroin, I can attest to that with some authority.

I ask all these questions from you.

I know it is a different world out there then what it appears to be. If you do not figure what this place is before you pass away, then you will not know what it is when you come back and you will still have to learn the lesson and find out.

You lost me there. We do not have a very good grasp of reality. Most of what we think we know or see is made up by our expectations.

It is up to each one of us to find ourself and take our journey to the Truth. If you do not seek it then you will not find it. The Truth can be told to you, but you will not comprehend the meaning if you do not know yourself.

Ah the Capital T-truth... yes, good luck finding that.

You all have lived for a very long time (time is an Illusion) I will tell you over billions. You were before the universe. Your first few physical lives were very very long compared to human lives.

You know this how?

Almost all of YOU ended up here because eviil came through your galaxy and ambushed your planet and killed you. You were dumped here on a prision. You were dumped here because once you die in physical, you are still spiritually alive. You are contained on this planet and your mind is trapped in a box. They can not completely kill you, only lie to you.

Take that into consideration when you see and hear 'scientific' discoveries....
Those same people that dumped you here are still here....

Okay, let's assume that this is all true. One question

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Almost all of YOU ended up here because eviil came through your galaxy and ambushed your planet and killed you. You were dumped here on a prision. You were dumped here because once you die in physical, you are still spiritually alive. You are contained on this planet and your mind is trapped in a box. They can not completely kill you, only lie to you.

I knew that plot sounded familiar. It's "Riverworld".

"Riverworld" imdb
You know this how?

Okay, let's assume that this is all true. One question


I know this because I have found myself. I have found my connection with the creator. I am aware of my task, which I have already started dissemination is part of it.

You know everything that there is to know, but you won't know that until you know yourself.

Discoveries are only realizations of what we already know.


So if all this is true, then why?

You already know that but I will refresh it for you.

Jealousy of Lucifer. Wanting to be a God. Killing and controllings God's creations. The story hasn't changed you just won't believe it and this world is geared to make you not aware of it. That's why Authorities are held with high remarks, that's why science has to prove everything, that's why the evolution theory exist on this planet and that's why there are so many religions that are empty. It is all to get you to worship authority and take authorities words as final.

You were dumped here because you can not be killed, so you have been put on a planet that will confuse you and inundate you with information to control your thoughts and that creates the box. Anyone that thinks outside what they have taught you is deemed crazy and goes to jail or the nut house so they can be rehabilitated and be released back to society. They do not need to abduct people anymore when they have their stations here to reprogram you.

When you were killed on the first time by him, your peaceful planet was not aware of war or evil, they swarmed your planets with machines that released a green gas and kills fast. They will then gather you with machines that just will roam and pick up the bodies.

Sounds like a terminator movie... wonder why that movie is out? wonder why the matrix made it out? These are what people thouight they imagined but had similar events happen to them.... They just may not realize it.

The spiritual battle is already taking place, the galactic battle will come also but a little later (soon, real soon). There is a war for your mind taking place at this moment, so far your mind has been kept in a box in prision and had only oneside telling you who you are, but the light has it's warriors calling BS on the prison and telling the people about it. Now you have had the war front be brought to you. It's your choice. You must decide.

The light wants you to know that you are living a lie, you have been tricked, you are so much more then what the darkness has portrayed to you. You are power, you are love and you are compassion. You are capable of anything and you know everything.

The Darkness tells you that you are fragile, you do not know anything unless you have a degree and don't worry we will take care of you.... You seen it, you are living in it right now.


Jesus came to earth to save the universe not just earth. He came to free us and to bring a stop to Lucifer and his minions from destroying more life and trapping them here. He came because we can not see past the illusion and we needed help.

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