So when are we going to bailout American Airlines?


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
anybody? anybody? Some people won't like this article.

American Airlines Shows The Corruption Of Obama's GM Bailout - Forbes

"But Obama did not “save” Detroit. A bankruptcy that followed the rule of law would have “saved” Detroit better than Obama’s, which left GM under the federal government’s diktat, unable to borrow, and with high labor costs. Obama’s favoritism towards the UAW “elevated costs in a way that damage prospects for a successful reorganization.” Obama’s corrupt bailout will lead to higher prices for the middle class, crippled job growth in the auto industry, and more manufacturing jobs exported abroad."
i thought more people would read this article.
anybody? anybody? Some people won't like this article.

American Airlines Shows The Corruption Of Obama's GM Bailout - Forbes

"But Obama did not “save” Detroit. A bankruptcy that followed the rule of law would have “saved” Detroit better than Obama’s, which left GM under the federal government’s diktat, unable to borrow, and with high labor costs. Obama’s favoritism towards the UAW “elevated costs in a way that damage prospects for a successful reorganization.” Obama’s corrupt bailout will lead to higher prices for the middle class, crippled job growth in the auto industry, and more manufacturing jobs exported abroad."

Why should we?...Bain is going to do a bang up job of "saving" it starting with firing 13,000 employees.
Nope GM hasn't ... Banks didn't take any to begin with, none of that would change the facts of the article.
In short, GM is using government money to pay back government money to get more government money. And at a 2 percent lower interest rate at that. This is a nifty scheme to refinance GM's government debt—not pay it back.
Nope GM hasn't ... Banks didn't take any to begin with, none of that would change the facts of the article.


Many banks were forced to take a bailout and then payed it back right away. Except the ones who are Obamas buddies. Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae being the worst.
GM still owes us many a dollar but ya know.
Nope GM hasn't ... Banks didn't take any to begin with, none of that would change the facts of the article.



GM has paid back the MONEY lended but the US and Canadian Government still own 74% of GM stock.

Some claim that since GM has not bought back it's stock that it has not repaid the loan. I dissagree. As far as I know the government can sell the stock on the open market. I would in small ammounts so as to not skew the value. I have no problem with that strategy.

Still Government Motors -

OH ya..


GM has paid back the MONEY lended but the US and Canadian Government still own 74% of GM stock.

Some claim that since GM has not bought back it's stock that it has not repaid the loan. I dissagree. As far as I know the government can sell the stock on the open market. I would in small ammounts so as to not skew the value. I have no problem with that strategy.

Still Government Motors -

OH ya..


You're wrong but none of it answers the question on the actual OP topic of when will we bail out American Airlines .... and if not, then why not?

GM has paid back the MONEY lended but the US and Canadian Government still own 74% of GM stock.

Some claim that since GM has not bought back it's stock that it has not repaid the loan. I dissagree. As far as I know the government can sell the stock on the open market. I would in small ammounts so as to not skew the value. I have no problem with that strategy.

Still Government Motors -

OH ya..

Your article is almost 2 years old. This one is more recent:

General Motors Will Never Repay Taxpayers - Reason Magazine

GM has paid back the MONEY lended but the US and Canadian Government still own 74% of GM stock.

Some claim that since GM has not bought back it's stock that it has not repaid the loan. I dissagree. As far as I know the government can sell the stock on the open market. I would in small ammounts so as to not skew the value. I have no problem with that strategy.

Still Government Motors -

OH ya..


You're wrong but none of it answers the question on the actual OP topic of when will we bail out American Airlines .... and if not, then why not?

You mean "Forbes" is wrong... I'm just the messenger. There will be no bailout now that Bain has it's meathooks in AA. This will be like one of those nature shows where the lion has already caught the young gazelle and the lioness is about to rip the limbs off of the hapless antelope and feed on its guts.
This proves right wingers don't realize how devistating it would have been to let the auto companies go bankrupt. But they wanted it because it woudl have broken one of the biggest and most powerful unions. It would have also been a blow to all labor, union or not.

We won't bail out American Airlines. And all those people's pensions will be lost.

This is what the GOP want. Banrkupt the company, raid the pension funds and kill the unions. You know, restructure. Lower wages!!!!

This is what Bain Capital did. Helped companies go bankrupt, send jobs overseas or at least rape the pension funds.

Same with why in a lame duck session in 2008 the GOP passed a bill that forced the US Postal service to fund their pension fund for 75 years. Soon this will bankrupt the post office and they will be able to rape the fund and privatize it. The Pension fund has 44 billion in it. The GOP wants that money. They are breaking our government and the tax payers are going to pay dearly with privatization and deregulations.

What I think is funny is this is going to hurt red state people the most. People who live in the boondocks or out in BFE are going to have to pay a lot more for a letter in the future if they outsource the post office.
GM has paid back the MONEY lended but the US and Canadian Government still own 74% of GM stock.

Some claim that since GM has not bought back it's stock that it has not repaid the loan. I dissagree. As far as I know the government can sell the stock on the open market. I would in small ammounts so as to not skew the value. I have no problem with that strategy.

Still Government Motors -

OH ya..


You're wrong but none of it answers the question on the actual OP topic of when will we bail out American Airlines .... and if not, then why not?

You mean "Forbes" is wrong... I'm just the messenger. There will be no bailout now that Bain has it's meathooks in AA. This will be like one of those nature shows where the lion has already caught the young gazelle and the lioness is about to rip the limbs off of the hapless antelope and feed on its guts.

Dude? did you even read that article you posted? because it proves my point ... not yours.
You're wrong but none of it answers the question on the actual OP topic of when will we bail out American Airlines .... and if not, then why not?

You mean "Forbes" is wrong... I'm just the messenger. There will be no bailout now that Bain has it's meathooks in AA. This will be like one of those nature shows where the lion has already caught the young gazelle and the lioness is about to rip the limbs off of the hapless antelope and feed on its guts.

Dude? did you even read that article you posted? because it proves my point ... not yours.

Dude ..yes I read the link and as I have already stipulated I dissagree with thier conclusion that not buying back it's stock is an issue in not repaying the loan. Try to keep up...please.
You mean "Forbes" is wrong... I'm just the messenger. There will be no bailout now that Bain has it's meathooks in AA. This will be like one of those nature shows where the lion has already caught the young gazelle and the lioness is about to rip the limbs off of the hapless antelope and feed on its guts.

Dude? did you even read that article you posted? because it proves my point ... not yours.

Dude ..yes I read the link and as I have already stipulated I dissagree with thier conclusion that not buying back it's stock is an issue in not repaying the loan. Try to keep up...please.

So why aren't they repaying the loan then?

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