So, what is your usual breakfast?


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2009
Duke City
I'm one of those who frequently doesn't eat breakfast but when I do it's often Natures Path Organic flax + Multi-bran. However this morning I decided to try the Total Multi-bran, honey and flax my wife brought home.
I'm not diabetic but I thought I was going to go into diabetic shock eating that shit!! Talk about sugar overload! :eek:
Normally a breakfast sandwich on rye with lettuce and tomato. I don't really like fruit or cereal..

Sometimes yogurt and scrambled eggs.
Normally a breakfast sandwich on rye with lettuce and tomato. I don't really like fruit or cereal..

Sometimes yogurt and scrambled eggs.

I make an "egg muffin" for my wife and for my reenacting unit at events. Everyone loves em except me, I'm not a big egg eater. :lol:
About a quart of drip-brewed expresso coffee.

I generally get up early and do not eat a thing until dinnertime.

People ask me how it is I am not getting fat.

I tell them.

They still seem mystified, like there's some secret I'm not telling them.

No, the only secret to not being fat is to not eat more food than your body actually needs.

Eating three rather large meals a day is overeating for most of us.

We're not farmers anymore, kids.

Most Americans my age are carrying rolls of lard because they eat like pigs and don't exercise.
Gallo Pinto one fried egg on top, plantains, whatever fruit is ripe and home grown coffee.
Sometimes I'll have some bacon or sausage too, if I have a lot of physical work that day.
I'm one of those who frequently doesn't eat breakfast but when I do it's often Natures Path Organic flax + Multi-bran. However this morning I decided to try the Total Multi-bran, honey and flax my wife brought home.
I'm not diabetic but I thought I was going to go into diabetic shock eating that shit!! Talk about sugar overload! :eek:

I have 3 egg omelettes stuffed with Ortega chillies, avacado, onions & cheese, 12 grain toasted bread, coffee, juice.

My gals make all kinds of stuff. Yesterday we had stir fry over rice for breakfast. Tacos or burritos occassionally. Pizza.

NOTE: I jsut read two eggs a day with breakfast, will double your chances of losing weight around the waist line, as compared to eating a bagel with breakfast. Not working for me yet.:lol:
It is interesting that the only thing we really have for breakfast is eggs, while there are all sorts of things of lunches and dinners.
My fav meal of the day is breakfast. I don't do lunch but I eat my breakfast late..usually around 11ish. And it consists of usually the same, but sometimes I'll swap the egg for a pancake.

2 slices Oscar Meyer Center Cut Bacon (it's the only kind I will eat)
1 egg over medium
sometimes hash browns..sometimes not.
sometimes the egg on top of 1 slice of toast.
Sometimes 1 biscuit. Maybe.
No toast.
1 cup of decaf coffee. Sometimes 1 cup of green tea with honey.

About 2 hours later...I make a smoothie.

I don't eat again until 5ish.
Weekdays.... Greek yogurt, Nutrigrain bar, oatmeal & water (at work)
Weekends..... Nutrigrain bar, Veggie egg-white flatbread sandwich, water (on the way to the gym)
Weekdays-A Smoothie, the basics are Soy Milk, banana, pineapple chunks, mix fruit and flax seeds. Then I might add natural peanut butter or avocado or sliced pear, peach or an orange.
Saturdays, scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast, with either bacon, sausages, ham and a bowl of fruit.
Sundays, Eggs Benedict, toast, a Grey Goose Bloody Mary and a joint.
Before I ever eat, a 12 oz cup of pressed coffee.

Was that specific enough?

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