So Today We Believe Every Accusation Against a Male, Bill Clinton Smiles

Clinton's fooling around was dealt with a couple of decades ago. Moore was kicked out of a mall for perving on little girls, and hasn't answered for it yet.
Clinton's fooling around was dealt with a couple of decades ago. Moore was kicked out of a mall for perving on little girls, and hasn't answered for it yet.

He was not kicked out of a mall for perving on little girls.
Feminists did a great job making sure everything Bill did and continues to do is kept silent.
This is what you comment on you partisan moron.

I got to tell you, 95 percent of you are utter morons loyal to political parties, while the wealthy rob you blind.

Stupid apes.
Feminists did a great job making sure everything Bill did and continues to do is kept silent.
This is what you comment on you partisan moron.

I got to tell you, 95 percent of you are utter morons loyal to political parties, while the wealthy rob you blind.

Stupid apes.
Thanks for validating the OP, Dufus.
Clinton's fooling around was dealt with a couple of decades ago. Moore was kicked out of a mall for perving on little girls, and hasn't answered for it yet.
Rape is not fooling around.

Was Clinton convicted of rape, or did you just pull that out of your ass?
Ah, suddenly a conviction is required again because it’s Bill!

Thanks for validating the OP.

After 3 decades of having the Clintons to attack, I know it's hard for you to accept that neither of them are in politics any more, and neither of them want any public office. You need new material even if that idea is scary to you.
Clinton's fooling around was dealt with a couple of decades ago. Moore was kicked out of a mall for perving on little girls, and hasn't answered for it yet.
Rape is not fooling around.

Was Clinton convicted of rape, or did you just pull that out of your ass?
Ah, suddenly a conviction is required again because it’s Bill!

Thanks for validating the OP.

After 3 decades of having the Clintons to attack, I know it's hard for you to accept that neither of them are in politics any more, and neither of them want any public office. You need new material even if that idea is scary to you.
Hilarious watching them attempt to defend the sexual predator and his enabler.
Weatherman2020 is obsessed with the Clintons...I think he has a man crush on Bill.
Clinton's fooling around was dealt with a couple of decades ago. Moore was kicked out of a mall for perving on little girls, and hasn't answered for it yet.

He was not kicked out of a mall for perving on little girls.

Yes he was.
Report: Alabama Mall Banned Roy Moore in the ’80s for Pursuing Teens
Report: Alabama Mall Banned Roy Moore in the ’80s for Pursuing Teens

"A police officer, one of two who spoke with The New Yorker, said that “general knowledge at the time when I moved here was that this guy is a lawyer cruising the mall for high-school dates” and that Moore may not have received an official ban but was a persona non grata at the mall and had been “run off” from “a number of stores.”
Weatherman2020 is obsessed with the Clintons...I think he has a man crush on Bill.

I think he is just pointing out the hypocrisy of some who gave Bill a Clinton a pass on EVERYTHING,. destroyed the reputation of his accusers but are willing to throw Moore under the bus.
Clinton's fooling around was dealt with a couple of decades ago. Moore was kicked out of a mall for perving on little girls, and hasn't answered for it yet.
Rape is not fooling around.

Was Clinton convicted of rape, or did you just pull that out of your ass?
Ah, suddenly a conviction is required again because it’s Bill!

Thanks for validating the OP.
For accusations of rape, is a criminal offense. Or perhaps you don't believe that?
Bill Clintons behavior was a discredit to his office. we don't need any more men making rules that effect our life's who have sexual misconduct hanging over there heads. that said Moore is not qualified for the job he seeks. sexual misconduct or not.

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