So To Recap; Did Mike Pence Do The Right Thing or Not??

Few, if anyone take the precautions they should take any longer. But, unlike others, he's not likely to die from covid like so many rednecks have.

Many, many died because they were put on ventilators, put on Remdesivir, and denied early treatment.


It's so bad, it makes me wonder about things like is our govt purposely crashing the economy to cover for their misdeeds?
I know about your God...

Can you tell me where in the Bible does God condemn slavery??

I'll wait
Don’t hold your breath

And it shocks me how many people don’t know the difference between the OLD Testament and the NEW Testament
Five states
Moron we don't need your approval to make it so.

Nope, all of them based on your "logic". If Biden getting more votes than Obama is proof of fraud then there was fraud in every state in the union as Biden got more votes than Obama in every single one of them.
Do you stand by your statement that Trump is more honest than the Apostle Paul? That is the question

I didn't say that. It was probably "credited" to me.

You people are really losing your minds as the midterms approach....slightly amusing, mostly disturbing.

Um YOU are the one who said it. Have you lost your ever-loving mind?
Nope, all of them based on your "logic". If Biden getting more votes than Obama is proof of fraud then there was fraud in every state in the union as Biden got more votes than Obama in every single one of them.

Yes your proggy solutions are doing a real bang up job as the country implodes from the idiocracy. This is what lefties do, put in place their insane & illogical ideas, watch the country struggle & the people divide & then call it the new normal.
Barry did the same things, which makes sense knowing he's the one telling the dementia patient in the WH what to do based on his orders from the NWO.

I am totally against both Medicare & Social Security so I say eliminate them both, no expanding. Our fed govt should have no programs that take money from some of us by force & use it to distribute to others. Neither our retirements or healthcare is the govts business.

I am not afraid to say that at all because IDC what a bunch of low IQ sheeple think.
And Pedo Joe is still an illegit resident in a dirty diaper.
You are still a race hustler looking for handouts.
Lefties are still a party of groomers looking for normalization of mental disorders & perversions.
And the UNiparty is still purposely imploding our country with the help of useful idiots like the progbots on this board
Social Security and Medicare remain the 2 most popular policies in US history.....which is why Republicans always have to pretend they are not going to cut it -- and then get caught trying to cut it behind the scenes...

Other popular "Progressive policies" that your dumb ass won't address...

Overtime Pay
FHA Loan/GI Bills
Pell grants
$3000 Child tax credits
WIC/Snap (Remember when you dic suckers were pretending to care about baby formula??)

But please, tell us about these bills to make "Child grooming" legal

I'll wait
I didn't say that. It was probably "credited" to me.


You said you agreed with Trump when he said he was the most honest man God ever made. You even started a thread to tell us all you agreed that Trump was the most honest man God ever made, thus making him more honest than the Apostle Paul.
But not JESUS


Even one with pictures should help

Jesus is God, God is Jesus.

I have read it, front to back a dozen times. Studied it for 30 years and even got a minor in Biblical History while getting my Bachelors
But not JESUS


Even one with pictures should help
Why did God mess up so bad the first time that he had to issue a new testament??

And in the new testament....God was still down with know this right??

How could God condemn goofy shit like eating shellfish - but not bother to condemn slavery??

Seems to me that God didn't write a single word of that who wanted to play God....

You said you agreed with Trump when he said he was the most honest man God ever made. You even started a thread to tell us all you agreed that Trump was the most honest man God ever made, thus making him more honest than the Apostle Paul.

That was FJB.....have you lost your mind?
Not true. But that's ok I plan to harvest ballots in a couple states some blue may just turn red.
Should easy enough to do right??

Go for it....

The fact you are lying is only further proof that you even you don't believe the bullshit you claim...

You said you agreed with Trump when he said he was the most honest man God ever made. You even started a thread to tell us all you agreed that Trump was the most honest man God ever made, thus making him more honest than the Apostle Paul.
Interesting you're attacking trump over the cherry picked and distorted things the media reported that he said? 🤣🖕

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