So . . . There’s No Voter Fraud in America, Eh?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
by Hondo @ This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here » Blog Archive » So . . . There

Well, then, explain the fact that former state Rep. Hudson Hallum, a Democrat from eastern Arkansas, and three others are awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty to federal charges of conspiracy to commit election fraud. He’s now facing up to 5 years in Federal prison and a $250,000 fine. Five others were also charged and apparently are still awaiting trial.

The scheme included buying votes outright, with cash or in-kind bribes; discussions of procuring discounted liquor with which to bribe prospective voters (not executed); illegally providing absentee ballots directly to voters; “helping” people to fill out absentee ballots; and outright destruction of absentee ballots cast for Hallum’s opponent, Kim Felker. All of this is, obviously, illegal as hell.

Did Hallum’s and his co-conspirator’s crimes change the outcome? I think it’s safe to say, “Damn right they did.”

Hallum had a majority of 394 votes to 67 in absentee votes alone in the election in question; no one knows how many votes he bought outright. Hallum won the election by 8 votes.

This is one example of why it’s not necessarily a good idea to bend over backwards to make voting too easy and convenient. In particular, allowing unrestricted voting-by-mail simply because it’s “easy and convenient” just might not be a good idea at all.

Why? Because everything you do to make voting more “convenient” or “easier” almost always presents an additional opportunity for vote fraud. And when there’s an opportunity for fraud, sooner or later someone will attempt it.
you remain an idiot, no matter what name you post under.

I see - you're one of the foul-mouthed, hate-filled liberals that posts on other forums like and the Las Vegas Review/Journal.

I bet you sleep so sound at night or does the ulcers you must have due to the bile that fills you prevent it?

Ah well, they also have the Ignore List here as well.
you remain an idiot, no matter what name you post under.

I see - you're one of the foul-mouthed, hate-filled liberals that posts on other forums like and the Las Vegas Review/Journal.

I bet you sleep so sound at night or does the ulcers you must have due to the bile that fills you prevent it?

Ah well, they also have the Ignore List here as well.

poor armyretarded

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