So the only Republicans that will criticize Benedict Donald are the one leaving?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Tweeted Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona: "The words used by the president, as related to me directly following the meeting by those in attendance, were not 'tough,' they were abhorrent and repulsive."

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., called the comments "beneath the dignity of the presidency" and said Trump's desire to see more immigrants from countries like Norway was "an effort to set this country back generations by promoting a homogenous, white society."

Republican leaders were largely silent, though House Speaker Paul Ryan said the vulgar language was "very unfortunate, unhelpful."

That is pretty sad. An entire political party with men that were born without balls. That is really, really sad....

Tweeted Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona: "The words used by the president, as related to me directly following the meeting by those in attendance, were not 'tough,' they were abhorrent and repulsive."

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., called the comments "beneath the dignity of the presidency" and said Trump's desire to see more immigrants from countries like Norway was "an effort to set this country back generations by promoting a homogenous, white society."

Republican leaders were largely silent, though House Speaker Paul Ryan said the vulgar language was "very unfortunate, unhelpful."

That is pretty sad. An entire political party with men that were born without balls. That is really, really sad....

Go rotate on it. Don't start lecturing about Trump after what BO, the Clintons walked away from. I am at the point where I don't really care what Trump did because the fing dem rat libs and asshole media are nothing but two faced bottom feeders and I hope Trump politically burns them to a cinder.
Criticize President Trump about what, exactly????
Dale you and I are friends Don't ask me

Edds, knock yourself out! I know where you stand. I listen to you. I view President Trump with a jaundiced eye because I have no faith in the system. What I do see is that he has made some serious strides about issues that are important to the sieve that has been our southern border, he stopped the TPP, he has put the Bureau of Land Management on notice and he has eased the tax burden on business owners. He has gotten rid of the fine on people that couldn't afford an "Obama plan".

When he starts acting like a puppet of the shadow government like every president since JFK? I will be speaking out from the highest roof top. I will say this much, I am pissed that the geo-engineering consisting of the stratospheric aerosol injection spraying program is still going on. That is going to have to stop.
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Tweeted Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona: "The words used by the president, as related to me directly following the meeting by those in attendance, were not 'tough,' they were abhorrent and repulsive."

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., called the comments "beneath the dignity of the presidency" and said Trump's desire to see more immigrants from countries like Norway was "an effort to set this country back generations by promoting a homogenous, white society."

Republican leaders were largely silent, though House Speaker Paul Ryan said the vulgar language was "very unfortunate, unhelpful."

That is pretty sad. An entire political party with men that were born without balls. That is really, really sad....

Go rotate on it. Don't start lecturing about Trump after what BO, the Clintons walked away from. I am at the point where I don't really care what Trump did because the fing dem rat libs and asshole media are nothing but two faced bottom feeders and I hope Trump politically burns them to a cinder.

Another trump whore...

Tweeted Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona: "The words used by the president, as related to me directly following the meeting by those in attendance, were not 'tough,' they were abhorrent and repulsive."

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., called the comments "beneath the dignity of the presidency" and said Trump's desire to see more immigrants from countries like Norway was "an effort to set this country back generations by promoting a homogenous, white society."

Republican leaders were largely silent, though House Speaker Paul Ryan said the vulgar language was "very unfortunate, unhelpful."

That is pretty sad. An entire political party with men that were born without balls. That is really, really sad....

Go rotate on it. Don't start lecturing about Trump after what BO, the Clintons walked away from. I am at the point where I don't really care what Trump did because the fing dem rat libs and asshole media are nothing but two faced bottom feeders and I hope Trump politically burns them to a cinder.

Another trump whore...

That is hilarious coming from someone that is stillbutt hurt that the Hildebeast lost even after all the corruption and criminality of her and the DNC was revealed......Hypocrisy, thy name is "Jim"......

Tweeted Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona: "The words used by the president, as related to me directly following the meeting by those in attendance, were not 'tough,' they were abhorrent and repulsive."

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., called the comments "beneath the dignity of the presidency" and said Trump's desire to see more immigrants from countries like Norway was "an effort to set this country back generations by promoting a homogenous, white society."

Republican leaders were largely silent, though House Speaker Paul Ryan said the vulgar language was "very unfortunate, unhelpful."

That is pretty sad. An entire political party with men that were born without balls. That is really, really sad....
Maybe they are realists and know Trump is right.
Yeah because no politican had never used profanity before Trump and no one had ever referred to another country as a shithole before Trump. Well if the word shit offends you tough shit people say shit like this all the time sometimes life can be a real shit storm if you don't like it I really don't give shit beacause guess what shit happens.
That is pretty sad. An entire political party with men that were born without balls. That is really, really sad....

I think that NOT having any balls has become a primary requisite to belong to the right wing GOP.

Tweeted Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona: "The words used by the president, as related to me directly following the meeting by those in attendance, were not 'tough,' they were abhorrent and repulsive."

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., called the comments "beneath the dignity of the presidency" and said Trump's desire to see more immigrants from countries like Norway was "an effort to set this country back generations by promoting a homogenous, white society."

Republican leaders were largely silent, though House Speaker Paul Ryan said the vulgar language was "very unfortunate, unhelpful."

That is pretty sad. An entire political party with men that were born without balls. That is really, really sad....

Go rotate on it. Don't start lecturing about Trump after what BO, the Clintons walked away from. I am at the point where I don't really care what Trump did because the fing dem rat libs and asshole media are nothing but two faced bottom feeders and I hope Trump politically burns them to a cinder.
btw,,,what did gwb walk away from ,,,handed obama a bag full of crap you fail to mention that walking eagle
They must be Miserable Men.... Well, except for Graham.

Graham wants to inherit the McCain "maverick" brand......He tends to be rational on most issues but reverts to ass-licking on some others.\

He was much more objective BEFORE Trump took him on a private golf outing recently......

My favorite Graham quip was when he was asked what he thought about Trump declaring himself a "stable genius"....

Graham: "Well, if Trump doesn't say that, no one else will...."
And as good as our economy is doing Our presidency has reached new lows never seen before The answer is CENSURE
They must be Miserable Men.... Well, except for Graham.

Graham wants to inherit the McCain "maverick" brand......He tends to be rational on most issues but reverts to ass-licking on some others.\

He was much more objective BEFORE Trump took him on a private golf outing recently......

My favorite Graham quip was when he was asked what he thought about Trump declaring himself a "stable genius"....

Graham: "Well, if Trump doesn't say that, no one else will...."

That wasn't a golf outing. That was a date.

Tweeted Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona: "The words used by the president, as related to me directly following the meeting by those in attendance, were not 'tough,' they were abhorrent and repulsive."

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., called the comments "beneath the dignity of the presidency" and said Trump's desire to see more immigrants from countries like Norway was "an effort to set this country back generations by promoting a homogenous, white society."

Republican leaders were largely silent, though House Speaker Paul Ryan said the vulgar language was "very unfortunate, unhelpful."

That is pretty sad. An entire political party with men that were born without balls. That is really, really sad....

You must think we're incredibly gullible to fall for a scam like that. There isn't a shred of credible evidence that Trump actually used the words that the proven liar Durbin claims he used.

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