So the left doesn't care what other AMERICANS think about any given issue in this country.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
On any given issue they don't care what the rest of the country that doesn't think like them thinks. Our opinions are mocked or dismissed outright. And keep in mind we are voting citizens.

Do gays care what others think of their lifestyles?

Do leftists care that many conservatives think they are damaging the country?

If you live in a liberal state/city do you care what conservative states/cities think about you?

As demonstrated in the above threads they could care less what we, American citizens think. Not an entirely unreasonable position if I am to be honest cause I don't give two shits what they think of my positions by & large.

Yet when ANY poll or news story comes out concerning opinions from overseas they can't wait to side with that opinion if it goes against a member of the right. They consistently side with non citizens of other countries when it comes to issues of our nation and how it is perceived by foreigners.

We used to be a nation who unified around national pride and American exceptionalism DESPITE our mistakes/flaws. Not anymore. This will be the undoing of our great country. Not a war. Not some national crisis. Not even our debt.
This willingness to shit on your neighbor if it means furthering your own political agenda. The partisan bickering used to be mostly confined to our politicians. Yeah, we had our differences but we almost always came together on common ground when push came to shove.
Now we shit on police cars, wear hat's resembling genitalia, block businesses from conducting business and WORST OF ALL are willing to side with foreigners over our own citizens whom we no longer respect...
This nation is more divided now than it was before the Civil War.

Difference is....the PTB have stuffed pacifiers in everyones mouths today so noone does a thing about it. Everyone is too comfortable, too busy struggling to keep their heads above water on their treadmills to have time to buck the almighty "System/Establishment".....exactly as planned
so the left d
Did you not just create a thread about this?

this is his big finish

after years of careful and deliberate research, he's come to the amazing conclusion that the left and right disagree

he confirmed it scientifically with 3, count them, 3 threads

fucking brilliant
Did you not just create a thread about this?
Nope. I created 3 threads asking the question. Had I put this result in any of the original threads the left wouldn't have answered directly and the threads would have been instantly derailed.

i'd tell you straight up i don't give a fuck what you think

you're an idiot, why would i care what you think?

if it makes you feel better, i don't care what my dog thinks, and he's a lot smarter than you

Did you not just create a thread about this?
Nope. I created 3 threads asking the question. Had I put this result in any of the original threads the left wouldn't have answered directly and the threads would have been instantly derailed.

i'd tell you straight up i don't give a fuck what you think

you're an idiot, why would i care what you think?

if it makes you feel better, i don't care what my dog thinks, and he's a lot smarter than you


And..nobody really cares what you think so there's that too.
Did you not just create a thread about this?
Nope. I created 3 threads asking the question. Had I put this result in any of the original threads the left wouldn't have answered directly and the threads would have been instantly derailed.

i'd tell you straight up i don't give a fuck what you think

you're an idiot, why would i care what you think?

if it makes you feel better, i don't care what my dog thinks, and he's a lot smarter than you


And..nobody really cares what you think so there's that too.

i'm not the one stumbling around the internet complaining about it, am i?

please to be fucking off now

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Did you not just create a thread about this?
Nope. I created 3 threads asking the question. Had I put this result in any of the original threads the left wouldn't have answered directly and the threads would have been instantly derailed.

i'd tell you straight up i don't give a fuck what you think

you're an idiot, why would i care what you think?

if it makes you feel better, i don't care what my dog thinks, and he's a lot smarter than you

See, here is your problem and the problem of many others just like you. You're short sighted and stuck on tunnel vision. You make it about what I think. News flash, it isn't about me. It's about YOU and your thought process.
Try to think critically for a change and realize that not everyone's motive is as selfish as yours.
Did you not just create a thread about this?
Nope. I created 3 threads asking the question. Had I put this result in any of the original threads the left wouldn't have answered directly and the threads would have been instantly derailed.

i'd tell you straight up i don't give a fuck what you think

you're an idiot, why would i care what you think?

if it makes you feel better, i don't care what my dog thinks, and he's a lot smarter than you


And..nobody really cares what you think so there's that too.

i'm not the one stumbling around the internet complaining about it, am i?

please to be fucking off now


De nada. Just poking some sand in that ostrich, del. Lol.
Did you not just create a thread about this?
Nope. I created 3 threads asking the question. Had I put this result in any of the original threads the left wouldn't have answered directly and the threads would have been instantly derailed.

i'd tell you straight up i don't give a fuck what you think

you're an idiot, why would i care what you think?

if it makes you feel better, i don't care what my dog thinks, and he's a lot smarter than you

See, here is your problem and the problem of many others just like you. You're short sighted and stuck on tunnel vision. You make it about what I think. News flash, it isn't about me. It's about YOU and your thought process.
Try to think critically for a change and realize that not everyone's motive is as selfish as yours.

Come on gramps. Its all about del.
This nation is more divided now than it was before the Civil War.

Difference is....the PTB have stuffed pacifiers in everyones mouths today so noone does a thing about it. Everyone is too comfortable, too busy struggling to keep their heads above water on their treadmills to have time to buck the almighty "System/Establishment".....exactly as planned

That is so not true . You are such a drama queen .

Truth is that we live in good times, so we can make Big feels about minor shit .
Did you not just create a thread about this?
Nope. I created 3 threads asking the question. Had I put this result in any of the original threads the left wouldn't have answered directly and the threads would have been instantly derailed.

You are a liar . I said I did care in those threads .
An example of the responses I got...

No, because the modern American conservative is generally full of shit.

No lies, just exposing the left
Did you not just create a thread about this?
Nope. I created 3 threads asking the question. Had I put this result in any of the original threads the left wouldn't have answered directly and the threads would have been instantly derailed.

i'd tell you straight up i don't give a fuck what you think

you're an idiot, why would i care what you think?

if it makes you feel better, i don't care what my dog thinks, and he's a lot smarter than you

See, here is your problem and the problem of many others just like you. You're short sighted and stuck on tunnel vision. You make it about what I think. News flash, it isn't about me. It's about YOU and your thought process.
Try to think critically for a change and realize that not everyone's motive is as selfish as yours.

critical thinking is what led me to the obvious conclusion that you're a fuckwit with nothing intelligent to say.

it was obvious when you showed up here, and nothing has occurred in the interim to change that assessment

have a nice day
Did you not just create a thread about this?
Nope. I created 3 threads asking the question. Had I put this result in any of the original threads the left wouldn't have answered directly and the threads would have been instantly derailed.

You are a liar . I said I did care in those threads .
An example of the responses I got...

No, because the modern American conservative is generally full of shit.

No lies, just exposing the left

I specifically said I do care because their votes effect all of us .

Your question was overly vaugue . But you don’t care because you had your whole “gotcha “ plan ready to go no matter what the answers .
Did you not just create a thread about this?
Nope. I created 3 threads asking the question. Had I put this result in any of the original threads the left wouldn't have answered directly and the threads would have been instantly derailed.

i'd tell you straight up i don't give a fuck what you think

you're an idiot, why would i care what you think?

if it makes you feel better, i don't care what my dog thinks, and he's a lot smarter than you

See, here is your problem and the problem of many others just like you. You're short sighted and stuck on tunnel vision. You make it about what I think. News flash, it isn't about me. It's about YOU and your thought process.
Try to think critically for a change and realize that not everyone's motive is as selfish as yours.

critical thinking is what led me to the obvious conclusion that you're a fuckwit with nothing intelligent to say.

it was obvious when you showed up here, and nothing has occurred in the interim to change that assessment

have a nice day
Says the asshat who's posts are 95% trolling insults.

Go fuck yourself loser. Just try not to have another breakdown that makes you leave the board again.
Did you not just create a thread about this?
Nope. I created 3 threads asking the question. Had I put this result in any of the original threads the left wouldn't have answered directly and the threads would have been instantly derailed.

i'd tell you straight up i don't give a fuck what you think

you're an idiot, why would i care what you think?

if it makes you feel better, i don't care what my dog thinks, and he's a lot smarter than you

See, here is your problem and the problem of many others just like you. You're short sighted and stuck on tunnel vision. You make it about what I think. News flash, it isn't about me. It's about YOU and your thought process.
Try to think critically for a change and realize that not everyone's motive is as selfish as yours.

Not tunnel vision. That would imply not giving the crazy and hateful goals of the right a fair evaluation. Your crap has been evaluated, and determined to not meet the moral and ethical standards required fora sane person to support them.
On any given issue they don't care what the rest of the country that doesn't think like them thinks. Our opinions are mocked or dismissed outright. And keep in mind we are voting citizens.

Do gays care what others think of their lifestyles?

Do leftists care that many conservatives think they are damaging the country?

If you live in a liberal state/city do you care what conservative states/cities think about you?

As demonstrated in the above threads they could care less what we, American citizens think. Not an entirely unreasonable position if I am to be honest cause I don't give two shits what they think of my positions by & large.

Yet when ANY poll or news story comes out concerning opinions from overseas they can't wait to side with that opinion if it goes against a member of the right. They consistently side with non citizens of other countries when it comes to issues of our nation and how it is perceived by foreigners.

We used to be a nation who unified around national pride and American exceptionalism DESPITE our mistakes/flaws. Not anymore. This will be the undoing of our great country. Not a war. Not some national crisis. Not even our debt.
This willingness to shit on your neighbor if it means furthering your own political agenda. The partisan bickering used to be mostly confined to our politicians. Yeah, we had our differences but we almost always came together on common ground when push came to shove.
Now we shit on police cars, wear hat's resembling genitalia, block businesses from conducting business and WORST OF ALL are willing to side with foreigners over our own citizens whom we no longer respect...

The problem is that you are comparing two disparate things. I do not give a shit what you right wing zealots think or what the left wing zealots think, as a zealot is a zealot no matter what way they lean. But I do not need to care as you are not important to me and have no impact or bearing on my life.

If I owned my own business and you were my customer I would have to care what you think.

Despite what many of the right wing zealots think, the US is not the only nation in the world, and we need other nations to be our customers, to sell them things and to buy things from them. We need them to support us the next time we invade a sovereign nation that was not threat to us. We need them to trust us and do business with us instead of our chief rivals.

Thus, what other countries think about us actually matters, unlike this stupid shit you have been peddling in the these 3 threads.
Did you not just create a thread about this?
Nope. I created 3 threads asking the question. Had I put this result in any of the original threads the left wouldn't have answered directly and the threads would have been instantly derailed.

You are a liar . I said I did care in those threads .
An example of the responses I got...

No, because the modern American conservative is generally full of shit.

No lies, just exposing the left

the modern american conservative is full of shit

if you want people to stop remarking on it, stop being full of shit

it's not rocket surgery, gomer

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