So the left claims 15 generations are required to overcome something bad.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
How the Supreme Court is about to explode America s racial wealth gap -

Basically it is ok to discriminate against whites for hundreds of years and to give blacks unfair advantage for those same hundreds of years cause some guy in a book claimed it takes 15 generations to overcome some bad event. Which of course ignores the fact that the Irish Catholics and poor whites are in the same boat as blacks. How about all those white indentured slaves? How about poor white share croppers?

Ahh only blacks had it bad so it is ok to discriminate against all whites.
Read the book, it's an eye opener

White Indentured Servants had a 70% die rate. They were generally 16 to 20, 1 grand parent living, maybe both parents, and masters who were not interested in getting from them but labor. Most volunteered for economic servitude, and if they survived the five to seven year contract, they were free to compete for land.

Much better deal that black slaves.

Keep it in perspective, you white losers complaining about this.
White Indentured Servants had a 70% die rate. They were generally 16 to 20, 1 grand parent living, maybe both parents, and masters who were not interested in getting from them but labor. Most volunteered for economic servitude, and if they survived the five to seven year contract, they were free to compete for land.

Much better deal that black slaves.

Keep it in perspective, you white losers complaining about this.

Very few ever saw any land, very few. They were as young as toddlers, most of them kidnapped off the streets from England, Ireland and Scotland. Read White Cargo, a good read and tells the awful truth
The truth is awful, yes. Most were not kidnapped off the streets (check the footnotes; oh, that's right), many were criminals given the chance to emigrate, and if they survived the contract, they were free.

Jamestown, a colony of free white men, twice nearly starved to death as the settlers ate one another.

Stay balanced, folks.
The truth is awful, yes. Most were not kidnapped off the streets (check the footnotes; oh, that's right), many were criminals given the chance to emigrate, and if they survived the contract, they were free.

Jamestown, a colony of free white men, twice nearly starved to death as the settlers ate one another.

Stay balanced, folks.

Yeah most were kidnapped off the streets, in Ireland and Scotland it was a booming trade. Five pounds per head. Blacks don't have the patent on slavery, not by a long shot...they just won't let it go, they need it as a crutch
The truth is awful, yes. Most were not kidnapped off the streets (check the footnotes; oh, that's right), many were criminals given the chance to emigrate, and if they survived the contract, they were free.

Jamestown, a colony of free white men, twice nearly starved to death as the settlers ate one another.

Stay balanced, folks.

Yeah most were kidnapped off the streets, in Ireland and Scotland it was a booming trade. Five pounds per head. Blacks don't have the patent on slavery, not by a long shot...they just won't let it go, they need it as a crutch
Check the foot notes. Those allegations can't be supported. Economic servitude is not life chattel slavery. Just won't float.
The truth is awful, yes. Most were not kidnapped off the streets (check the footnotes; oh, that's right), many were criminals given the chance to emigrate, and if they survived the contract, they were free.

Jamestown, a colony of free white men, twice nearly starved to death as the settlers ate one another.

Stay balanced, folks.

Yeah most were kidnapped off the streets, in Ireland and Scotland it was a booming trade. Five pounds per head. Blacks don't have the patent on slavery, not by a long shot...they just won't let it go, they need it as a crutch
Check the foot notes. Those allegations can't be supported. Economic servitude is not life chattel slavery. Just won't float.

Blacks were the biggest suppliers of Blacks to the slave trade out of Africa.

Get over it.
The truth is awful, yes. Most were not kidnapped off the streets (check the footnotes; oh, that's right), many were criminals given the chance to emigrate, and if they survived the contract, they were free.

Jamestown, a colony of free white men, twice nearly starved to death as the settlers ate one another.

Stay balanced, folks.

Yeah most were kidnapped off the streets, in Ireland and Scotland it was a booming trade. Five pounds per head. Blacks don't have the patent on slavery, not by a long shot...they just won't let it go, they need it as a crutch
Check the foot notes. Those allegations can't be supported. Economic servitude is not life chattel slavery. Just won't float.

The vast majority never made it out of servitude. They either died or broke so many rules or laws they kept having years added on. I know this, I did a term paper on it during college and look at my screen name, I'm highly interested in what happened in Ireland.
How the Supreme Court is about to explode America s racial wealth gap -

Basically it is ok to discriminate against whites for hundreds of years and to give blacks unfair advantage for those same hundreds of years cause some guy in a book claimed it takes 15 generations to overcome some bad event. Which of course ignores the fact that the Irish Catholics and poor whites are in the same boat as blacks. How about all those white indentured slaves? How about poor white share croppers?

Ahh only blacks had it bad so it is ok to discriminate against all whites.
We have racism because both sides can't see and understand reality and use common sense. Hate is a terrible curse, a harmful hurtful emotion that over-rides our basic moral and good natured spirit. In most cases, and under most circumstances, we're kind, giving, and sympathetic towards other, no matter their skin color, nationality, or religion. We're not a people hell-bent on internal strife and civil unrest. Everyone wants to live in peace and harmony. With all other pressures on mankind, racial tension and bigotry is an unnecessary addition. It's a fallacy that whites and blacks can't get along or co-exist. While racism should be a thing of the past, it's still as present as it has ever been. In more ways that one, both sides, both blacks and whites must share the blame for feeding the monster ( racism ) and keeping it alive.

It's common knowledge that blacks have been given a leg up in the job market, education, and opportunities to advance and prosper. The problem has been blacks seem to always use the color of their skin as a crutch and excuse for failure. This is the same as whites use their poverty and lack of opportunity to get an advanced education as an excuse to remain poor and dependent on others. Blacks have not taken advantage of opportunities given to them, and whites basically say that they've never had opportunities. Each side blames the other for their lot in life. Blacks say that racism and prejudice keeps them suppressed and lacking, while whites blame blacks for taking jobs due to quotas and fear of law suits.

We have more blacks in our prisons and jails than whites, and we have more single parent black families than white families. Many say, and I believe that there's a lot of truth to it, that our judicial system is harder on blacks than on whites. Blacks get longer sentences, and heavier fines than whites. But, at the same time, blacks commit more crimes than whites. Some blacks say that crime is their only means of support because whites get all the jobs and opportunities. Whites say that blacks are wrong because blacks have been given way more opportunities to be productive members of society. And, I've read several reasons why there are more single parent black families than there are single parent white families. The main reason that many say the cause is, is the number of black men behind bars. I don't know if that's true or not, but many seem to think it's the main reason.

Personally, I can see both sides of the issue. I do see racism and prejudice, but it flows in both directions. I see both races as being racist and prejudice towards the other. I can see where blacks have a point when it comes to promotions in the work place, and when it comes to jobs in general. By the same token, I can see why whites are angry because quotas will ensure blacks get hired ahead of whites in many cases.

Also, I have a problem with blacks still pushing the "slavery" issue. That happened a long time ago, and blacks are still milking the issue for all they can get out of it. I thought that MLK finished that issue back in the 60's, but obviously, I was wrong. In addition, some whites continue to bring it ( slavery ) up as a derogatory slur, aimed at belittling blacks. Both sides are wrong for keeping slavery issues alive. The bottom line is that racism and prejudices associated with one's skin color, has no place in today's society. We should all be ashamed of it, both whites and blacks. It accomplished nothing, and in the long run, makes things worse. We have bigger fish to fry. Our nation is in tremendous trouble, and the solutions will take a giant effort on everyone's part, both whites and blacks, to solve them. Of all the division in this country, race should be the least concern. If we don't come to our senses, and stop the internal race war, our chances of making this nation better are nil and none.

We should live as brothers and sisters, and above all, we should live as Americans. We should help each other realize dreams and prosperity, and lift each other instead of trying to push each other down. We should count each other absent of skin color and nationality. We should respect race, nationality, and religion. After all, red blood runs through all of our veins, and regardless of skin color, we all have hearts and minds. It's up to both races to end racism and prejudice. Its' common knowledge that "one-sided" anything never works.
During the 1650's over 100,000 Irish children between 10-14 were forcibly removed from their parents and sold as "servants" in the West Indies, Virginia and New England. When they got done with Ireland they moved to Scotland. These children were not convicts
The truth is awful, yes. Most were not kidnapped off the streets (check the footnotes; oh, that's right), many were criminals given the chance to emigrate, and if they survived the contract, they were free.

Jamestown, a colony of free white men, twice nearly starved to death as the settlers ate one another.

Stay balanced, folks.

Yeah most were kidnapped off the streets, in Ireland and Scotland it was a booming trade. Five pounds per head. Blacks don't have the patent on slavery, not by a long shot...they just won't let it go, they need it as a crutch
Check the foot notes. Those allegations can't be supported. Economic servitude is not life chattel slavery. Just won't float.

The vast majority never made it out of servitude. They either died or broke so many rules or laws they kept having years added on. I know this, I did a term paper on it during college and look at my screen name, I'm highly interested in what happened in Ireland.
I gave you the % above. But 30% of them did, far more than the black slaves of the 18th century ever did. You are making assertions, but you are not giving the foot notes.
The truth is awful, yes. Most were not kidnapped off the streets (check the footnotes; oh, that's right), many were criminals given the chance to emigrate, and if they survived the contract, they were free.

Jamestown, a colony of free white men, twice nearly starved to death as the settlers ate one another.

Stay balanced, folks.

Yeah most were kidnapped off the streets, in Ireland and Scotland it was a booming trade. Five pounds per head. Blacks don't have the patent on slavery, not by a long shot...they just won't let it go, they need it as a crutch
Check the foot notes. Those allegations can't be supported. Economic servitude is not life chattel slavery. Just won't float.

The vast majority never made it out of servitude. They either died or broke so many rules or laws they kept having years added on. I know this, I did a term paper on it during college and look at my screen name, I'm highly interested in what happened in Ireland.
I gave you the % above. But 30% of them did, far more than the black slaves of the 18th century ever did. You are making assertions, but you are not giving the foot notes.

I suggest you study up on it. You're already wrong on the mortality rate of black slaves during the 1800's

During the 1800s, the mortality rate for adult African slaves was close to that of the freepopulation, indicating that adult slaves received adequate nutrition and support ...

Handbook of Death and Dying - Google Books
I said nothing about the mortality rate of black slaves, only that of indentured servants, and that only that the black slaves chances of freedom were negligible.

Are you reading or foaming?

Pay attention, lassie.
We should live as brothers and sisters, and above all, we should live as Americans. We should help each other realize dreams and prosperity, and lift each other instead of trying to push each other down. We should count each other absent of skin color and nationality. We should respect race, nationality, and religion. After all, red blood runs through all of our veins, and regardless of skin color, we all have hearts and minds. It's up to both races to end racism and prejudice. Its' common knowledge that "one-sided" anything never works.
I don't even try any more, and I just try and live my life and hold my ideas or beliefs above those of others, though I wouldn't seek to impose them on others.

When I was a democratic socialist that believed that future prosperity was just around the corner and the government could just create universal brotherhood by signing an anti-discrimination act, I might have believed such a thing was possible. But reality is that there are divisions in society that cannot be resolved, even with extensive education programs.

There are followers of radical religions and ideologies even within this country that believe in overturning the US constitution and establishing a theocracy or dictatorship. I cannot find 'common ground', with those beliefs, even if I could communicate with such people amicably.
But, so far each generation of blacks has gotten worse.

In 15 generations, blacks will be back to running around naked and living in dung huts again
But, so far each generation of blacks has gotten worse.

In 15 generations, blacks will be back to running around naked and living in dung huts again
From 1990 to 2013, the percentage of 25- to 29-year-olds who had attained a bachelor's or higher degree increased from 26 to 40 percent for Whites, from 13 to 20 percent for Blacks, and from 8 to 16 percent for Hispanics. For Hispanics, most of this increase (6 percentage points) occurred in the most recent decade. For Asians/Pacific Islanders, the rate of attaining at least a bachelor's degree in 2013 (58 percent) was higher than the rate in 1990 (43 percent). Between 1990 and 2013, the gap in the attainment rate at this education level between Whites and Blacks widened from 13 to 20 percentage points, and the gap between Whites and Hispanics widened from 18 to 25 percentage points.

From 1995 to 2013, the percentage of 25- to 29-year-olds who had attained a master's or higher degree increased for Whites (from 5 to 9 percent), Blacks (from 2 to 3 percent), Hispanics (from 2 to 3 percent), and Asians/Pacific Islanders (from 11 to 21 percent). In 2013, the gaps in the attainment of a master's or higher degree between Whites and Blacks (5 percentage points) and between Whites and Hispanics (6 percentage points) were wider than in 1995 (when both gaps were 4 percentage points).
Fast Facts
Eh? Not true. The attainment gap may have increased between Whites and Blacks, but clearly there has been an increase in Blacks attaining a master's or higher degree.

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