So the LA fires are the faults of environmentalists, right?


Silver Member
Jul 31, 2016
So the LA fires are the faults of the environmentalists, right?
Governor Brown and the rest of the losers blaming THE global warming.

Makes you wonder if there are fires like this all over the world since it is......GLOBAL.

Or is THE global warming Causing fires only in the southern California area of the GLOBE?

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So the LA fires are the faults of the environmentalists, right?

Not entirely. For decades the policy was to halt every fire that started ignoring the fact that some of the flora of California REQUIRES fire as a part of its life cycle. However, after the folly of that policy was discovered they should have begun clearing out the underbrush but at that point the environmentalists hopped in and sued anyone who tried to do that. Now, when there is a fire, because of the immense fuel load that would have never accumulated under natural conditions, the fires get up into the crown and incinerate everything.

So yes, the fires are mainly human caused, well the severity of them at least, but not due to the claimed "global warming".

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