So...since 1982 14 rifles with magazines were used in mass shootings, there are 8 million today...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I may have missed a few from this list, and I may have added one or two that weren't technically rifles with magzines....a .22 ruger rifle could be a bolt action rifle...but I counted it anyway....

In case I missed some, anyone else can take a look.....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2017: Data From Mother Jones’ Investigation

So...if I am close to being accurate, according to this list from Mother Jones, an anti gun....really anti gun, magazine.....14 rifles with magazines were used in mass public shootings since 1982.......

That is 35 years......

There are now over 8 million of these rifles in private hands....over 5 million of them are AR-15s.....

14 rifles.....over 35 years......

8 million in private hands that are not used in crime or mass shootings....

What is the problem again? Considering almost all of them were used in gun free zones....

Maybe 18 as I recounted them....out of 8 million


8,000,000 vs. 18

Which number is bigger? Over 35 years....
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8 million? Is that all?


How are we going to purge 20 million brain dead pinkos with so few rifles?

Looks like we'll have to keep voting DNC sociopaths out of office, slash the welfare budget and watch the ghetto rats cannibalize the bed wetters who live in "gentrified" communities and empowered the democrooks who created the ghettos in the first place.

Lot less hassle that way anyhow.

I've got all the guns I want and a permit to carry, life is good.

Thanks to the NRA, the 2nd Amendment Foundation, the Gun Owners of America, and all of their supporters.....
I may have missed a few from this list, and I may have added one or two that weren't technically rifles with magzines....a .22 ruger rifle could be a bolt action rifle...but I counted it anyway....

In case I missed some, anyone else can take a look.....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2017: Data From Mother Jones’ Investigation

So...if I am close to being accurate, according to this list from Mother Jones, an anti gun....really anti gun, magazine.....14 rifles with magazines were used in mass public shootings since 1982.......

That is 35 years......

There are now over 8 million of these rifles in private hands....over 5 million of them are AR-15s.....

14 rifles.....over 35 years......

8 million in private hands that are not used in crime or mass shootings....

What is the problem again? Considering almost all of them were used in gun free zones....

Maybe 18 as I recounted them....out of 8 million


8,000,000 vs. 18

Which number is bigger? Over 35 years....

Did your heart go pitty pat that the fascist nazis in VA were all packing heat today?

And what a disappointment that they used a car instead.

The point is that these guns are used in crime. How many deaths before it matters? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions?
I may have missed a few from this list, and I may have added one or two that weren't technically rifles with magzines....a .22 ruger rifle could be a bolt action rifle...but I counted it anyway....

In case I missed some, anyone else can take a look.....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2017: Data From Mother Jones’ Investigation

So...if I am close to being accurate, according to this list from Mother Jones, an anti gun....really anti gun, magazine.....14 rifles with magazines were used in mass public shootings since 1982.......

That is 35 years......

There are now over 8 million of these rifles in private hands....over 5 million of them are AR-15s.....

14 rifles.....over 35 years......

8 million in private hands that are not used in crime or mass shootings....

What is the problem again? Considering almost all of them were used in gun free zones....

Maybe 18 as I recounted them....out of 8 million


8,000,000 vs. 18

Which number is bigger? Over 35 years....

Did your heart go pitty pat that the fascist nazis in VA were all packing heat today?

And what a disappointment that they used a car instead.

The point is that these guns are used in crime. How many deaths before it matters? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions?

No...I am not a supporter of fascism...I reject socialism in all of it's forms. I am also against all forms of racism, which is why I am not a democrat.

How many lives saved by guns matter to you.....since civilians in this country, not police, not military, use guns to stop violent crime 1,500,000 times a that enough for you?

And if 18 of these rifles were used in 35 years in mass public shootings....while there are now over 8 million of these rifles in private hands that are not used in crimes or mass shootings.....why are they such an issue for you anti gunners?

Again, considering cars accidentally killed 36,161 people in 2015....and that these rifles were used to murder 167 people in that 35 year period.

1,500,000 crimes stopped...... 167 people murdered with these rifles.... 8,000,000 of these rifles not used to commit murder...

Where is the problem?
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I may have missed a few from this list, and I may have added one or two that weren't technically rifles with magzines....a .22 ruger rifle could be a bolt action rifle...but I counted it anyway....

In case I missed some, anyone else can take a look.....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2017: Data From Mother Jones’ Investigation

So...if I am close to being accurate, according to this list from Mother Jones, an anti gun....really anti gun, magazine.....14 rifles with magazines were used in mass public shootings since 1982.......

That is 35 years......

There are now over 8 million of these rifles in private hands....over 5 million of them are AR-15s.....

14 rifles.....over 35 years......

8 million in private hands that are not used in crime or mass shootings....

What is the problem again? Considering almost all of them were used in gun free zones....

Maybe 18 as I recounted them....out of 8 million


8,000,000 vs. 18

Which number is bigger? Over 35 years....

Did your heart go pitty pat that the fascist nazis in VA were all packing heat today?

And what a disappointment that they used a car instead.

The point is that these guns are used in crime. How many deaths before it matters? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions?

The emotional appeal is worthless. I am very sorry that some criminal killed someone. But the push to ban rifles that use magazines based on the illegal use of 14 rifles is simply ridiculous.
I may have missed a few from this list, and I may have added one or two that weren't technically rifles with magzines....a .22 ruger rifle could be a bolt action rifle...but I counted it anyway....

In case I missed some, anyone else can take a look.....

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2017: Data From Mother Jones’ Investigation

So...if I am close to being accurate, according to this list from Mother Jones, an anti gun....really anti gun, magazine.....14 rifles with magazines were used in mass public shootings since 1982.......

That is 35 years......

There are now over 8 million of these rifles in private hands....over 5 million of them are AR-15s.....

14 rifles.....over 35 years......

8 million in private hands that are not used in crime or mass shootings....

What is the problem again? Considering almost all of them were used in gun free zones....

Maybe 18 as I recounted them....out of 8 million


8,000,000 vs. 18

Which number is bigger? Over 35 years....

Did your heart go pitty pat that the fascist nazis in VA were all packing heat today?

And what a disappointment that they used a car instead.

The point is that these guns are used in crime. How many deaths before it matters? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions?

The emotional appeal is worthless. I am very sorry that some criminal killed someone. But the push to ban rifles that use magazines based on the illegal use of 14 rifles is simply ridiculous.

The number may be a little is a little tough to read the Mother Jones weapon could be as high as 20 rifles......but I don't think they are including Mac 10 style weapons as rifles......I did include them just to try to be objective......since they also use a magazine and are somewhere in the middle of being a very short rifle and/or and over sized pistol....
Anyone who would like to check the numbers? It would be appreciated, I would like a more accurate count on the rifles, and if someone else did it, then the anti gunners can't say I was dishonest......
According to some people who keep track of gun numbers there are over 11 million of these rifles in the country, if not out of 11 million, there have been 20 used over 35 years in mass public shootings.....

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