So now it's another retarded uproar from Blacks because Trump something mean about Baltimore?


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
Everyone regardless of race or gender know that is a small shitty city and is the Camden of Maryland

What is the problem??? Me not understand
oh, trump just lashed out on another person of color to change the topic off of the migrant centers.... he likely would have found something crazy to say about a white democratic congress critter that was investigating with oversight duties over one of his inept agencies as well.

the part being quoted as racist is saying about Baltimore, that ''no human would live there''....

well duh, what are the people that do live there, if not human?

regardless, it is just falling for trump's trap...

and changing the topic off of the detention center deplorable conditions and mismanagement
oh, trump just lashed out on another person of color to change the topic off of the migrant centers.... he likely would have found something crazy to say about a white democratic congress critter that was investigating with oversight duties over one of his inept agencies as well.

the part being quoted as racist is saying about Baltimore, that ''no human would live there''....

well duh, what are the people that do live there, if not human?

regardless, it is just falling for trump's trap...

and changing the topic off of the detention center deplorable conditions and mismanagement

Im human and dont want to live there and black. Now what??
Everyone regardless of race or gender know that is a small shitty city and is the Camden of Maryland

What is the problem??? Me not understand
Bumberclydes are offended easily.
it's ALL racist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EVERYTHING is racist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone regardless of race or gender know that is a small shitty city and is the Camden of Maryland
What is the problem??? Me not understand
Feigned outrage, our new National Pastime.
"Feigned," Mac? You really think that wasn't outrageous?
Well, since we're now in all-new territory with Trump, it's all a matter of degree.

But yes, I think wingers take their outrage as far as they think they possibly can, and then another couple of feet.
Everyone regardless of race or gender know that is a small shitty city and is the Camden of Maryland

What is the problem??? Me not understand
Poor, Crazy Donald, he's at war with America.
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Cummings blasted our border agents and lied about the conditions at the border so Trump who couldn't care less what color he is blasted back with the truth...Baltimore gets millions of dollars from our government to fight blight and filth...they are wasting tax dollars....they are not getting the job done because a job done would take their extra dollars away...look and see how long Cummings has been would think he would have been replaced for his lack of progress...
Everyone regardless of race or gender know that is a small shitty city and is the Camden of Maryland

What is the problem??? Me not understand

If saying bad things about Baltimore is bad politics then I pretty much ruined my chances to ever be POTUS every single time I was jammed up at the Fort McHenry tunnel.
If you can't criticize a black man how will he improve?....I've always welcomed it when I deserved it....
oh, trump just lashed out on another person of color to change the topic off of the migrant centers.... he likely would have found something crazy to say about a white democratic congress critter that was investigating with oversight duties over one of his inept agencies as well.

the part being quoted as racist is saying about Baltimore, that ''no human would live there''....

well duh, what are the people that do live there, if not human?

regardless, it is just falling for trump's trap...

and changing the topic off of the detention center deplorable conditions and mismanagement
So when “people of color” attack Trump is it racist because he’s white?





Yeah, it's a great place to live. I don't know what's the matter with that Trump dude! It looks so good there you cockroaches should move there!
I have a black friend who grew up in Baltimore and only goes back there to visit his parents.

He can't stand the place and thinks its a dump. ... :cool:

The Crab Feast is Nice in the summer that's about it
From the looks of it, the mayor made sure they got their space to destroy.





Yeah, it's a great place to live. I don't know what's the matter with that Trump dude! It looks so good there you cockroaches should move there!

Any time I see a young black guy with a hoodie I am calling 911
"People of color" get very agitated when their failures are made public.

Remember a good offense makes a good defense.

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