So Much For Children Allowed to Have An Opinion

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
The kid who threw that wristband at somebody's head went too far and they shouldn't be littering, but other than that, if kids should feel free to express themselves of what they want to be, why are these kids being silenced for it now?

Why in the hell are kids not playing, laughing end experiencing life without school in the summer?

These are Middle School children, who are well known for looking to honk off the adult population. And in a Marxist hot bed like New England, there is no better way to cheese the leftard adults that to attack one of their sacred cows- Homosexuality.
These are Middle School children, who are well known for looking to honk off the adult population. And in a Marxist hot bed like New England, there is no better way to cheese the leftard adults that to attack one of their sacred cows- Homosexuality.
I see, do you enjoy attacking because of who they are?
The kid who threw that wristband at somebody's head went too far and they shouldn't be littering, but other than that, if kids should feel free to express themselves of what they want to be, why are these kids being silenced for it now?

Protest because their school won't fly a pride flag? Showing a pride film in Math Class? What kind of demented BS are these schools dealing with? The schools need to teach academic subjects. The kids need to shut up, sit in their chairs and be taught the subject they signed up for before the semester started. Their extracurricular activities need to be off school property. They don't get to run the school. End of story.
I see, do you enjoy attacking because of who they are?

With kids, the homosexuals aren't their target at all.

Its their parents and the other adults in the community- who in places like Massachusetts are Leftards.

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