So many running for office


VIP Member
Dec 21, 2018
With so many running for president in 2020 how will that affect things.

Will they keep playing nice or go after eachother jugular vein.

Will it affect fund raising .

Will there be massive butt hurt syndromes and people on thier knees crying and sobing or will there be a display of Unity.

Who do you think will face our current potus and be able to win and why .
The Dem-Progs are in a circular firing squad. Nancy is already throwing the Progs under the bus in the House, which is an indicator that the Establishment Dems are reasserting control - especially over fundraising. Biden is their safe choice.
AOC said that "Biden doesn't animate her". Looks like the dems are trying to herd cats again like in 2016.
That has to be good for Trump.
With so many running for president in 2020 how will that affect things.

Will they keep playing nice or go after eachother jugular vein.

Will it affect fund raising .

Will there be massive butt hurt syndromes and people on thier knees crying and sobing or will there be a display of Unity.

Who do you think will face our current potus and be able to win and why .

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WE have a non-American Indian kook, a gay, a radical, a socialist, and from it dissolves down into a bunch of total unknowns and losers. By the time these clowns are done tearing each other apart and stabbing each other in the back, they won't have anything left but a deer in the headlights for when Donald Trump comes after them with a vengeance for all the Left have put him through these past 4 years!
With so many running for president in 2020 how will that affect things.

Will they keep playing nice or go after eachother jugular vein.

Will it affect fund raising .

Will there be massive butt hurt syndromes and people on thier knees crying and sobing or will there be a display of Unity.

Who do you think will face our current potus and be able to win and why .

Sanders, advocating Socialism, would be massacred by Trump and anyone voting for Bernie should undergo a background check. Biden would have been the candidate if his creepiness hadn't been publicized. Even the Dems don't like his creepiness. Would the Dems rather have a Swalwell or a Swell Wall? He's a World Class dickhead. Mr. Butt Stroke won't make it either so it will be a tossup between Booker and Harris, two prima donnas who are also losers.
So many ....democrats. The dirty little secret is that the democrat party is in chaos. They can't decide whether to go off the freaking charts with a socialist, go with America's dirty old uncle, a couple of very strange people or save their time and money and get out of the race and concede the election.
With so many running for president in 2020 how will that affect things.

Will they keep playing nice or go after eachother jugular vein.

Will it affect fund raising .

Will there be massive butt hurt syndromes and people on thier knees crying and sobing or will there be a display of Unity.

Who do you think will face our current potus and be able to win and why .

The Democrat and GOP party bosses won't allow them to debate long anyway. Even if any of them win the delegate game the party bosses will just change the rules at the convention. Been there and done that a couple of times.
I like John Hickenlooper. Only because his last name is Hickenlooper. We haven't had a good funny named President since the little-known Bob Scuttlenuts. Funniest one term ever.
So many ....democrats. The dirty little secret is that the democrat party is in chaos. They can't decide whether to go off the freaking charts with a socialist, go with America's dirty old uncle, a couple of very strange people or save their time and money and get out of the race and concede the election.

Do you even have an idea what any of these people claim would be their agenda as president? Not that this means anything. I still have no idea what "platform" Hillary ran on, except maybe "Women First."

Obama ran on "transparency" and "hope and change," and that turned out to mean, utter obfuscation, lies, socialized government takeover of every sector of society hoping to change America into something between a playground for gays, preference for Blacks, to a new Europe.

Bernie's message is "free everything, the government will pay for everything after taking it from the rich!" Of course, he never tells you that his free stuff won't be worth jack.

Trump is the ONLY ONE willing to make a commitment to restoring America back to a republic of greatness and then kill himself trying to fulfill that promise.
So many ....democrats. The dirty little secret is that the democrat party is in chaos. They can't decide whether to go off the freaking charts with a socialist, go with America's dirty old uncle, a couple of very strange people or save their time and money and get out of the race and concede the election.
team 2020 2.jpg
So many ....democrats. The dirty little secret is that the democrat party is in chaos. They can't decide whether to go off the freaking charts with a socialist, go with America's dirty old uncle, a couple of very strange people or save their time and money and get out of the race and concede the election.
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I just wonder, has anyone ever asked Bill? How did the conversation begin between unpaid volunteer office clerk and POTUS:
  1. Dear President, if you'd just unzip your fly there, I'd love to suck your lollypop while I expose my tatas! Or was it:
  2. Hey Honey, how'd you like to do your country a favor, Mrs. Clinton's been on the rag for months!

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