So Liberals are angry that Walker got more MONEY???? Since when?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I'm struggling to understand the logic. Liberals are irate that they lost, and are blaming it simply on how much more money Walker got.

Well....are liberals that gullable? If, according to them, most people would vote against Walker, but simple cash changed their minds, then are they that easily swayed? Just throw some cash at a cause, advertise on TV, and liberals will just switch their vote? I mean, all the money in the world cant dictate how an individual pulls a lever or pushes a button in the booth, right?

Or.....did all that money simply expose to the voters that Walker's stance and policies are in fact better? Does all that money undo all the brainwashing liberals have done to the people from K-12 and college? Does all that money make many voters finally see the real facts of the issues, and think "You know....Walker is right on this."

Finally, since when did liberals become angry at big money in politics? They've gladly accepted the millions from Hollywood for decades. DIdn't Obama just go to a huge fundraiser by millionaire George Clooney? And Joe Biden was just in my city for a million dollar fundraiser, held by a millionaire Democrat contributor, at a million dollar mansion, on the exclusive area of Sullivan's Island, SC, where he held up traffic for hours in the Charleston metro area.

But dont mind that.......only left wing "green" is good green.

Liberals....its not the money. Its just your ideology is crumbling and losing.
Where ya been Buc.

Hell. Big money is only acceptable when its going to a Dem or to fill Barrys coffers.

If it goes to a Rep they are "buying" the election. LOL

Perish the thought that anyone would think Barry would win because he has full coffers. He will win because he's such a great Prez and his policies are sound and really helping the country.

LMAO over here.
Yeah, and all we keep hearing is "out of state money" to blame.

So what? We won, they can get over it. Out of state money went into the Arizona/Immigration cause. Voter ID cause. All the darling left wing causes saw out of state money flow to it.

And if us on the right have so much more money to give, then MAYBE, just maybe, our views, ideals, policies, ethics.......result in us making more money, and thus, should be adopted by everyone else, right? If we want everyone to have more than they do now, then why not adopt the ideals and practices that have enable us on the right to HAVE more????
Mittens negative campaign against Newt proves it works. I don't live in WI so I didn't get to see all the adds.

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