So it your position that video games cause rampage murder with guns...

The question then is, How do they make video games that only causes white people to commit mass murder with automatic weapons?

I don't think only white people are committing mass murder. Crime statistics show that a ton of black people are murdering all the time too.

I don't know why you focus on one guy with a gun, over the hundreds of murders a month.
If you folks are worried about violence in video games. Maybe, we should ban VR (Virtual Reality) devices.


So people claim that video games and violent movies do not promote violence and murders. However a man in the White House is responsible who has been President in office two and a half years is responsible because of how they interpreted his words.

Not seeing the logic.
Life is complicated. This issue is complicated.

You can't point to ONE THING and say "that's it". It's just a piece in the puzzle.

The issue is not really that complicated Mac. We have video games, mental illness, violent movies, and even racism in other countries and the ONLY differences between the USA and the rest of the first world is the availability of guns, and a history of violent racism.
The availability of guns is a serious problem, and I have no idea how to effectively address that issue legislatively. What I don't want us to do is slap some legislative band-aid on it and call it a day. That won't be enough.

I do know that if we look honestly at the statistics and demographics of Americans who shoot other Americans every week, there is plenty of responsibility on both ends of the spectrum, and THAT has to be addressed.
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I think violent video games and violence in TV and movies are one of many factors that contribute to mass shootings they by themselves don't cause them but they don't help the situation either.
The question then is, How do they make video games that only causes white people to commit mass murder with automatic weapons?

Let me correct this for you:

How do they make video games that only causes white American men to commit mass murder, on an almost daily basis with automatic weapons? Why doesn't this happen in Canada, Germany, Japan, Australia, France. What is it about the white American male that makes him so easily radicalized by Call of Duty? Better yet, what is the difference between the men in the USA and the men in these other countries?

Could it possibly be the unfettered access to military style weapons and ammunition?


You are comparing countries that had low gun violence even when they hadn't banned one article put it, Australia didn't have mass public shootings before they banned guns, and currently, they have had about a dozen public shootings that just didn't clear the 3 death hurdle to make them mass public shootings....

Japan, their criminals used fully automatic weapons and grenades to settle their gang wars as recently as 2013....and they didn't stop using those weapons until they imposed a life sentence for any gun crime...with a 95% conviction rate, and a 10 year sentence for getting caught with a gun...

You don't understand the issue....Canada is experiencing increasing gun violence due to the importation of Mexican drug gangs....Germany, gun violence from immigrant drug gangs.....

Australia...gun crime on the increase....drug gangs...

You don't know what you are talking about.
Life is complicated. This issue is complicated.

You can't point to ONE THING and say "that's it". It's just a piece in the puzzle.

The issue is not really that complicated Mac. We have video games, mental illness, violent movies, and even racism in other countries and the ONLY differences between the USA and the rest of the first world is the availability of guns, and a history of violent racism.
The availability of guns is a serious problem, and I have no idea how to effectively address that issue legislatively. What I don't want us to do is slap some legislative band-aid on it and call it a day. That won't be enough.

I do know that if we look honestly at the statistics and demographics of Americans who shoot other Americans every week, there is plenty of responsibility on both ends of the spectrum, and THAT has to be addressed.

The gun violence problem is easy if you actually want to stop criminals using guns.

Japan demonstrated this when they stopped the Yakuza from using guns.

For actual crimes with guns...rape, robbery and murder..... hold up a 7/11 with a gun......for example..... life in prison, no parole. Get caught as a felon in mere possession of a gun...15 years, no parole.

And by actual gun crime, I don't mean a nurse with a concealed carry permit driving from Pennsylvania to New Jersey......

If you impose those sentences on actual criminals, the gun crime problem dries up overnight.

You will, however, see 15 year old killers shooting people for their gangs on a more common basis......
The question then is, How do they make video games that only causes white people to commit mass murder with automatic weapons?
There are probably thousands of white boy racist conservative republicans in America who if they had a bad day could snap and kill everyone they could but 96% of them won’t ever do it.

I don’t like it that they get to practice on a video game.

Can I make a game where you drive around and rape women? Oh but murder is ok?

Actually they had a video game that did that - some iteration of "Grand Theft Auto" and it was protested right out of the marketplace before it was even released. Just the ads for the game were sufficient to create an enormous backlash, but more of it was about being rewarded for killing the police in the game, rather than raping women.
Life is complicated. This issue is complicated.

You can't point to ONE THING and say "that's it". It's just a piece in the puzzle.

The issue is not really that complicated Mac. We have video games, mental illness, violent movies, and even racism in other countries and the ONLY differences between the USA and the rest of the first world is the availability of guns, and a history of violent racism.

America has had guns since the forming of the country. Mass shootings started around the late 1980’s. Something changed in that time frame. Canada has racism issues as does Sweden and every other nation. The difference is the media attention on the United States. My advice to you is don’t come into the United States.
The question then is, How do they make video games that only causes white people to commit mass murder with automatic weapons?

Let me correct this for you:

How do they make video games that only causes white American men to commit mass murder, on an almost daily basis with automatic weapons? Why doesn't this happen in Canada, Germany, Japan, Australia, France. What is it about the white American male that makes him so easily radicalized by Call of Duty? Better yet, what is the difference between the men in the USA and the men in these other countries?

Could it possibly be the unfettered access to military style weapons and ammunition?
So people claim that video games and violent movies do not promote violence and murders. However a man in the White House is responsible who has been President in office two and a half years is responsible because of how they interpreted his words.

Not seeing the logic.

Or course you don't see the logic. Because you're comparing apples to AR15's. Every time the President of the United States makes a call to action, the public responds, because he's the LEADER OF THE NATION. He points the people in a direction and sets goals for the American people to achieve.

When John F. Kennedy called on the young people of America "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!", thousands of young elites joined the Peace Corps and set off to help improve the world, and take American talent, skills and work ethic into Third World countries to spread good will and American know-how, on behalf of the United States.

Donald Trump has called for an end to brown and third world immigration. This has given permission to and emboldened racists and xenophobes everywhere, with his exhortation that "maybe you 2nd Amendment types" can solve a problem. Militarizing the border. Calling refugees an "infestation" and an "invasion". Radicalized white supremacists are responding to the dog whistles in ways that were entirely predictable. Propagandizing "Angel Families", over every other type of family losing children to gun violence in America.

In separating families, and abusing the refugees on the border, Trump is further demostrating to the white nationalist terrorists that the deaths and abuse of these people are a GOOD thing. Trump has systematically rid DHS of those people who followed the Constitution and the law in the treatment of refugees, and replaced them with for-profit prison people who have a vested interest in doing what Trump wants.

There is a murder trial going on in New York city where a citizen shot and killed a Mafia boss trying to make a "citizen's arrest". He had previously tried to make citizen's arrests of members of Congress that Trump had called "criminals" and was shocked that the US Marshalls who were present when he made these attempts stopped the perp from making these arrests. He believed that they would help him.

Last but not least, Donald Trump disbanded every government institution which was investigating and protecting the USA from radical right wing terrorism, despite every level of law enforcement naming right wing terrorism as a far greater threat than any other type of radical terrorism, including Muslim terrorism.

It's not just the President's words that are encouraging white supremacists, it's everything he's done to embolden them and lead them to believe that they're doing the country a favour. This is a President who thinks separating families is a deterrent to future refugees to come to America.
So people claim that video games and violent movies do not promote violence and murders. However a man in the White House is responsible who has been President in office two and a half years is responsible because of how they interpreted his words.

Not seeing the logic.

Or course you don't see the logic. Because you're comparing apples to AR15's. Every time you President of the United States makes a call to action, the public responds, because he's the LEADER OF THE NATION. He points the people in a direction and sets goals for the American people to achieve.

When John F. Kennedy called on the young people of America "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!", thousands of young elites joined the Peace Corps and set off to help improve the world, and take American talent, skills and work ethic into Third World countries to spread good will and American know-how, on behalf of the United States.

Donald Trump has similar given permission to and emboldened racists and xenophobes everywhere, with his exhortation that "maybe you 2nd Amendment types" can solve a problem. Militarizing the border. Calling refugees an "infestation" and an "invasion". Radicalized white supremacists are responding to the dog whistles in ways that were entirely predictable. Propagandizing "Angel Families", over every other type of family losing children to gun violence in America.

In separating families, and abusing the refugees on the border, Trump is further demostrating to the white nationalist terrorists that the deaths and abuse of these people are a GOOD thing. Trump has systematically rid DHS of those people who followed the Constitution and the law in the treatment of refugees, and replaced them with for-profit prison people who have a vested interest in doing what Trump wants.

There is a murder trial going on in New York city where a citizen shot and killed a Mafia boss trying to make a "citizen's arrest". He had previously tried to make citizen's arrests of members of Congress that Trump had called "criminals" and was shocked that the US Marshalls who were present when he made these attempts stopped the perp from making these arrests. He believed that they would help him.

Last but not least, Donald Trump disbanded every government institution which was investigating and protecting the USA from radical right wing terrorism, despite every level of law enforcement naming right wing terrorism as a far greater threat than any other type of radical terrorism, including Muslim terrorism.

It's not just the President's words that are encouraging white supremacists, it's everything he's done to embolden them and lead them to believe that they're doing the country a favour. This is a President who thinks separating families is a deterrent to future refugees to come to America.

dragons say the dumbest things,,,
The question then is, How do they make video games that only causes white people to commit mass murder with automatic weapons?
What on earth made you think only white people commit mass murder with automatic weapons? Hell, what on earth gave you the impression we even committ most mass murders? White people are under represented in mass shootings when it comes to our percentage of the population.
Life is complicated. This issue is complicated.

You can't point to ONE THING and say "that's it". It's just a piece in the puzzle.

The issue is not really that complicated Mac. We have video games, mental illness, violent movies, and even racism in other countries and the ONLY differences between the USA and the rest of the first world is the availability of guns, and a history of violent racism.

America has had guns since the forming of the country. Mass shootings started around the late 1980’s. Something changed in that time frame. Canada has racism issues as does Sweden and every other nation. The difference is the media attention on the United States. My advice to you is don’t come into the United States.

Yes we do have racism issues, and on rare occasions we've had mass shooters - the latest one being a white boy who cited Donald Trump as his inspiration for killing 6 Muslims in a Montreal synagogue.

The difference isn't media attention, you dolt, IT'S FUCKING GUNS.
The question then is, How do they make video games that only causes white people to commit mass murder with automatic weapons?

You do realize that most every firearm is a semi automatic you fucking retard
not mine, mine is mental people who hate something or someone. It's the person stupid.
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