So it turns out the phony Russia/Trump scandal was just a smokescreen...

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Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
1,255 distract from the fact that Hillary Clinton was in bed with Russia all along.

Who would have guessed it?

I would, I have started eight threads asking for evidence that the Russia/Trump story was true, and I never got one thing from our resident Democrats/liberals.

Not a shred of evidence has ever come to light.

It was all the purest form of bullshit.
Hillary and the DNC paid foreigners to interfere in our election...cue the liberal media outrage in 3...2...1...CRICKETS
really? They paid a foreign government to use their power to influence our election?

Got a link? distract from the fact that Hillary Clinton was in bed with Russia all along.

Who would have guessed it?

I would, I have started eight threads asking for evidence that the Russia/Trump story was true, and I never got one thing from our resident Democrats/liberals.

Not a shred of evidence has ever come to light.

It was all the purest form of bullshit.

Oh, has Mueller released his report and findings?
Do share.
I have said all along that the ONLY purpose of Mueller's dog and pony show was to keep the left engaged until the next election. They will try to push this investigation as far as they can during the run up. They will never find anything and after the election, win or lose, the investigation will end.

Don't doubt me.
Hillary and the DNC paid foreigners to interfere in our election...cue the liberal media outrage in 3...2...1...CRICKETS
really? They paid a foreign government to use their power to influence our election?

Got a link?
And care to provide evidence Trump did that? A year and not a shred of evidence to support ANY of the claims made by you retards.
Mod Note:

Too many threads on this subject already

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