So I met this girl...


Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2009
Last week I was at a medical conference in Kansas City, and some of my colleages and I stopped into a club called the Wrinkle Room.

There was this girl, who is a lot younger than me, with whom I started talking, but she started to pursue me rather heavily. At a certain point, I told her that I had to leave, and so I gave her a fake phone number.

I'm feeling rather guilty about doing this and not being truthful.
Last week I was at a medical conference in Kansas City, and some of my colleages and I stopped into a club called the Wrinkle Room.

There was this girl, who is a lot younger than me, with whom I started talking, but she started to pursue me rather heavily. At a certain point, I told her that I had to leave, and so I gave her a fake phone number.

I'm feeling rather guilty about doing this and not being truthful.
LOL! Such a small world!
Last week I was at a medical conference in Kansas City, and some of my colleages and I stopped into a club called the Wrinkle Room.

There was this girl, who is a lot younger than me, with whom I started talking, but she started to pursue me rather heavily. At a certain point, I told her that I had to leave, and so I gave her a fake phone number.

I'm feeling rather guilty about doing this and not being truthful.

Avoid her----she is after your money and wants to use you for her own ego gratification. She is an emotional vampire and will constantly demand that you make her feel secure and worthwhile. The sex isn't worth the mental anguish.
Last week I was at a medical conference in Kansas City, and some of my colleages and I stopped into a club called the Wrinkle Room.

There was this girl, who is a lot younger than me, with whom I started talking, but she started to pursue me rather heavily. At a certain point, I told her that I had to leave, and so I gave her a fake phone number.

I'm feeling rather guilty about doing this and not being truthful.

You sure it was a girl? :lol:

With the graying of the gay population, New York City has an increasing number of established ''wrinkle rooms.'' The GH Club, Regent's, Town House, Pegasus and Oscar Wilde come to mind. Had Holleran not wallowed in self-pity but explored these generally friendly bars, he would have discovered the ''gero'' phenomenon. Somebody -- actually, hordes of attractive young men -- seems to love you when you are old and gay!

THE WRINKLE ROOM - The New York Times

(BTW, funny thread.)
Last week I was at a medical conference in Kansas City, and some of my colleages and I stopped into a club called the Wrinkle Room.

There was this girl, who is a lot younger than me, with whom I started talking, but she started to pursue me rather heavily. At a certain point, I told her that I had to leave, and so I gave her a fake phone number.

I'm feeling rather guilty about doing this and not being truthful.

what where you doing at a medical conference..pretending you are a psychiatrist and trying to pick up histrionic patients or what....???
Last week I was at a medical conference in Kansas City, and some of my colleages and I stopped into a club called the Wrinkle Room.

There was this girl, who is a lot younger than me, with whom I started talking, but she started to pursue me rather heavily. At a certain point, I told her that I had to leave, and so I gave her a fake phone number.

I'm feeling rather guilty about doing this and not being truthful.

Avoid her----she is after your money and wants to use you for her own ego gratification. She is an emotional vampire and will constantly demand that you make her feel secure and worthwhile. The sex isn't worth the mental anguish.

There's mental anguish with sex?
Last week I was at a medical conference in Kansas City, and some of my colleages and I stopped into a club called the Wrinkle Room.

There was this girl, who is a lot younger than me, with whom I started talking, but she started to pursue me rather heavily. At a certain point, I told her that I had to leave, and so I gave her a fake phone number.

I'm feeling rather guilty about doing this and not being truthful.

Avoid her----she is after your money and wants to use you for her own ego gratification. She is an emotional vampire and will constantly demand that you make her feel secure and worthwhile. The sex isn't worth the mental anguish.

There's mental anguish with sex?

Of course--you have to pay the price for being the recipient of the "treasure". :lol:
Last week I was at a medical conference in Kansas City, and some of my colleages and I stopped into a club called the Wrinkle Room.

There was this girl, who is a lot younger than me, with whom I started talking, but she started to pursue me rather heavily. At a certain point, I told her that I had to leave, and so I gave her a fake phone number.

I'm feeling rather guilty about doing this and not being truthful.

Aren't you a doctors or something?

You should have given her a roofie then you wouldn't have had to lie to her.

Lying is a sin, ya' know.
arent you married with an 8 month old....and there is only mental augish when having sex with duckie

Yes...which is why I gave her a fake number to get rid of her.

I'm just feeling guilty that I wasn't honest and told her that I am married and not interested.
arent you married with an 8 month old....and there is only mental augish when having sex with duckie

Yes...which is why I gave her a fake number to get rid of her.

I'm just feeling guilty that I wasn't honest and told her that I am married and not interested.

Get over it---she's way out in some fantasy world of her own. She's responsible for sorting through your bullshit.
Last week I was at a medical conference in Kansas City, and some of my colleages and I stopped into a club called the Wrinkle Room.

There was this girl, who is a lot younger than me, with whom I started talking, but she started to pursue me rather heavily. At a certain point, I told her that I had to leave, and so I gave her a fake phone number.

I'm feeling rather guilty about doing this and not being truthful.

Listen you bastard, I called that number 90 times! I'm sending you my cellphone bill.
Last week I was at a medical conference in Kansas City, and some of my colleages and I stopped into a club called the Wrinkle Room.

There was this girl, who is a lot younger than me, with whom I started talking, but she started to pursue me rather heavily. At a certain point, I told her that I had to leave, and so I gave her a fake phone number.

I'm feeling rather guilty about doing this and not being truthful.

Listen you bastard, I called that number 90 times! I'm sending you my cellphone bill.

:lol: Shame on you for having a cellphone plan that charges you for calls!
okay is this thread a take off on that..i met a guy..which i refuse to post on...i see there is another one...i am confused...or are you seriously a low life fuck? not that that is a bad thing....i mean what would you wife say...if she is good with it..go for it....if not...stop being a jerk..and why dont you wear a wedding ring? my husband does not wear a wedding ring....he is in construction and has seen too many fingers taken off or worse the skin ripped off to the bone...

so get this...the other day a friend mentions having a wedding band tatted on.....i tell her that is one of the nastiest things about tatts...dont like it..cant handle it.....

so man is listening to dr phil....(aside: men dont listen to dr phil if i have been fucking your ass for 28 yrs you dont need advice from dr phil...let it go) when dr phil is going on about men should wear wedding rings blah blah blah when my loving husband ...goes..."i will have a wedding band tattoo if you want"...o m g...he hates tatts...his father is a minister...tatts are the mark of the devil blah blah blah...

now gentlemen he is my problem....the sweet loving really not interested in having him tatt a wedding band on his finger....we take separate vacations...wth? but the evil me....all know..i am tempted to have him do it...then mock the shit out of him for doing it...

but yes xox you were a big pussy just not saying you were she will wonder what was so offensive about her that you would be hurtful enough to give her a false number....cowardly at best there.
arent you married with an 8 month old....and there is only mental augish when having sex with duckie

Yes...which is why I gave her a fake number to get rid of her.

I'm just feeling guilty that I wasn't honest and told her that I am married and not interested.

Understandable sin, though.

We all like to know that we're still in season, don't we?

Don't beat yourself up.

Since you know this makes you feel sleazy, just don't do it again.

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