So How Old Is My Soul?

Or; where did my soul come from? Has it been around since the dawn of creation? If so; where has it been in waiting, till this body was born? Or are souls created at conception? If so; how are they transferred from the creation source into the body? Are there an infinite amount of souls? Or will the world one day run out?

The Bible seldom talk about it. However, David ever said in psalm that one can be sinful even in his mother's womb. It actually makes sense that the soul is already given when one is in mother's womb. It means parents can start to 'educate' their child at that point (supported by scientific research). On the other hand, since the soul resides also on the spiritual realm, so he may also be 'educated' by someone else (say, the spirits), and can thus be potentially 'sinful'.
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Or; where did my soul come from? Has it been around since the dawn of creation? If so; where has it been in waiting, till this body was born? Or are souls created at conception? If so; how are they transferred from the creation source into the body? Are there an infinite amount of souls? Or will the world one day run out?

A couple of years at most. You created it with a combination of physical, emotional and mental energy. No. It hasn't been around since the dawn of creation. No. Most souls are created within the individual. Souls can be created. We will never run out of them. The Bible explains this very well:

Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, and whatever is born of the spirit is spirit. John 3:6 HCSB
So man is not spirit since we are flesh. That verse also states that spirits are created, so God must have a creator also.
Or; where did my soul come from? Has it been around since the dawn of creation? If so; where has it been in waiting, till this body was born? Or are souls created at conception? If so; how are they transferred from the creation source into the body? Are there an infinite amount of souls? Or will the world one day run out?
You have no soul.
Now youre getting it...

I never forgot this quote

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” – Mark Twain

People can't seem to contemplate the world without them. But they don't realize that before they were born the world got along just fine. In fact, maybe better. Can any of us say we are better off now than we were before you were born? Maybe that's no coincidence. LOL
Or; where did my soul come from? Has it been around since the dawn of creation? If so; where has it been in waiting, till this body was born? Or are souls created at conception? If so; how are they transferred from the creation source into the body? Are there an infinite amount of souls? Or will the world one day run out?

A couple of years at most. You created it with a combination of physical, emotional and mental energy. No. It hasn't been around since the dawn of creation. No. Most souls are created within the individual. Souls can be created. We will never run out of them. The Bible explains this very well:

Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, and whatever is born of the spirit is spirit. John 3:6 HCSB
So man is not spirit since we are flesh. That verse also states that spirits are created, so God must have a creator also.

One weekend I was up north hick Michigan listening to religion on the radio. The person went on and on rambling from one idea to the next and one sin to the next. He who shall ever so art thou and let there be 1000 plagues upon whosoever and on and on. After 5 minutes I realized this story teller said both everything and nothing. So I don't care when people say, "well the bible says" because the bible is the ramblings of mad men who must have been high when they wrote that shit.

Then again maybe it was written that way on purpose. Because if they tried to write something that made sense then maybe people would realize it makes no sense.

Ultimately the story wrapped up with a moral message. That there is no place in the kingdom of heaven for _____ (fill in the blank).
Or; where did my soul come from? Has it been around since the dawn of creation? If so; where has it been in waiting, till this body was born? Or are souls created at conception? If so; how are they transferred from the creation source into the body? Are there an infinite amount of souls? Or will the world one day run out?
You have no soul.
Now youre getting it...

I never forgot this quote

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” – Mark Twain

People can't seem to contemplate the world without them. But they don't realize that before they were born the world got along just fine. In fact, maybe better. Can any of us say we are better off now than we were before you were born? Maybe that's no coincidence. LOL

Wouldn't that depend on your circumstances before you were born? The thread is concerned with your immortal soul, apparently with the underlying supposition that we each have a soul that does not die when our bodies do. There are quite a few religions and philosophies that believe in karma and reincarnation, as well as a life between lives.
Or; where did my soul come from? Has it been around since the dawn of creation? If so; where has it been in waiting, till this body was born? Or are souls created at conception? If so; how are they transferred from the creation source into the body? Are there an infinite amount of souls? Or will the world one day run out?

A couple of years at most. You created it with a combination of physical, emotional and mental energy. No. It hasn't been around since the dawn of creation. No. Most souls are created within the individual. Souls can be created. We will never run out of them. The Bible explains this very well:

Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, and whatever is born of the spirit is spirit. John 3:6 HCSB
So man is not spirit since we are flesh. That verse also states that spirits are created, so God must have a creator also.

One weekend I was up north hick Michigan listening to religion on the radio. The person went on and on rambling from one idea to the next and one sin to the next. He who shall ever so art thou and let there be 1000 plagues upon whosoever and on and on. After 5 minutes I realized this story teller said both everything and nothing. So I don't care when people say, "well the bible says" because the bible is the ramblings of mad men who must have been high when they wrote that shit.

Especially John's excellent acid trip in Revelations! That was definitely an OMG moment.

Then again maybe it was written that way on purpose. Because if they tried to write something that made sense then maybe people would realize it makes no sense.

In reality there is no "Word of God". There are gospels of differing opinions of various authors (mainly Paul) & the church decided which gospels were "good enough" to fit the church's political narrative. You can get almost anything out of the Bible by stressing certain parts over others.

Why Are There Two Different Accounts of Creation? - The Great Adventure Catholic Bible Study

Why are there two different Creation accounts in Genesis chapters 1-2?

Ultimately the story wrapped up with a moral message. That there is no place in the kingdom of heaven for _____ (fill in the blank).

As were previous myths, legends & religions.
Or; where did my soul come from? Has it been around since the dawn of creation? If so; where has it been in waiting, till this body was born? Or are souls created at conception? If so; how are they transferred from the creation source into the body? Are there an infinite amount of souls? Or will the world one day run out?
You have no soul.
Now youre getting it...

I never forgot this quote

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” – Mark Twain

People can't seem to contemplate the world without them. But they don't realize that before they were born the world got along just fine. In fact, maybe better. Can any of us say we are better off now than we were before you were born? Maybe that's no coincidence. LOL

Wouldn't that depend on your circumstances before you were born? The thread is concerned with your immortal soul, apparently with the underlying supposition that we each have a soul that does not die when our bodies do. There are quite a few religions and philosophies that believe in karma and reincarnation, as well as a life between lives.

I was just making a joking reference to Trump asking if we are better off now than we were before Obama. LOL.

Yes, all religions have a common theme goal or motivation. Its hard for people to imagine the living thinking caring intelligent them will ever just not exist after their shell is gone. Hate to break it to people who can't wait to meet Jesus but....
Or; where did my soul come from? Has it been around since the dawn of creation? If so; where has it been in waiting, till this body was born? Or are souls created at conception? If so; how are they transferred from the creation source into the body? Are there an infinite amount of souls? Or will the world one day run out?

A couple of years at most. You created it with a combination of physical, emotional and mental energy. No. It hasn't been around since the dawn of creation. No. Most souls are created within the individual. Souls can be created. We will never run out of them. The Bible explains this very well:

Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, and whatever is born of the spirit is spirit. John 3:6 HCSB
So man is not spirit since we are flesh. That verse also states that spirits are created, so God must have a creator also.

One weekend I was up north hick Michigan listening to religion on the radio. The person went on and on rambling from one idea to the next and one sin to the next. He who shall ever so art thou and let there be 1000 plagues upon whosoever and on and on. After 5 minutes I realized this story teller said both everything and nothing. So I don't care when people say, "well the bible says" because the bible is the ramblings of mad men who must have been high when they wrote that shit.

Especially John's excellent acid trip in Revelations! That was definitely an OMG moment.

Then again maybe it was written that way on purpose. Because if they tried to write something that made sense then maybe people would realize it makes no sense.

In reality there is no "Word of God". There are gospels of differing opinions of various authors (mainly Paul) & the church decided which gospels were "good enough" to fit the church's political narrative. You can get almost anything out of the Bible by stressing certain parts over others.

Why Are There Two Different Accounts of Creation? - The Great Adventure Catholic Bible Study

Why are there two different Creation accounts in Genesis chapters 1-2?

Ultimately the story wrapped up with a moral message. That there is no place in the kingdom of heaven for _____ (fill in the blank).

As were previous myths, legends & religions.

Here's an excellent example. My cousin on facebook quoted Ephesians 6:11. So I look up Ephesians and this is what it says:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.

2 Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;

3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. (So is he saying if you don't that you will die young? And honouring your parents doesn't guarantee a long life)

4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

5 Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; (WTF???)

6 Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart;

7 With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men:

8 Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free.

9 And, ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him.

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

19 And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel,

20 For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

21 But that ye also may know my affairs, and how I do, Tychicus, a beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, shall make known to you all things:

22 Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that ye might know our affairs, and that he might comfort your hearts.

23 Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

24 Grace be with all them that love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen.

What a load of mumbo jumbo crapola.
Or; where did my soul come from? Has it been around since the dawn of creation? If so; where has it been in waiting, till this body was born? Or are souls created at conception? If so; how are they transferred from the creation source into the body? Are there an infinite amount of souls? Or will the world one day run out?
You have no soul.
Now youre getting it...

I never forgot this quote

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” – Mark Twain

People can't seem to contemplate the world without them. But they don't realize that before they were born the world got along just fine. In fact, maybe better. Can any of us say we are better off now than we were before you were born? Maybe that's no coincidence. LOL

Wouldn't that depend on your circumstances before you were born? The thread is concerned with your immortal soul, apparently with the underlying supposition that we each have a soul that does not die when our bodies do. There are quite a few religions and philosophies that believe in karma and reincarnation, as well as a life between lives.

I was just making a joking reference to Trump asking if we are better off now than we were before Obama. LOL.

Yes, all religions have a common theme goal or motivation. Its hard for people to imagine the living thinking caring intelligent them will ever just not exist after their shell is gone. Hate to break it to people who can't wait to meet Jesus but....

I don't think you or I or anyone else can possibly know with any certainty at all what happens after your life here is over. Therefore, does it not seem a little presumptuous for you or anyone else that whatever their belief about the afterlife is wrong? Yeah, you're entitled to your opinion and to express it, but why is it necessary for you to piss in somebody else's corn flakes?
You have no soul.
Now youre getting it...

I never forgot this quote

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” – Mark Twain

People can't seem to contemplate the world without them. But they don't realize that before they were born the world got along just fine. In fact, maybe better. Can any of us say we are better off now than we were before you were born? Maybe that's no coincidence. LOL

Wouldn't that depend on your circumstances before you were born? The thread is concerned with your immortal soul, apparently with the underlying supposition that we each have a soul that does not die when our bodies do. There are quite a few religions and philosophies that believe in karma and reincarnation, as well as a life between lives.

I was just making a joking reference to Trump asking if we are better off now than we were before Obama. LOL.

Yes, all religions have a common theme goal or motivation. Its hard for people to imagine the living thinking caring intelligent them will ever just not exist after their shell is gone. Hate to break it to people who can't wait to meet Jesus but....

I don't think you or I or anyone else can possibly know with any certainty at all what happens after your life here is over. Therefore, does it not seem a little presumptuous for you or anyone else that whatever their belief about the afterlife is wrong? Yeah, you're entitled to your opinion and to express it, but why is it necessary for you to piss in somebody else's corn flakes?
I agree except for on USMB. If you bring that shit here you are asking for it. Agreed?

And I think it is the height of arrogance to believe you yourself are a god after you die.

Plus, if your faith is strong nothing I say should matter. You should only feel sorry for me because I'm not going to be a god after I die.

And because their corn flakes are getting into my cheerios.

And if they believe anyone that doesn't believe like they do is going to hell, they deserve whatever I give them.
Now youre getting it...

I never forgot this quote

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” – Mark Twain

People can't seem to contemplate the world without them. But they don't realize that before they were born the world got along just fine. In fact, maybe better. Can any of us say we are better off now than we were before you were born? Maybe that's no coincidence. LOL

Wouldn't that depend on your circumstances before you were born? The thread is concerned with your immortal soul, apparently with the underlying supposition that we each have a soul that does not die when our bodies do. There are quite a few religions and philosophies that believe in karma and reincarnation, as well as a life between lives.

I was just making a joking reference to Trump asking if we are better off now than we were before Obama. LOL.

Yes, all religions have a common theme goal or motivation. Its hard for people to imagine the living thinking caring intelligent them will ever just not exist after their shell is gone. Hate to break it to people who can't wait to meet Jesus but....

I don't think you or I or anyone else can possibly know with any certainty at all what happens after your life here is over. Therefore, does it not seem a little presumptuous for you or anyone else that whatever their belief about the afterlife is wrong? Yeah, you're entitled to your opinion and to express it, but why is it necessary for you to piss in somebody else's corn flakes?
I agree except for on USMB. If you bring that shit here you are asking for it. Agreed?

And I think it is the height of arrogance to believe you yourself are a god after you die.

Plus, if your faith is strong nothing I say should matter. You should only feel sorry for me because I'm not going to be a god after I die.

And because their corn flakes are getting into my cheerios.

And if they believe anyone that doesn't believe like they do is going to hell, they deserve whatever I give them.

You're the one bringing shit, acting you know a damn thing about God or whether there's an afterlife or not. Which doesn't stop you from condescendingly judging anyone else who believes differently than you do. Who the hell do you think you are, you think you're smarter than everyone else? News flash Bub - you ain't.

I believe I'm a God after I die? Where did you get that from? Right out of your ass apparently cuz I didn't say it.

I only feel sorry for you cuz you're an asshat. Who appointed you to break anything to anybody?

I don't think anybody is pouring their corn flakes into your cheerios. Looks like the other way around to me.

Yeah and you'll deserve the response you're getting now.
I never forgot this quote

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.” – Mark Twain

People can't seem to contemplate the world without them. But they don't realize that before they were born the world got along just fine. In fact, maybe better. Can any of us say we are better off now than we were before you were born? Maybe that's no coincidence. LOL

Wouldn't that depend on your circumstances before you were born? The thread is concerned with your immortal soul, apparently with the underlying supposition that we each have a soul that does not die when our bodies do. There are quite a few religions and philosophies that believe in karma and reincarnation, as well as a life between lives.

I was just making a joking reference to Trump asking if we are better off now than we were before Obama. LOL.

Yes, all religions have a common theme goal or motivation. Its hard for people to imagine the living thinking caring intelligent them will ever just not exist after their shell is gone. Hate to break it to people who can't wait to meet Jesus but....

I don't think you or I or anyone else can possibly know with any certainty at all what happens after your life here is over. Therefore, does it not seem a little presumptuous for you or anyone else that whatever their belief about the afterlife is wrong? Yeah, you're entitled to your opinion and to express it, but why is it necessary for you to piss in somebody else's corn flakes?
I agree except for on USMB. If you bring that shit here you are asking for it. Agreed?

And I think it is the height of arrogance to believe you yourself are a god after you die.

Plus, if your faith is strong nothing I say should matter. You should only feel sorry for me because I'm not going to be a god after I die.

And because their corn flakes are getting into my cheerios.

And if they believe anyone that doesn't believe like they do is going to hell, they deserve whatever I give them.

You're the one bringing shit, acting you know a damn thing about God or whether there's an afterlife or not. Which doesn't stop you from condescendingly judging anyone else who believes differently than you do. Who the hell do you think you are, you think you're smarter than everyone else? News flash Bub - you ain't.

I believe I'm a God after I die? Where did you get that from? Right out of your ass apparently cuz I didn't say it.

I only feel sorry for you cuz you're an asshat. Who appointed you to break anything to anybody?

I don't think anybody is pouring their corn flakes into your cheerios. Looks like the other way around to me.

Yeah and you'll deserve the response you're getting now.
If you think you live forever in paradise or heaven and never get sick or cry that's a god.
Wouldn't that depend on your circumstances before you were born? The thread is concerned with your immortal soul, apparently with the underlying supposition that we each have a soul that does not die when our bodies do. There are quite a few religions and philosophies that believe in karma and reincarnation, as well as a life between lives.

I was just making a joking reference to Trump asking if we are better off now than we were before Obama. LOL.

Yes, all religions have a common theme goal or motivation. Its hard for people to imagine the living thinking caring intelligent them will ever just not exist after their shell is gone. Hate to break it to people who can't wait to meet Jesus but....

I don't think you or I or anyone else can possibly know with any certainty at all what happens after your life here is over. Therefore, does it not seem a little presumptuous for you or anyone else that whatever their belief about the afterlife is wrong? Yeah, you're entitled to your opinion and to express it, but why is it necessary for you to piss in somebody else's corn flakes?
I agree except for on USMB. If you bring that shit here you are asking for it. Agreed?

And I think it is the height of arrogance to believe you yourself are a god after you die.

Plus, if your faith is strong nothing I say should matter. You should only feel sorry for me because I'm not going to be a god after I die.

And because their corn flakes are getting into my cheerios.

And if they believe anyone that doesn't believe like they do is going to hell, they deserve whatever I give them.

You're the one bringing shit, acting you know a damn thing about God or whether there's an afterlife or not. Which doesn't stop you from condescendingly judging anyone else who believes differently than you do. Who the hell do you think you are, you think you're smarter than everyone else? News flash Bub - you ain't.

I believe I'm a God after I die? Where did you get that from? Right out of your ass apparently cuz I didn't say it.

I only feel sorry for you cuz you're an asshat. Who appointed you to break anything to anybody?

I don't think anybody is pouring their corn flakes into your cheerios. Looks like the other way around to me.

Yeah and you'll deserve the response you're getting now.
If you think you live forever in paradise or heaven and never get sick or cry that's a god.
And if you never try and achieve total repair of the world and don't believe in the advanced future, that you fear we can never achieve or attain these progressions to perfection, then that makes one a "Stasist".

Judaism has always taught a firm ethic of working for a
better world, not waiting or sitting expecting it to plop
down and be handed to us. The mistake pagan religious societies
make, is in waiting on G-d, as seen in their
misstranslation of the term in the bible which meant
“Bind” in G-d (not wait on G-d). This waiting causes
society to neglect the work that must be done in order
to create the world to come that could and ought to be.
Judaism is about changing the world in which we live.
This should come as no surprise, since Jews recite this
three times a day, in the very final prayer of the service,
known as Aleinu: 'to perfect the world in G-d's
So in Brief, that is what Judaism is about, it is about
transforming and bettering the world. The 'repair of the
World' =Tikkun Olam. and preparing for the 'world to
come'=Olam Habah. All of Judaism is based on the
ideas that life is a steady progression of processions
toward higher states of perfection, both on micro and
macro layers of existance. Man is instructed to better
himself & rid himself of animalistic tendencies and
deprecating and selfish receiving impulses. The
knowledge & teaching that the future will bring a better
world is not just a dream. The Torah itself, talks about
the coming of Moshiach, who will set the process of
redemption in motion by which the world will reach its perfection. Jews believe that all peoples are called to the service of righteousness, and we welcome dialogue with people of “good will” from all traditions.
We believe in working towards the Tikkun Olam / 'the repair of the world' through programs of social action.
Things like Poverty, Racial discrimination, political injustice, war, social decay,
and environmental deterioration are concerns always addressed in Judaism.
I was just making a joking reference to Trump asking if we are better off now than we were before Obama. LOL.

Yes, all religions have a common theme goal or motivation. Its hard for people to imagine the living thinking caring intelligent them will ever just not exist after their shell is gone. Hate to break it to people who can't wait to meet Jesus but....

I don't think you or I or anyone else can possibly know with any certainty at all what happens after your life here is over. Therefore, does it not seem a little presumptuous for you or anyone else that whatever their belief about the afterlife is wrong? Yeah, you're entitled to your opinion and to express it, but why is it necessary for you to piss in somebody else's corn flakes?
I agree except for on USMB. If you bring that shit here you are asking for it. Agreed?

And I think it is the height of arrogance to believe you yourself are a god after you die.

Plus, if your faith is strong nothing I say should matter. You should only feel sorry for me because I'm not going to be a god after I die.

And because their corn flakes are getting into my cheerios.

And if they believe anyone that doesn't believe like they do is going to hell, they deserve whatever I give them.

You're the one bringing shit, acting you know a damn thing about God or whether there's an afterlife or not. Which doesn't stop you from condescendingly judging anyone else who believes differently than you do. Who the hell do you think you are, you think you're smarter than everyone else? News flash Bub - you ain't.

I believe I'm a God after I die? Where did you get that from? Right out of your ass apparently cuz I didn't say it.

I only feel sorry for you cuz you're an asshat. Who appointed you to break anything to anybody?

I don't think anybody is pouring their corn flakes into your cheerios. Looks like the other way around to me.

Yeah and you'll deserve the response you're getting now.
If you think you live forever in paradise or heaven and never get sick or cry that's a god.
And if you never try and achieve total repair of the world and don't believe in the advanced future, that you fear we can never achieve or attain these progressions to perfection, then that makes one a "Stasist".

Judaism has always taught a firm ethic of working for a
better world, not waiting or sitting expecting it to plop
down and be handed to us. The mistake pagan religious societies
make, is in waiting on G-d, as seen in their
misstranslation of the term in the bible which meant
“Bind” in G-d (not wait on G-d). This waiting causes
society to neglect the work that must be done in order
to create the world to come that could and ought to be.
Judaism is about changing the world in which we live.
This should come as no surprise, since Jews recite this
three times a day, in the very final prayer of the service,
known as Aleinu: 'to perfect the world in G-d's
So in Brief, that is what Judaism is about, it is about
transforming and bettering the world. The 'repair of the
World' =Tikkun Olam. and preparing for the 'world to
come'=Olam Habah. All of Judaism is based on the
ideas that life is a steady progression of processions
toward higher states of perfection, both on micro and
macro layers of existance. Man is instructed to better
himself & rid himself of animalistic tendencies and
deprecating and selfish receiving impulses. The
knowledge & teaching that the future will bring a better
world is not just a dream. The Torah itself, talks about
the coming of Moshiach, who will set the process of
redemption in motion by which the world will reach its perfection. Jews believe that all peoples are called to the service of righteousness, and we welcome dialogue with people of “good will” from all traditions.
We believe in working towards the Tikkun Olam / 'the repair of the world' through programs of social action.
Things like Poverty, Racial discrimination, political injustice, war, social decay,
and environmental deterioration are concerns always addressed in Judaism.
I agree. Work to make this world heaven.

And I notice us athiests are usually pro science and we want the human race to live forever.

We don't worry about our souls but we do worry about the human race
Or; where did my soul come from? Has it been around since the dawn of creation? If so; where has it been in waiting, till this body was born? Or are souls created at conception? If so; how are they transferred from the creation source into the body? Are there an infinite amount of souls? Or will the world one day run out?

A couple of years at most. You created it with a combination of physical, emotional and mental energy. No. It hasn't been around since the dawn of creation. No. Most souls are created within the individual. Souls can be created. We will never run out of them. The Bible explains this very well:

Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, and whatever is born of the spirit is spirit. John 3:6 HCSB
So man is not spirit since we are flesh. That verse also states that spirits are created, so God must have a creator also.

The universe created itself.
Or; where did my soul come from? Has it been around since the dawn of creation? If so; where has it been in waiting, till this body was born? Or are souls created at conception? If so; how are they transferred from the creation source into the body? Are there an infinite amount of souls? Or will the world one day run out?

A couple of years at most. You created it with a combination of physical, emotional and mental energy. No. It hasn't been around since the dawn of creation. No. Most souls are created within the individual. Souls can be created. We will never run out of them. The Bible explains this very well:

Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, and whatever is born of the spirit is spirit. John 3:6 HCSB
So man is not spirit since we are flesh. That verse also states that spirits are created, so God must have a creator also.

The universe created itself.
God created itself.
I don't think you or I or anyone else can possibly know with any certainty at all what happens after your life here is over. Therefore, does it not seem a little presumptuous for you or anyone else that whatever their belief about the afterlife is wrong? Yeah, you're entitled to your opinion and to express it, but why is it necessary for you to piss in somebody else's corn flakes?
I agree except for on USMB. If you bring that shit here you are asking for it. Agreed?

And I think it is the height of arrogance to believe you yourself are a god after you die.

Plus, if your faith is strong nothing I say should matter. You should only feel sorry for me because I'm not going to be a god after I die.

And because their corn flakes are getting into my cheerios.

And if they believe anyone that doesn't believe like they do is going to hell, they deserve whatever I give them.

You're the one bringing shit, acting you know a damn thing about God or whether there's an afterlife or not. Which doesn't stop you from condescendingly judging anyone else who believes differently than you do. Who the hell do you think you are, you think you're smarter than everyone else? News flash Bub - you ain't.

I believe I'm a God after I die? Where did you get that from? Right out of your ass apparently cuz I didn't say it.

I only feel sorry for you cuz you're an asshat. Who appointed you to break anything to anybody?

I don't think anybody is pouring their corn flakes into your cheerios. Looks like the other way around to me.

Yeah and you'll deserve the response you're getting now.
If you think you live forever in paradise or heaven and never get sick or cry that's a god.
And if you never try and achieve total repair of the world and don't believe in the advanced future, that you fear we can never achieve or attain these progressions to perfection, then that makes one a "Stasist".

Judaism has always taught a firm ethic of working for a
better world, not waiting or sitting expecting it to plop
down and be handed to us. The mistake pagan religious societies
make, is in waiting on G-d, as seen in their
misstranslation of the term in the bible which meant
“Bind” in G-d (not wait on G-d). This waiting causes
society to neglect the work that must be done in order
to create the world to come that could and ought to be.
Judaism is about changing the world in which we live.
This should come as no surprise, since Jews recite this
three times a day, in the very final prayer of the service,
known as Aleinu: 'to perfect the world in G-d's
So in Brief, that is what Judaism is about, it is about
transforming and bettering the world. The 'repair of the
World' =Tikkun Olam. and preparing for the 'world to
come'=Olam Habah. All of Judaism is based on the
ideas that life is a steady progression of processions
toward higher states of perfection, both on micro and
macro layers of existance. Man is instructed to better
himself & rid himself of animalistic tendencies and
deprecating and selfish receiving impulses. The
knowledge & teaching that the future will bring a better
world is not just a dream. The Torah itself, talks about
the coming of Moshiach, who will set the process of
redemption in motion by which the world will reach its perfection. Jews believe that all peoples are called to the service of righteousness, and we welcome dialogue with people of “good will” from all traditions.
We believe in working towards the Tikkun Olam / 'the repair of the world' through programs of social action.
Things like Poverty, Racial discrimination, political injustice, war, social decay,
and environmental deterioration are concerns always addressed in Judaism.
I agree. Work to make this world heaven.

And I notice us athiests are usually pro science and we want the human race to live forever.

We don't worry about our souls but we do worry about the human race
Agree they do favor advancing humanity and reasoning through science, but without morality codes and laws and social science and philosophy (ideology) that advanced science can be used to destroy rather then construct as the psychology and behavior of man has to somewhat evolve with it's advancements otherwise those advance sciences will make the world even deadlier to live in as people missuse them.
North Korea Nukes, Syria Chemical weapons, Iran Nukes,
Obama, lawless progressives, or radical groups using tech like social media used for throwing a coup and destabilization of a nation. Or using tech to spy on opponents and subvert or compromise and control people and situations.
I agree except for on USMB. If you bring that shit here you are asking for it. Agreed?

And I think it is the height of arrogance to believe you yourself are a god after you die.

Plus, if your faith is strong nothing I say should matter. You should only feel sorry for me because I'm not going to be a god after I die.

And because their corn flakes are getting into my cheerios.

And if they believe anyone that doesn't believe like they do is going to hell, they deserve whatever I give them.

You're the one bringing shit, acting you know a damn thing about God or whether there's an afterlife or not. Which doesn't stop you from condescendingly judging anyone else who believes differently than you do. Who the hell do you think you are, you think you're smarter than everyone else? News flash Bub - you ain't.

I believe I'm a God after I die? Where did you get that from? Right out of your ass apparently cuz I didn't say it.

I only feel sorry for you cuz you're an asshat. Who appointed you to break anything to anybody?

I don't think anybody is pouring their corn flakes into your cheerios. Looks like the other way around to me.

Yeah and you'll deserve the response you're getting now.
If you think you live forever in paradise or heaven and never get sick or cry that's a god.
And if you never try and achieve total repair of the world and don't believe in the advanced future, that you fear we can never achieve or attain these progressions to perfection, then that makes one a "Stasist".

Judaism has always taught a firm ethic of working for a
better world, not waiting or sitting expecting it to plop
down and be handed to us. The mistake pagan religious societies
make, is in waiting on G-d, as seen in their
misstranslation of the term in the bible which meant
“Bind” in G-d (not wait on G-d). This waiting causes
society to neglect the work that must be done in order
to create the world to come that could and ought to be.
Judaism is about changing the world in which we live.
This should come as no surprise, since Jews recite this
three times a day, in the very final prayer of the service,
known as Aleinu: 'to perfect the world in G-d's
So in Brief, that is what Judaism is about, it is about
transforming and bettering the world. The 'repair of the
World' =Tikkun Olam. and preparing for the 'world to
come'=Olam Habah. All of Judaism is based on the
ideas that life is a steady progression of processions
toward higher states of perfection, both on micro and
macro layers of existance. Man is instructed to better
himself & rid himself of animalistic tendencies and
deprecating and selfish receiving impulses. The
knowledge & teaching that the future will bring a better
world is not just a dream. The Torah itself, talks about
the coming of Moshiach, who will set the process of
redemption in motion by which the world will reach its perfection. Jews believe that all peoples are called to the service of righteousness, and we welcome dialogue with people of “good will” from all traditions.
We believe in working towards the Tikkun Olam / 'the repair of the world' through programs of social action.
Things like Poverty, Racial discrimination, political injustice, war, social decay,
and environmental deterioration are concerns always addressed in Judaism.
I agree. Work to make this world heaven.

And I notice us athiests are usually pro science and we want the human race to live forever.

We don't worry about our souls but we do worry about the human race
Agree they do favor advancing humanity and reasoning through science, but without morality codes and laws and social science and philosophy (ideology) that advanced science can be used to destroy rather then construct as the psychology and behavior of man has to somewhat evolve with it's advancements otherwise those advance sciences will make the world even deadlier to live in as people missuse them.
North Korea Nukes, Syria Chemical weapons, Iran Nukes,
Obama, lawless progressives, or radical groups using tech like social media used for throwing a coup and destabilization of a nation. Or using tech to spy on opponents and subvert or compromise and control people and situations.
some think we're in a holy war with Islam

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