So how long after the election will we get the "working together" speech by the Democrats?

Oh, you were expecting me to entertain your idiot questions about the economy? Nah bitch. I already told you, you only exist for me to bully you. You serve no other purpose here.
And how do you imagine you do that from your keyboard, Warrior? 😄
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Let's get real. One of the drivers of inflation is the labor shortage. When you have 3.7% unemployment and people are offering $16.00 an hour for menial jobs, that drives up inflation.
Printing lots of fake currency for massive payoffs cause inflation also. Progs filled up the coffers of their influence while charging the taxpayer.
Well, it starts with me calling you a retard and stuff, then we all laugh at you. Have you not been paying attention? :dunno:

They must enjoy being laughed at and downvoted. I think it's a self esteem problem. Most leftist vermin have low self esteem. Just look at the statistics of how many of them are on psychotropic drugs!

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So how long after the election will we get the "working together" speech by the Democrats?​

Before the election. You know the drill, we must respect the minority and the opinion of the minority blah blah. When Dems are in power they tell us to pound sand and demonize us 24/7 but it's a whole different set of rules when they are the minority.

In related news Republicans will gift the minority Dems power, in a pathetic attempt to get the media to like them.
How long?.Don't we pretty much hear that shit ALL the time? Their push to hypnotize any pair of ears that will listen to go along with their agenda was kind of a 24/7 thing, I thought!

Not at all when they're in power. When we try to work with them in power, they usually respond by......

Integrity is not important to them. Integrity offers no instant animal gratification. They only value what feels good and gives them a dopamine hit RIGHT NOW!

Integrity to a leftist is like a cross to Dracula. Look at the PA Senate race. I'm no Oz fan, but how can that race be even close? Well, he has a D next to his name. It doesn't matter that he's so bad off he can't understand things when people talk to him and needs to read it, but his policies are absurd as well.
Yup. Biden’s lie that this is all temporary has nobody fooled.

BTW, did you hear his latest lie? Yesterday he claimed that people’s salaries have increased by more than inflation. Clearly, the only hope Dems have is to lie about how badly they screwed up and hope there are enough useful idiots still around.

Their problem is: even the useful idiots go to the grocery store and gas station.

I thought Dementia said we have zero inflation. :eusa_shhh:
So we're pretending that both parties don't do this when they have their asses handed to them?

Too funny.

The left much more than the right. When DumBama was President the Republicans went along with his tax increase on businesses, and more recently some signed on to Dementia's assault rifles ban. When do Democrats ever give Republicans anything?
To fight inflation, I think it would be a good idea to spend a half-trillion on student loan forgiveness and another 80 billion on 87,000 IRS agents. :eusa_shhh:
Sure, why not? If you offset student loan forgiveness with increased taxes on the wealthy and corporations and use those agents to weed out tax dodgers that would help inflation.
Sure, why not? If you offset student loan forgiveness with increased taxes on the wealthy and corporations and use those agents to weed out tax dodgers that would help inflation.

Yeah, that's what the left has been saying. They have full control over our federal government, so where are these increased taxes on the wealthy at?

They know people like you are sheep, but they also know that increasing taxes gets passed down to the consumer which increases inflation. The big guy never pays anything, they just pass their losses to us.

For those that can't for some reason, they pack their bags and move their industry to another country. The Communists know this which is why they put on a dog and pony show for you but once in power, don't even think about it.
Yeah, that's what the left has been saying. They have full control over our federal government, so where are these increased taxes on the wealthy at?

They know people like you are sheep, but they also know that increasing taxes gets passed down to the consumer which increases inflation. The big guy never pays anything, they just pass their losses to us.

For those that can't for some reason, they pack their bags and move their industry to another country. The Communists know this which is why they put on a dog and pony show for you but once in power, don't even think about it.
Yep, that's socialism. The gains are privatized and the losses are socialized.
Yeah, that's what the left has been saying. They have full control over our federal government, so where are these increased taxes on the wealthy at?
That's what some on the left have been saying. I wouldn't expect a Biden presidency and Pelosi run Congress to raise taxes on the wealthy or corporations. We can't even get Pelosi to agree that Congressional members shouldn't be allowed to invest in the stock market.
They know people like you are sheep, but they also know that increasing taxes gets passed down to the consumer which increases inflation. The big guy never pays anything, they just pass their losses to us.
That's not what increases inflation. Besides the global inflation occurring right now what causes inflation is the government lending money to financial institutions at zero percent interest rate so they can make it rain on every real estate investor, crypto bro, and corporation that wants to do stock buy backs to inflate the value of their companies. The amount of wealth redistribution that occurred during the pandemic and that occurs during every crisis, drives inflation and Inequality.
For those that can't for some reason, they pack their bags and move their industry to another country. The Communists know this which is why they put on a dog and pony show for you but once in power, don't even think about it.
Why are you still looking for Commies under your bed when we're talking about the shortcomings of crony capitalism?

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