So, how about that campaign promise?

Trump wobbles into a room full of world leaders and he is the only one who doesn't know anything about the history that brought them all to that moment.

His lack of curiosity about world affairs coupled with his unheard of arrogance....which leads him to believe that all things start with him....has put the US in difficult position after difficult position since the day he took office.

The only things that are stopping the leaders of the free world from treating him like the moron he is are the greatness of the American people, the fear that he'll turn our powerful military against our allies and the hope that our system will spit him out this year.

He will be known, for all time, as the least qualified and least competent leader that this nation has ever had. Those of you who support him will be known, for all time, as irresponsible dupes.

Have a great day.
And yet Trump keeps winning, eh? Go figger.

Yeah......our country beats them all.....under Trump.....and like mean girls they talk behind his back......they try to make the mean Iranians, Russians and Chinese like them .......while Trump kills the leader of irans foreign policy, and averts an escalating situation...........

Trump will go down as one of the most consequential world leaders in the 21st Century......his critics today can't see it and won't understand it...

He'd order the confiscation of your weapons if he thought it would benefit him in any way.

You're a dupe of enormous stature.

Get back to us when he actuall does....till then, his appointments to the Federal Bench make that far less likely....but thanks for playing....

Idiot. Any Republican president would appoint the same types of judges. That is McConnells work, anyway. Your moron hero doesn't know a fucking thing about any of the names that he's read from the lists that were given to him.

If a president's greatest accomplisent is reading names from a list, he's a fucking failure.

Keep telling yourself that.....and remember that the missles fired at our embassies, the IEDs killing our Soldiers were paid for with the 1.7 billion dollars obama gave to the Iranians...that is fucking failure....
Trump wobbles into a room full of world leaders and he is the only one who doesn't know anything about the history that brought them all to that moment.

His lack of curiosity about world affairs coupled with his unheard of arrogance....which leads him to believe that all things start with him....has put the US in difficult position after difficult position since the day he took office.

The only things that are stopping the leaders of the free world from treating him like the moron he is are the greatness of the American people, the fear that he'll turn our powerful military against our allies and the hope that our system will spit him out this year.

He will be known, for all time, as the least qualified and least competent leader that this nation has ever had. Those of you who support him will be known, for all time, as irresponsible dupes.

Have a great day.
And yet Trump keeps winning, eh? Go figger.
As far as "consequential" goes, he has not yet surpassed Reagan, but he has 5 more years to go and ultimately will.

Yeah......our country beats them all.....under Trump.....and like mean girls they talk behind his back......they try to make the mean Iranians, Russians and Chinese like them .......while Trump kills the leader of irans foreign policy, and averts an escalating situation...........

Trump will go down as one of the most consequential world leaders in the 21st Century......his critics today can't see it and won't understand it...
As far as "consequential" goes, he has not yet surpassed Reagan, but he has 5 more years to go and ultimately will.
You know, draining the swamp.

Did Trump mull-over any of these grim scenarios before he ordered the assassination of Soleimani? Was he told that both Obama and G.W. Bush opted not to kill Soleimani because they knew the backlash would be too great? Did Trump even know that Soleimani helped the US defeat ISIS and al Qaida in Iraq and Syria?

How much did Trump actually know about Soleimani or was he intentionally kept in the dark by his fanatical neocon advisors like Mike Pompeo? That doesn’t excuse Trump or make him any less culpable for his decision, but it does suggest that his sources of information might be tainted by conflicting political agendas. A recent article in the New York Times titled “Pompeo Upended Middle East by Pushing Trump to Kill Iranian General” appears to support this theory. Here’s an excerpt:

Did Pompeo Dupe Trump Into the Soleimani Hit??
Hilarious. Thinks there’s a downside to offing that motherfucker.
Other than the retaliatory strikes that will happen? When US government fficials are assassinated by foreign governments?

When will Putin be targeted?

He already has been replaced.
And yet Trump keeps winning, eh? Go figger.

Yeah......our country beats them all.....under Trump.....and like mean girls they talk behind his back......they try to make the mean Iranians, Russians and Chinese like them .......while Trump kills the leader of irans foreign policy, and averts an escalating situation...........

Trump will go down as one of the most consequential world leaders in the 21st Century......his critics today can't see it and won't understand it...

He'd order the confiscation of your weapons if he thought it would benefit him in any way.

You're a dupe of enormous stature.

Get back to us when he actuall does....till then, his appointments to the Federal Bench make that far less likely....but thanks for playing....

Idiot. Any Republican president would appoint the same types of judges. That is McConnells work, anyway. Your moron hero doesn't know a fucking thing about any of the names that he's read from the lists that were given to him.

If a president's greatest accomplisent is reading names from a list, he's a fucking failure.

Keep telling yourself that.....and remember that the missles fired at our embassies, the IEDs killing our Soldiers were paid for with the 1.7 billion dollars obama gave to the Iranians...that is fucking failure....

You would have nothing if you didn't have lies.
And yet Trump keeps winning, eh? Go figger.

Yeah......our country beats them all.....under Trump.....and like mean girls they talk behind his back......they try to make the mean Iranians, Russians and Chinese like them .......while Trump kills the leader of irans foreign policy, and averts an escalating situation...........

Trump will go down as one of the most consequential world leaders in the 21st Century......his critics today can't see it and won't understand it...

He'd order the confiscation of your weapons if he thought it would benefit him in any way.

You're a dupe of enormous stature.

Get back to us when he actuall does....till then, his appointments to the Federal Bench make that far less likely....but thanks for playing....

Idiot. Any Republican president would appoint the same types of judges. That is McConnells work, anyway. Your moron hero doesn't know a fucking thing about any of the names that he's read from the lists that were given to him.

If a president's greatest accomplisent is reading names from a list, he's a fucking failure.

Keep telling yourself that.....and remember that the missles fired at our embassies, the IEDs killing our Soldiers were paid for with the 1.7 billion dollars obama gave to the Iranians...that is fucking failure....
Actually they were paid by the sale of Iranian oil which dick Cheney's Halliburton helped them produce as we were in Iraq getting our soldiers blown up.

According to dumbass you, there were no IEDs in Iraq until 2015. Especially since IED attacked peaked in 2008

You & Trump are dumber than shit. You post this bullshit without even thinking.
Trump wobbles into a room full of world leaders and he is the only one who doesn't know anything about the history that brought them all to that moment.

His lack of curiosity about world affairs coupled with his unheard of arrogance....which leads him to believe that all things start with him....has put the US in difficult position after difficult position since the day he took office.

The only things that are stopping the leaders of the free world from treating him like the moron he is are the greatness of the American people, the fear that he'll turn our powerful military against our allies and the hope that our system will spit him out this year.

He will be known, for all time, as the least qualified and least competent leader that this nation has ever had. Those of you who support him will be known, for all time, as irresponsible dupes.

Have a great day.
And yet Trump keeps winning, eh? Go figger.
As far as "consequential" goes, he has not yet surpassed Reagan, but he has 5 more years to go and ultimately will.

Yeah......our country beats them all.....under Trump.....and like mean girls they talk behind his back......they try to make the mean Iranians, Russians and Chinese like them .......while Trump kills the leader of irans foreign policy, and averts an escalating situation...........

Trump will go down as one of the most consequential world leaders in the 21st Century......his critics today can't see it and won't understand it...
As far as "consequential" goes, he has not yet surpassed Reagan, but he has 5 more years to go and ultimately will.
Killing America would be consequential.
You know, draining the swamp.

Did Trump mull-over any of these grim scenarios before he ordered the assassination of Soleimani? Was he told that both Obama and G.W. Bush opted not to kill Soleimani because they knew the backlash would be too great? Did Trump even know that Soleimani helped the US defeat ISIS and al Qaida in Iraq and Syria?

How much did Trump actually know about Soleimani or was he intentionally kept in the dark by his fanatical neocon advisors like Mike Pompeo? That doesn’t excuse Trump or make him any less culpable for his decision, but it does suggest that his sources of information might be tainted by conflicting political agendas. A recent article in the New York Times titled “Pompeo Upended Middle East by Pushing Trump to Kill Iranian General” appears to support this theory. Here’s an excerpt:

Did Pompeo Dupe Trump Into the Soleimani Hit??
View attachment 299763
You should probably ask these two creepy fuckers...they are running the show.
Creepy? Probably one of the most beautiful women in the world, "creepy"?
those eyes...the eyes of villains.
You're a true nut.
You know, draining the swamp.

Did Trump mull-over any of these grim scenarios before he ordered the assassination of Soleimani? Was he told that both Obama and G.W. Bush opted not to kill Soleimani because they knew the backlash would be too great? Did Trump even know that Soleimani helped the US defeat ISIS and al Qaida in Iraq and Syria?

How much did Trump actually know about Soleimani or was he intentionally kept in the dark by his fanatical neocon advisors like Mike Pompeo? That doesn’t excuse Trump or make him any less culpable for his decision, but it does suggest that his sources of information might be tainted by conflicting political agendas. A recent article in the New York Times titled “Pompeo Upended Middle East by Pushing Trump to Kill Iranian General” appears to support this theory. Here’s an excerpt:

Did Pompeo Dupe Trump Into the Soleimani Hit??
View attachment 299763
You should probably ask these two creepy fuckers...they are running the show.
Creepy? Probably one of the most beautiful women in the world, "creepy"?
those eyes...the eyes of villains.
You're a true nut.
I am a nut....and you are a dupe...the world needs both.
The democrat fury over our Embassy not being bombed and Americans not being killed is shocking. Or maybe not. Democrat support for terrorists is symptomatic of our own simmering civil war.
What's up with the libs in here supporting enemy regimes? Not only supporting them but parotting their propaganda....I don't get it....
So conquering Iran will end the same way. Dead Americans and an enduring regime that looks like the one we have now.

We don't want to "conquer" Iran...we want the leadership to stop sponsoring/funding terrorism. And so do the PEOPLE of Iran.

We already have dead Americans...We can fight them over there or over here...which would you prefer?
What's up with the libs in here supporting enemy regimes? Not only supporting them but parotting their propaganda....I don't get it....

Their hatred for Trump (and supporters) has driven them insane...LITERALLY!

They support those who murder Americans (governments, terrorists, and illegals).

They just impeached the president with no underlying crimes.

They openly state they will destroy our economy with their "green new deal".

They openly state their hatred of whites.

They openly support socialism.

They openly support violence against Trump supporters and often "joke" about assassinating the president.

If that's not insane...I don't know what is!
So conquering Iran will end the same way. Dead Americans and an enduring regime that looks like the one we have now.

We don't want to "conquer" Iran...we want the leadership to stop sponsoring/funding terrorism. And so do the PEOPLE of Iran.

We already have dead Americans...We can fight them over there or over here...which would you prefer?

Ahh, the Dick Cheney gambit...”we’ll be welcomed as liberators”
Here is a news flash people anytime you take out a high ranking terrorist leader their is going to be potential blowback and or retaliation. It was that when Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq was killed same with Bin Laden also with Baghdadi though he killed himself when fate caught up to him. If you are going to let the fear of posssible retaliation stop you from taking one of these people out when you get the chance you migh as well announce to all terrorist around the world they are free to do as they please without fear of any consquences.

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