So Dems can cheer the replacement of Caucasians but Caucasians can’t bitch about being replaced?

What took decades to assimilate every cultural wave...and people like you said shit just like that every time

This is the actual hogwash. What in the hell is a "cultural wave"? That does not sound like a wave of people coming to replace you.

In reality, after mass-migration war follows every single time. This won't be an exception, the civil war is getting started soon.
WHat the hell are you even talking about?

There have been numerous immigration waves. Irish (several times) Eastern European, Italian,Chinese...and many smaller ones....and each one took YEARS to assimilate...

They ain't coming "to replace you". That's racist paranoia

Last time I checked, we have had a civil war. But that war was peanuts compared to what is coming.

Of course Europeans assimilate, this is a country FOUNDED BY Europeans.

Statistically they are replacing us, that's a FACT. You are the only racist here for wanting your own replaced. Sick individual...
Let me spell things out....Mexicrats have thrown raging parties and openly celebrated the Browning of the Mexicratic Congress....yet anytime a politician such as Steve King openly discusses the Mexicratic agenda of the “great replacement” the PC police piss themselves. Seems like some very strange

Um... no.

The fact that we have more women and minorities in Congress is a good thing.

Congress should be 50% female and 30% minority if it truly represented the country.

But we only have 127 women in Congress out of 535 members. (23%)

We have 55 black, 45 Hispanic and 17 Asian members of Congress, about 23% of the total.

White Males still dominate Congress... even though we are only 35% of the population.
So what your saying is that most of the mover and shakers who create technologies, create better ways of living, and invent and create jobs that are white males with many with a hand tied behind their backs need to be reduced also. You will get your Venezuelan style congress. But the creation of employment will be lacking.... Many politicians are a dime a dozen.Yet there are special ones. Men with vision that create are not a dime a dozen especially when easculated. And the best of the best must be unleashed to bring jobs. Tyrants destroy that. thing for sure...white racists sure aren't enhancing the gene pool

The sooner folks learn that Dems can do whatever they want then the easier it will be for these folks to understand the way of the world.
Is that the rule?
How is that considered rational?

I think you've proven that nobody has stopped you from bitching. You get ridiculed for being a racist and using racial slurs. But feel free to keep it up.
Obviously, his point went right over his head. Why aren't brown people called racist when they gloat about replacing white people?

I think if you were to read some of the posts here, you’d find brown people called racists quite often.

Screen Shot 2019-01-13 at 8.59.13 AM.png

Your fiction is funny.
What took decades to assimilate every cultural wave...and people like you said shit just like that every time

This is the actual hogwash. What in the hell is a "cultural wave"? That does not sound like a wave of people coming to replace you.

In reality, after mass-migration war follows every single time. This won't be an exception, the civil war is getting started soon.
What the hell are you even talking about?

There have been numerous immigration waves. Irish (several times) Eastern European, Italian,Chinese...and many smaller ones....and each one took YEARS to assimilate...

They ain't coming "to replace you". That's racist paranoia
They replaced the original English population of settlers, moron. The Irish, Italians and East Europeans weren't an improvement. The Irish were drunken brawlers and the Italians started the Mafia.
Is that the rule?
How is that considered rational?

I think you've proven that nobody has stopped you from bitching. You get ridiculed for being a racist and using racial slurs. But feel free to keep it up.
Obviously, his point went right over his head. Why aren't brown people called racist when they gloat about replacing white people?

I think if you were to read some of the posts here, you’d find brown people called racists quite often.

View attachment 239860

Your fiction is funny.
Not in the media or academia, moron. They can do no wrong according to those sections of American society. Who pays attention to a few internet warriors?
Is that the rule?
How is that considered rational?

I think you've proven that nobody has stopped you from bitching. You get ridiculed for being a racist and using racial slurs. But feel free to keep it up.
Obviously, his point went right over his head. Why aren't brown people called racist when they gloat about replacing white people?

I think if you were to read some of the posts here, you’d find brown people called racists quite often.

View attachment 239860

Your fiction is funny.
Not in the media or academia, moron. They can do no wrong according to those sections of American society. Who pays attention to a few internet warriors?

Do you need a tissue snowflake? Rest assured, you can call anyone you want racist all day long. If you can’t get people to agree with you…I think it’s funny.
Is that the rule?
How is that considered rational?

I think you've proven that nobody has stopped you from bitching. You get ridiculed for being a racist and using racial slurs. But feel free to keep it up.
Obviously, his point went right over his head. Why aren't brown people called racist when they gloat about replacing white people?

I think if you were to read some of the posts here, you’d find brown people called racists quite often.

View attachment 239860

Your fiction is funny.
Not in the media or academia, moron. They can do no wrong according to those sections of American society. Who pays attention to a few internet warriors?

Do you need a tissue snowflake? Rest assured, you can call anyone you want racist all day long. If you can’t get people to agree with you…I think it’s funny.
Plenty of people agree with me, just not the traitors who infest the media and academia.
We are supposed to celebrate our demise.

I’m thinking the tweaked and twisted minds of the LefTarded work like this....
“This is so cool, I love communication barriers....I love not being able to converse with my neighbor. I love not being able to speak to strangers while in line at the bank. I hate being surrounded by likeminded folks. I love sending my child to a school with 45 children per teacher, where teaching the English language is the primary curriculum. I love seven hour waits in the ER and compromised healthcare. I love bumper to bumper traffic, uninsured motorists and failing infrastructure. I love Modello cans and shitty diapers lining our roadways and left on our beaches. I love stray pit bulls running amuck through communities.”
So what your saying is that most of the mover and shakers who create technologies, create better ways of living, and invent and create jobs that are white males with many with a hand tied behind their backs need to be reduced also. You will get your Venezuelan style congress. But the creation of employment will be lacking.... Many politicians are a dime a dozen.Yet there are special ones. Men with vision that create are not a dime a dozen especially when easculated. And the best of the best must be unleashed to bring jobs. Tyrants destroy that.

Yawn, another person who has been fooled into thinking capitalist parasites are vital organs.
I’m thinking the tweaked and twisted minds of the LefTarded work like this....
“This is so cool, I love communication barriers....I love not being able to converse with my neighbor. I love not being able to speak to strangers while in line at the bank. I hate being surrounded by likeminded folks. I love sending my child to a school with 45 children per teacher, where teaching the English language is the primary curriculum. I love seven hour waits in the ER and compromised healthcare. I love bumper to bumper traffic, uninsured motorists and failing infrastructure. I love Modello cans and shitty diapers lining our roadways and left on our beaches. I love stray pit bulls running amuck through communities.”

Funny, none of that stuff happens in my neighborhood, and we have a pretty healthy Hispanic Population...

You must be a pretty big white trash loser if that's the case, but I think we've already established that.
So what your saying is that most of the mover and shakers who create technologies, create better ways of living, and invent and create jobs that are white males with many with a hand tied behind their backs need to be reduced also. You will get your Venezuelan style congress. But the creation of employment will be lacking.... Many politicians are a dime a dozen.Yet there are special ones. Men with vision that create are not a dime a dozen especially when easculated. And the best of the best must be unleashed to bring jobs. Tyrants destroy that.

Yawn, another person who has been fooled into thinking capitalist parasites are vital organs.
Yeah, because Venezuela is doing so well since it ran them all off.
I’m thinking the tweaked and twisted minds of the LefTarded work like this....
“This is so cool, I love communication barriers....I love not being able to converse with my neighbor. I love not being able to speak to strangers while in line at the bank. I hate being surrounded by likeminded folks. I love sending my child to a school with 45 children per teacher, where teaching the English language is the primary curriculum. I love seven hour waits in the ER and compromised healthcare. I love bumper to bumper traffic, uninsured motorists and failing infrastructure. I love Modello cans and shitty diapers lining our roadways and left on our beaches. I love stray pit bulls running amuck through communities.”

Funny, none of that stuff happens in my neighborhood, and we have a pretty healthy Hispanic Population...

You must be a pretty big white trash loser if that's the case, but I think we've already established that.

Yeah you’re right...I’m making all this shit up...the tens of millions here all speak perfectly fluent English and they’re all smart as fuck.
Yeah you’re right...I’m making all this shit up...the tens of millions here all speak perfectly fluent English and they’re all smart as fuck.

Well, they are obviously smarter than you if they are threatening your livelihood.

Look a racist is always going to see validation of his racism. He'll look over 10 white trash losers to see one minority who is doing something hinky.
What took decades to assimilate every cultural wave...and people like you said shit just like that every time

Yes it took time, but they actually did it. They expected their children to do it. They didn’t want to be foreigners, they wanted to become Americans.

These new folks come only for financial benefit. They wave the flags of the nations they come from instead of the Stars and Stripes. They make no attempts to learn our language or culture. They don’t spend their earnings here, they send them back “home”.

In calling where they came from “home” they prove beyond any doubt where their loyalties lay. Not here but there. Which is exactly why we need to send them “home” permanently.

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