So Anyone Can Become President, And Leave A Legacy, In The Lower 48, Plus More!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So soon after the start of the new Johnny Depp-era political climate--The understanding that Real Actors Do Not Miss, even on film and on videotape(?)--then now there is the magic of the national health care ascendancy. Disaster it may be, but it is intact. Any Senate vote is already delayed. If it can hang on for 24 more months, then two new federal legislatures can actually fix it.

Facing GOP opposition, Senate leaders postpone vote to overhaul Obamacare

Female Democratic leaders had finally managed to understand the Johnny Depp phenomenon. Republicans do kill, and especially White People in North America. They had the famous early start, and gave it a pretty good go. Lincoln famously sent nearly three quarter million off the planet in just under 48 months, all by himself. Like their brand, he paid others to do the work. And in response, there are even now black militants.

But kill, the Republicans do: White People, in the Lower 48.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(House and Senate rules mainly suspended: In the Matter of the Lands of Many Nations--letting both sides in on the fun(?)!)
So if your state expanded Medicaid, then the Republican Senate leadership was not going to talk to you.

Anyone knows how many colored Republicans there are in the U. S. Senate. The older Southern caricature of grandma plowing the 40 acres behind mule was about the post-Lincoln atrocity, even then.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Cure for Lands of Many Nations found originally to be rotted corn and poison blankets!)

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