So According To Governor Cuomo, Venezuela & Forties Germany Weren't So Bad.But America? Not Really.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Getting back to Cuomo's outrageous comment/insult over the USA never being great, does this mean that 30's and 40's Germany were the good old days? Modern day Venezuela is just paradise/utopia?
See what Im getting at? So the United States was never great, but life in communist nations were just fine with Andrew Cuomo?
i wonder if Iran was ever great

Actually, it once was. Back in the 1960s and 1970s, it was an example of a modern, enlightened, forward-moving Islamic state, and one of the best allies that America had in that part of the world.

Then, President Carter betrayed and abandoned the Shah, leaving him to be overthrown by a gang of violent Khomeniacs. That is where most of the trouble that we've had with Islamist terrorism really began. That's where this mutated, evil, violent form of Islam was allowed to take root, and from there, to spread like a vile disease among other Islamic nations.

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