Trump SNL


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Marvelous SNL last night; hope everyone was able to watch it. The segment on Puerto Rico hit him right in the gut. What's so amazing about that show is their ability to portray Trump so accurately without disrespecting him. They constantly hit the nail on the head. Bravo, bigly.
Houston has done much better with its hurricane relief mission because they worked together and they didn't allow the dumb left wing bigot politics interfere with their goal
BTW product endorsements by Alec Baldwin is an endorsement of left wing hate and a no-sell.
SNL has replaced the MSM as the main source of information for Libtards.
Marvelous SNL last night; hope everyone was able to watch it. The segment on Puerto Rico hit him right in the gut. What's so amazing about that show is their ability to portray Trump so accurately without disrespecting him. They constantly hit the nail on the head. Bravo, bigly.

I dvr'd it because Ryan Gosling was hosting, but when I watched it, it only recorded the last 20 minutes.
SNL has replaced the MSM as the main source of information for Libtards.
I was just thinking the same thing. Liberals really believe SNL is the News. After all, SNL is where the legend of Sarah Palin saying she could see Russia from her house was born. To this day, liberals take that as gospel.
I'll bet half of them don't know that was Tina Fey.
Ever notice how liberals love it when SNL mock conseratives, but the moment a conservative comedian protrays Obama as an idiot monkey they are marching in the streets.

SNL= Saturday Night Losers
Marvelous SNL last night; hope everyone was able to watch it. The segment on Puerto Rico hit him right in the gut. What's so amazing about that show is their ability to portray Trump so accurately without disrespecting him. They constantly hit the nail on the head. Bravo, bigly.
They did a great skit on our democratic leaders and how lame they are

Feinstein, pelosi, chuck shumer, Tim Cain Donna Brazil's, Elizabeth warren, Biden, Bernie and Hillary

They joked about our old outdated time to move on and get some fresh faces leadership.
Marvelous SNL last night; hope everyone was able to watch it. The segment on Puerto Rico hit him right in the gut. What's so amazing about that show is their ability to portray Trump so accurately without disrespecting him. They constantly hit the nail on the head. Bravo, bigly.
I had the day off and thought snl was on. Damn it! But I guess it’s good it’s only friday. Felt like a saturday

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