Sneering Leftists Fell Into Trump Nuking A Hurricane Trap


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
BTW, he never suggested doing that, but was curious if it might work. The Rats HOWLED with laughter, not realizing how they'd walked into his trap. Of course you can't nuke a's eye is too wide to create a blast that would dismantle it, (Katrina eye was 33 miles wide/Hiroshima blast radius was 2.2 miles) just like you can't stop Gorebal warming by banning cows and Cadillacs. We have ZERO control over nature, and even the most hardcore leftist ninnies have always known it. Next time some Rat loudmouth starts ranting about GW, ask them why we can't stop a hurricane? It's not like we haven't tried. Back in the 50's they thought dropping DRY ICE into the hurricane eye might work by making it SNOW inside....didn't work.


Then there was Operation Storm Fury ('62-'82) and silver idodide seeding.


The hypothesis was that the silver iodide would cause supercooled water in the storm to freeze, disrupting the inner structure of the hurricane. This led to the seeding of several Atlantic hurricanes. However, it was later shown that this hypothesis was incorrect. It was determined that most hurricanes do not contain enough supercooled water for cloud seeding to be effective.

Nope. Bottom line, there is no way to stop or steer a hurricane especially a big one. It's west Africa's revenge for slavery or something. :uhoh3:

To Stop A Hurricane, Shoot It Full Of Dry Ice?
Project Stormfury - Wikipedia
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Thought I might get skunked on this one. I been on some rides (Hueys) that were pretty bumpy, can't imagine flying over the top of a damn hurricane...imagine losing your engines and falling down through a Cat-4. :ack-1:
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Thought I might get skunked on this one. I been on some rides (Hueys) that were pretty bumpy, can't imagine flying over the top of a dam hurricane...imagine losing your engines and falling down through a Cat-4. :ack-1:

You're toasty if that happens.
This is becoming common place. Trump says something stupid and we get people saying he was joking. The problem is, he isn't.

Take the Greenland example. When first posted it was noted that he was joking. Then Trump states he wasn't joking when it then becomes a great idea.

Trump is a small minded idiot. There is simply no way around that.
This is becoming common place. Trump says something stupid and we get people saying he was joking. The problem is, he isn't.

Take the Greenland example. When first posted it was noted that he was joking. Then Trump states he wasn't joking when it then becomes a great idea.

Trump is a small minded idiot. There is simply no way around that.
I'm afraid his defenders don't know the fool is serious or that they are the ones getting punked. Farmers affected by tariffs, lots of former retail workers, and folks who looked to him for healthcare are catching on, but the hard core haters of anyone not a pedigreed white Christian will never see Trump's nakedness.

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