~Snapping Turtle & Snake~


May 13, 2011
Remember when I mentioned that my son has a ball python snake........lizards.....small turtles.....a very large snapping turtle....parakeets.....and tarantulas........besides the ever popular dogs and cats.
All of these 'pets'....are at his Dad's house, my ex. It's like a fucking zoo there....because about 4 cats are there as well.
The dogs......all 5 of them, are at my son's house....they are 2 coon hounds, 1 Alaskan malamute.....1 pit bull and 1 Yorkie.

Anyway, here is a photo of the snapping turtle.....he is bigger than this photo shows. He is shedding right now too.
And the snake photo is red because they have a heat light on the bastard.


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My son reaches in and grabs him by the tail, and puts him in a huge bucket they have outside, when it comes time to clean the turtle's tank.
The tank does stay pretty clean I will say :)
I don't need a pet snapper or a pet soft shell either. There are plenty around here wild, including raccoons. So far this year I have caught 12 raccoons and 3 opossums on my front porch. Take them 5 miles to the river and release them there so they will not come back. No wonder my corn patch got wiped out last year.
A snapping turtle?

That's not a pet it's a wild animal.

Why not put it back where it belongs?
I do not understand why people keep reptiles and bugs. I understand zoos, that is to allow people to learn about them...but I don't get the mentality that wants to keep an animal in a box.
Can Turtles fetch? I dont understand reptile pets or even frigging cats as a pet unless you got a rat problem.
Snapping turtles can be very dangerous. Don't get close to it with your face from above; it can leap up and grab your face/nose. They immigrate a couple of times annually from pond to pond, know where they are going and ought to be left alone...or dispatched while enroute, since that would be one good opportunity to do that.

They are hard on the duck/goose population. They grab the ducklings from below by their feet and drag them under
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The snapping turtle in question, the above photo, has been living in his very large glass aquarium for years now.........prolly 5 years I'd say.
I found him crawling slowly across the road, it was a hot muggy summer day, he was looking for water. We had no rain for days here at that time. He would more than likely end up a squished turtle, as slow as he was going.
It's not uncommon to find smashed turtles in the road here.
So I took a picture of it for my son (from a distance) and he drove and came and got it.
He purchased a huge tank for it, on a specially made base so as to hold the weight.
The turtle really has a good life....he gets fed a lot, and he always has clean water........my son and my ex aren't the least bit afraid of it, but I am....I seen how it can snap a pencil in two.
Some people just like to have exotic weird pets.........I know quite a few people who have snakes as pets. They give me the heebie jeebies, but this snake doesn't bother me too bad, I have seen all my children take it out at some point and hold it.
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My daughter went through a few stages with various animals, too. We had ferrets for a while, but I made her get rid of them because they get stinky if you don't keep up with the "housekeeping". They're fun and played with the cats. I wouldn't have one with small children, though. Ferrets can be "bitey".
Then we went through the snake stage. Started with a ball python, then she got a tiny, little Burmese python she named "Peaches". It got sick and I had to nurse it back to health, giving it antibiotic injections. That snake hated me! Then she brought home a 9' long Argentine boa. A constrictor that size can be dangerous if not handled correctly. At any rate, she left home and left the snakes. I found those snakes new homes. Not that I didn't like them, I just didn't have the time to care for them.
Oh, yeah, if you keep animals like this, they are not pets. They are wild animals you are caring for. Too many fools lose sight of that fact and those are the people who get themselves or others hurt.
At my place, where it's just me and my granddaughter, we have no pets...none are allowed.
Except tiny ones, like hamsters and fish, those are allowed.
We had both at one time......The hamster started to smell....it was in her room, she didn't like it....and so she gave it away.
The fish was a simple betta....and shit......I couldn't even keep it alive. The GD went away to camp for the weekend, and I went into her room one afternoon to put clothes away, and I smelled something stinky.
I evidently forgot to feed the fish......I forgot it was there!....and it died.
So....I don't need pets, I do good to take care of her and me.

My son keeps all these wild animal pets at his Dad's house.......like I said before, it really is like a zoo...or maybe a jungle ~LoL~

OH FUCK NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would never do that...my son would never do that....OMG......why do people do that??
I hear some people eat'em....no thanks, I'll go hungry :lol:

They are good eating but soft shell turtles are better. Taste like chicken but doesn't everything!
I have both on my farm but I like the flavor of the alligator snapper better. I put them in a stock tank and let them purge for a week before cleaning them.
The softshell is better fried but I use my gator snaps in a stew or gumbo.
Fuck. Now I'm hungry. Time to pull out some lengua and get my gal to do up some tacos and a spicy mango salsa.


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Here are a couple pictures of one of my sons holding the snake~


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At my place, where it's just me and my granddaughter, we have no pets...none are allowed.
Except tiny ones, like hamsters and fish, those are allowed.
We had both at one time......The hamster started to smell....it was in her room, she didn't like it....and so she gave it away.
The fish was a simple betta....and shit......I couldn't even keep it alive. The GD went away to camp for the weekend, and I went into her room one afternoon to put clothes away, and I smelled something stinky.
I evidently forgot to feed the fish......I forgot it was there!....and it died.
So....I don't need pets, I do good to take care of her and me.

My son keeps all these wild animal pets at his Dad's house.......like I said before, it really is like a zoo...or maybe a jungle ~LoL~

I suppose, as long as you don't forget to feed the granddaughter....:badgrin:
At my place, where it's just me and my granddaughter, we have no pets...none are allowed.
Except tiny ones, like hamsters and fish, those are allowed.
We had both at one time......The hamster started to smell....it was in her room, she didn't like it....and so she gave it away.
The fish was a simple betta....and shit......I couldn't even keep it alive. The GD went away to camp for the weekend, and I went into her room one afternoon to put clothes away, and I smelled something stinky.
I evidently forgot to feed the fish......I forgot it was there!....and it died.
So....I don't need pets, I do good to take care of her and me.

My son keeps all these wild animal pets at his Dad's house.......like I said before, it really is like a zoo...or maybe a jungle ~LoL~

I suppose, as long as you don't forget to feed the granddaughter....:badgrin:

Yeah....no shit!!! :lol:
That's why I tell her we don't need any pets....it's all I can do to take care of her.
At my place, where it's just me and my granddaughter, we have no pets...none are allowed.
Except tiny ones, like hamsters and fish, those are allowed.
We had both at one time......The hamster started to smell....it was in her room, she didn't like it....and so she gave it away.
The fish was a simple betta....and shit......I couldn't even keep it alive. The GD went away to camp for the weekend, and I went into her room one afternoon to put clothes away, and I smelled something stinky.
I evidently forgot to feed the fish......I forgot it was there!....and it died.
So....I don't need pets, I do good to take care of her and me.

My son keeps all these wild animal pets at his Dad's house.......like I said before, it really is like a zoo...or maybe a jungle ~LoL~

I suppose, as long as you don't forget to feed the granddaughter....:badgrin:

Yeah....no shit!!! :lol:
That's why I tell her we don't need any pets....it's all I can do to take care of her.

Have you figured out yet whether they get their energy by drawing it from the adults they live with?

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