Smoke Nazis Strike Again

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I think smoking is awful for one's health but this is a stupid law. More "nanny" state politics
First off, no one currently gets a trip to ass-rape land for under aged smoking. It will only be illegal to BUY smokes until you are 21.

Smoking kills. There are more important issues to be upset about. I think there should be no restrictions on vaping, however and I would encourage EVERYONE to kick the habit like I did back in 96.
When you're 18 join the military. Go kill some ragheads in Afghanistan and fight for the safety and freedoms of your fellow Americans. Then when you come home and smoke that cigarette we'll throw your ass in jail because, Land of the Free, and all.....

Hawaii poised to become 1st state to raise smoking age to 21 - FOX5 Vegas - KVVU
The warfare state and police state all in one.

I completely agree, smoking needs to be better regulated, though. Ristrictions on drinking should be LOWERED to 18, so that younger people can better prepare themselves for when they are less supervised later in life.
First off, no one currently gets a trip to ass-rape land for under aged smoking. It will only be illegal to BUY smokes until you are 21.

You are mistaken:

"The bill would prevent adolescents from smoking, buying or possessing both traditional and electronic cigarettes."

To be fair, that's pretty much the standard in Alaska, an officer will take your cigarettes if you're under 21. However, they do not press charges and it doesn't apply to electronic cigarettes which only put out mist - ya know the entire basis of the anti-smoking laws *was to protect second hand smoke - now they push to a new level.
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First off, no one currently gets a trip to ass-rape land for under aged smoking. It will only be illegal to BUY smokes until you are 21.

The Hawaii law will fine people. What do you think happens if you don't pay the fine?

Smoking kills.

So does the government.

There are more important issues to be upset about.

Restricting people's personal freedoms isn't important? Do you know how many of these kinds of "non-important" laws exist? You have to be a certain age to do this? You need a permit to do that? Add all of that shit up and yes, it is a really big deal, but we become accepting of it because these restrictive laws get passed slowly, one by one, over time.

We get fed propaganda about being the freest country in the world, but anybody who has traveled abroad knows that isn't true. It's amazing how many personal choices you can make throughout the world that will get you fined or land you in jail here in the good ole Land of the Free.
My truck threw a rod on the highway when I first started driving, so I'm sitting there waiting for rescue on the side of the highway. An officer pulled up to make sure I was alright/see what was going on. He ended up confiscating my smokes cause I was underage, but he apologized like ten times and hung out to "help keep me distracted" until my buddies and the tow truck arrived. I was kinda like "awww man, no fair!" but at the same time I knew it was illegal so ~shrug~ I did appreciate him hanging out with me though heh

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