Smaller and less government


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Radical Right Wing Extremists should not need a rocket scientist to explain to them that a smaller Government, less involved and less spending that existed in 1776 cannot function effectively in a 2012 nation. We have gotten bigger in every way as a nation and bigger more involved and more spending is needed to operate effectively as a nation.
Smaller less involved Government less spending government will take us back to 1776.
The problem is not that government got bigger, etc and more involved, America have lost their way and it’s every body for himself. We have lost compassion to care about others than ourselves. We need bigger more involved government more spending, more taxation and more sharing by all of us.
Greed is quickly destroying America.

Radical Right Wing Extremists should not need a rocket scientist to explain to them that a smaller Government, less involved and less spending that existed in 1776 cannot function effectively in a 2012 nation. We have gotten bigger in every way as a nation and bigger more involved and more spending is needed to operate effectively as a nation.
Smaller less involved Government less spending government will take us back to 1776.
The problem is not that government got bigger, etc and more involved, America have lost their way and it’s every body for himself. We have lost compassion to care about others than ourselves. We need bigger more involved government more spending, more taxation and more sharing by all of us.
Greed is quickly destroying America.

You must not be very Bright. Nobody is suggesting we can go back to the way it was in 1776. However that does not mean we could not streamline, Cut Waste, and just be more efficient. I would start with the GAO report that found about 350 Billion a year in Redundant, or Otherwise wasteful spending in our Current Budget.

When I personal Talk about smaller government, I am specifically talking about Limiting the Bureaucracy of Government, not necessarily the function. Paying for the Office space, Salaries and Benefits of Bureaucrat, Plus the inefficiencies they create, is the Major Drain on our Budget, and where the most Effective savings with out much Lost Service can be found.

That goes for every Part of the Government as well. I am for a strong Defense, and oppose major cuts to needed Defense Programs, But I bet you there is a shit ton of Savings that can be found in streamlining the MASSIVE Civilian and Military Bureaucracy of the DOD.

Other than That I just want our Government to live with in the Powers granted to it with in the Constitution, and not go beyond it. These things are not radical Ideas, or Out Dated ideas from a different Age, They are simply Common sense.

Of course why am I arguing with you at all, a Lefty who started this thread with the Premise that Limited Government types today want us to go back to the way it was in 1776.

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The ignorant left can relax. "Smaller government" doesn't really mean small government. The ignorant left should know better and the savvy left should be less dependent on Soros propaganda. The first mission for government bureaucracies is to get bigger and get more (taxpayer) funding and increase their influence in the volatile world of ass kicking competing federalism. It's no secret that you could probably fire 1/4 of federal employees and merge agencies and the government wouldn't miss a beat. It's the radical left that dreams of a pristine simple world of windmills and dancing solar panels but they seem to need 10,000 federal agencies to impliment their dream. Reagan was right. Government is the problem not the solution.
Pubs have NEVER done a DAMN thing to make gov't smaller or cut waste, yet the dupes still believe it! Unbelievable.

Hey rusty tub, why don't you try to find a forum in the country formerly known as England and quit boring us with your lack of knowlege? Can't find a decent venue in the UK to argue whether the Royal family are trailer trash with nice jewelry or whether the Euro trumps the shilling? We saved your pitiful DNA twice in the 20th century. Don't make us cross the pond to spank you.
Pubs have NEVER done a DAMN thing to make gov't smaller or cut waste, yet the dupes still believe it! Unbelievable.

Hey rusty tub, why don't you try to find a forum in the country formerly known as England and quit boring us with your lack of knowlege? Can't find a decent venue in the UK to argue whether the Royal family are trailer trash with nice jewelry or whether the Euro trumps the shilling? We saved your pitiful DNA twice in the 20th century. Don't make us cross the pond to spank you.

Of course you're 100% wrong again. Idiot. And nothing is as boring as fools like you with you STUPID talking points and idiotic insults. The liberals love me, because I own your idiot Pub dupe goat, a-hole LOL!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Do you know what location is, xenophobe, ignorant jackazz?
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I love these strawmen arguements - "You want to take us back to 1776".....
1890, actually. Because the demented Raygun and you believe Pubcrappe. The streets were covered with horseshytte, people worked 16 hr days 6 days a week, you'd be buried in a common grave at 50, etc etc. Read "The Good Old Days, They Were Terrible".:D

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